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樓主: JWKC

So Chit Nursery [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-26 00:49 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sorb 於 10-2-19 18:08 發表
Haha, interesting comments I have ever heard. I never had this concern.  All the students I have met in KCS are pretty smart with good manner. I can tell most parents have spent lots of time to nurtur ...

"Frankly speaking, KCS has screamed the quality of the students for us among so many applicants, so, don't think too much. Instead, you should be proud of your child having an offer from it"

-->>哈,的確,吾只一個人知道蘇浙收左我仔仔後,即刻就話:"嘩,咁好呀?蘇浙好難入架喎!"其實我自己之前對蘇浙無乜認識,所以聽到佢地咁講,我先知原來呢間學校真係好似口碑幾好!!Sorb,你既意見亦加強左我對呢間學校既信心(雖然我而家仲未完全confirm去蘇浙)!  : )

Rank: 4

發表於 10-2-26 09:33 |只看該作者
I learnt from parents who have children studying in KCS Int'l, places there are allocated on a first come first served basis.  If you are interested in 2011 K1, you better submit the application now so that you are in the front of the queue.

Mums, don't put too much pressure on yourself, who will care which KG your kids have gone to when they go out to work. Don't exagerate it too far.

原帖由 pingu_k 於 10-2-26 00:35 發表
Hi sh_yip,

"I also applied KCS (K1 - Int'l Stream) for my son for 2011 school term, but I'm now on waiting list"
--> 見你咁講,好驚添.....想請問一下,你係指蘇浙既2011年(即明年) K1 已經報了名,仲已經出 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-2-27 01:35 |只看該作者
hi sorb.....thank you for your sharing so much!
Is the enrollment for 2011 K1 class starting now???  I think it should be from this sept....am i right??? I don't want to miss the timing

原帖由 Sorb 於 10-2-26 09:33 發表
I learnt from parents who have children studying in KCS Int'l, places there are allocated on a first come first served basis.  If you are interested in 2011 K1, you better submit the application now s ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-2-27 02:17 |只看該作者
原帖由 Sorb 於 10-2-26 09:33 發表
I learnt from parents who have children studying in KCS Int'l, places there are allocated on a first come first served basis.  If you are interested in 2011 K1, you better submit the application now s ...

tks Sorb!!要咁快排/申請??請問係咪int'l stream先係咁?如果local stream,係咪都係今年9月左右先報架?



Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-1 09:26 |只看該作者
You are rignt, 2011 K1' local stream application will begin this September.  You watch out for the deadline lah.

KCS KG Int'l stream on a first come first served basic.  No interview is required, not sure it will change in the future.

Quesstion: 如果蘇浙N1學生,