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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的 ...
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請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-22 17:40 |只看該作者

請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?

請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-22 17:58 |只看該作者

Re: 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?

Per my experience, different kindergarten has its own strength and weakness, and different kid has its different experience /explosure/ outcome after studying 3 years, and different mom has her own expectation on schools... you will see many " differences".

the most important is :
1) whether your kid is suitable for this school.
2) whether this school is suitable for your kid.
3) whether this school can meet the
    requirement/expectation of the parents.
4) whether the parents support and agree with the
    teaching  approach/direction of the schools.

Therefore, there is no prefect/ 特別多人讚賞的 schools.
    . Maybe my sharing is = no answer.   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-22 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?


You always say what I wanted to say.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-5-22 22:28 |只看該作者

Re: 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?

Hui Tung,
Remember we are partner, our company has interview courses for p1.. also, Danielboy is teacher..

Rank: 2

發表於 06-5-23 10:10 |只看該作者

Re: 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?

         totally agreed!!
monmantong 寫道:
Per my experience, different kindergarten has its own strength and weakness, and different kid has its different experience /explosure/ outcome after studying 3 years, and different mom has her own expectation on schools... you will see many " differences".

the most important is :
1) whether your kid is suitable for this school.
2) whether this school is suitable for your kid.
3) whether this school can meet the
    requirement/expectation of the parents.
4) whether the parents support and agree with the
    teaching  approach/direction of the schools.

Therefore, there is no prefect/ 特別多人讚賞的 schools.
    . Maybe my sharing is = no answer.   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-5-23 12:41 |只看該作者

Re: 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?


cheerio 寫道:
         totally agreed!![quote]
monmantong 寫道:
Per my experience, different kindergarten has its own strength and weakness, and different kid has its different experience /explosure/ outcome after studying 3 years, and different mom has her own expectation on schools... you will see many " differences".

the most important is :
1) whether your kid is suitable for this school.
2) whether this school is suitable for your kid.
3) whether this school can meet the
    requirement/expectation of the parents.
4) whether the parents support and agree with the
    teaching  approach/direction of the schools.

Therefore, there is no prefect/ 特別多人讚賞的 schools.
    . Maybe my sharing is = no answer.   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-5-23 13:14 |只看該作者

Re: 請問大家有無聽過九龍塘區那一間的幼稚園特別多人讚賞的, 可以在這裏介紹嗎?

咁講,個個家長都覺得自己揀俾仔女讀的學校好架啦,唔好都唔會送仔女去,咁係咪最多人讚就最好呢?我簡單舉個例你自己諗。你話 Heep Yunn 好定 St. Cat. 好?不相上下啦。但係呢度好少講 Heep Yunn,係咪唔好呢?再睇清楚,St. Cat 29班 Heep Yunn 2班,你估邊間會多家長上來 BK?
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