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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 收到浸小信了
樓主: Hang'sMum

收到浸小信了 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 15:22 |只看該作者
My daughter is in HKBUK. We are invited to the 2nd in. Be honest, I don't understand and even have puzzled by their selection criteria. My daughter didn't do the talent show and her interview was just as usual from her feedback to me. One thing may be contributed to the selection is the parent questionnaire. As I am a stay-at-home mom, I mentioned that I am able to join the parent volunteer subject to my availability. It seems that they are really stressed on the parent involvement.

Talking about the waiting list and the waiting letter on 2nd in., I believe many schools take this approach but many of them will not tell you. Like Logos, we did not have the 2nd in. I believed that they have finished the first batch of 2nd in and have already offered seats to some kids as of today. I called them to check the status at the very beginning of 2nd in. The staff mentioned to me verbally the word 'waiting list' and is subject to the principle's instruction for the other batches 2nd in. They ask me to wait for later news.

Sorry to hear those parents who have received reject letter especially who are from HKBUK. Definitively, it would not be a good feeling to get the 'reject' news at the first. My personal feeling is that it may not be a bad idea if they notify me my status at various stages. Keep me informed is better than keep me crazy in waiting.

To us, Sep is a long long time. Trust your kids; every kid has his/her strong side. Hope that your kids will have better offer later.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-18 15:41 |只看該作者
個人覺得 '叩門' 係一件好平常既事, 都係盡力去做好一件事既其中一環. 唔使用個 ' " 字姐..........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 15:46 |只看該作者

You're right........Keep parents informed is better to keep parents waiting.

原文章由 AA-ma 於 07-9-18 15:22 硐表
My daughter is in HKBUK. We are invited to the 2nd in. Be honest, I don't understand and even have puzzled by their selection criteria. My daughter didn't do the talent show and her interview was just ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 15:59 |只看該作者

'叩門'係好平常嘅,可能我地有d d 怒氣、晦氣、怨氣及挫敗感 令到言詞"激"咗少少,比我地發洩下就冇事gar la.  

原文章由 Lofty 於 07-9-18 15:41 硐表
個人覺得 '叩門' 係一件好平常既事, 都係盡力去做好一件事既其中一環. 唔使用個 ' " 字姐..........

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 16:01 |只看該作者
OIC, thank you for correcting me.
原文章由 CnLola 於 07-9-18 14:59 硐表
No, last year only Pui Kiu was Group interview.  

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 16:16 |只看該作者
Yes, the second interview will be group interview.  I guess it's in the form of discussion or information/experience sharing of parental issues.  The School may, through the group discussion, know better whether we are "the" parents they look for (cooperative and constructive to the School).

原文章由 makfr 於 07-9-18 14:51 硐表
Do u mean that 2nd interview is group interview?  As far as I know, CKY's 2nd interview is group interview (if I recember correctly), there will be 3 families sit for the interview togther with the Pr ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 16:43 |只看該作者

Good Luck toyou.

原文章由 JYYHMama 於 07-9-18 16:16 硐表
Yes, the second interview will be group interview.  I guess it's in the form of discussion or information/experience sharing of parental issues.  The School may, through the group discussion, know bet ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 16:58 |只看該作者
Many thanks, makfr.  Hope all BK parents can eventually find a suitable school for our child.

原文章由 makfr 於 07-9-18 16:43 硐表

Good Luck toyou.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-18 17:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 d2343130 於 07-9-18 10:27 硐表
........我覺得,呢間學校應唔止會睇小朋友的interview表現, 仲有家長那份又長又多嘢的問卷.......

哈哈哈~ 我又收到reject信,不過我覺得今次小朋友比人reject非戰之罪,要怪都係怪佢亞媽我之前一晚無好好溫書應付呢張考人既問卷

不過老實講我都有少少唔開心,咁就比人呃左一百大元 :tongue:

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 17:28 |只看該作者
I got a reject letter too.  I am also a housewife, I did put down in the questionaire that I would be quite happy to help the school if they need any volunteers for their school activities.  My son sang a song in the talent show, he appeared to be quite calm and happy before and after the interview although he didn't tell me much about it.  My friend's son also got a reject letter, both the parents have achieved very good education and the dad is working in the medical field.

Honestly, I don't know about their assessment criteria.  I asked them before how many applicants there are this year and never get a definate answer from them.  The answer was quite a lot.  The most disappointed thing is after the seminar evening, they promised that they would answer more Q & A and post them on the school website.  I believe that they have done this at last, but it is not for the public to view.  Another thing is the principal's sudden resignation -  perhaps the existing HKBUAS's parents can share their views about any changes so far?

I was a bit disappointed at first when I received the reject letter but not anymore......I'd rather know a definate answer than keep on waiting and waiting.

Congratulations to those who have got a 2nd interview and best of luck during the day!  For the rest of us, don't be too down-hearted....this is only the beginning we still have many good choices.  We have done our best already.  The most important thing is not to put pressure on your kids.

quote]原文章由 AA-ma 於 18/9/07 15:22 硐表
My daughter is in HKBUK. We are invited to the 2nd in. Be honest, I don't understand and even have puzzled by their selection criteria. My daughter didn't do the talent show and her interview was just ... [/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 17:30 |只看該作者

你又唔好話人呃你一百蚊, 話哂你比表之前都知比出去的報名費無回頭的....

我其實都有帶同seminar 比的school info去抄考, 可能無咩心機填(因之憎寫問卷),抄下抄下是但就算, anyway,我都改變咗對呢間學校的睇法,所以只係唔順氣佢地唔收個仔而唔會好失落!!

當時去seminar, 陳校長都講明要家長返夜學.....,無所謂啦, 竟來之,即安之.....仲有其他學校,right!!

原文章由 Diamond 於 07-9-18 17:09 硐表

哈哈哈~ 我又收到reject信,不過我覺得今次小朋友比人reject非戰之罪,要怪都係怪佢亞媽我之前一晚無好好溫書應付呢張考人既問卷

不過老實講我都有少少唔開心,咁就比人呃左一百大元 :tongue: ...
回 望 這 半 生 也 許 是 場 夢 年 月 已 帶 走 幾 個 秋 與 冬 淚 也 倦 了 夢 也 不 斷 轉 眼 逝 去 生 命 或 許 是 場 空

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-18 17:44 |只看該作者
原文章由 d2343130 於 07-9-18 17:30 硐表

你又唔好話人呃你一百蚊, 話哂你比表之前都知比出去的報名費無回頭的.......

唔係佢唔收我小朋友我先話佢呃,一開始知佢收一百咁多已經覺得唔合理,出面好多都收二十/三十,五十我都覺得 Fair.... anyway,呢一百買我一家人 Interview 既經驗其實我覺得都值,不過唔等如佢地呢一百收得合理o羅 其實講得衰d,我覺得佢地係明搶


Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 18:32 |只看該作者
我想問下, 浸幼又無學卷, 依家浸小又收咁少學生.
唔知 k1, k2既 家長會唔會又考慮轉校呢?!
我知有好多家長都無報其他小學, 一心諗住直升浸小.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 18:59 |只看該作者
'hi all

我朋友係 full time mama
就取錄到 2 nd in
唔通做 full time mama 先優勝

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 21:17 |只看該作者
我都係FULL TIME MAMA一樣reject,我諗首論interview小朋友的表現好緊要,學校通常都比較喜歡開朗健談活潑的學生,內向,怕羞,慢熱的小朋友一般面試都比較難取胜的.
原文章由 好姨 於 07-9-18 18:59 硐表
'hi all

我朋友係 full time mama
就取錄到 2 nd in
唔通做 full time mama 先優勝

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 21:26 |只看該作者

原文章由 pandayumama 於 07-9-18 21:17 硐表
我都係FULL TIME MAMA一樣reject,我諗首論interview小朋友的表現好緊要,學校通常都比較喜歡開朗健談活潑的學生,內向,怕羞,慢熱的小朋友一般面試都比較難取胜的.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-18 22:19 |只看該作者
我個仔啱啱係 兩者中間,都reject 咗...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 22:38 |只看該作者
I'm a working mother .

原文章由 好姨 於 07-9-18 18:59 硐表
'hi all

我朋友係 full time mama
就取錄到 2 nd in
唔通做 full time mama 先優勝

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-18 23:24 |只看該作者

我都是fulltime Mama, 今天剛收到拒絕信, 自己係公司, 都喊咗出嚟, 我已經用咗婆婆地址, (不是沙田),好失望, 可能自己太老定. ,依傢都唔知同唔同個女寫信去求請.?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-18 23:25 |只看該作者
都唔係話你係吃不的葡萄....我未收到REJECT LETTER之前都POSTED過我對學校的負面觀點....因我覺得有心辨學係唔係會甘呢???

$100 我比得起, 亦唔介意當DONATION比學校, 只係以佢地現今的情況, 佢比我2ND INTERVIEW,我都唔會去, 因我唔係太鍾意呢學校啦.....

我老公話佢地好世利....收生又唔知點收...人事/行政又另有內情, 不過, 間間學校都有鬼馬,只係你把尺係點量之嗎.....

ANYWAY, 有得係呢學校2ND INTERVIEW的家長, 努力...

(只係個人發表,唔啱睇的話, SORRY了)

原文章由 Diamond 於 07-9-18 17:44 硐表

唔係佢唔收我小朋友我先話佢呃,一開始知佢收一百咁多已經覺得唔合理,出面好多都收二十/三十,五十我都覺得 Fair.... anyway,呢一百買我一家人 Interview 既經驗其實我覺得都值,不過唔等如佢地呢一百收得合理o羅 其實講得 ...
回 望 這 半 生 也 許 是 場 夢 年 月 已 帶 走 幾 個 秋 與 冬 淚 也 倦 了 夢 也 不 斷 轉 眼 逝 去 生 命 或 許 是 場 空
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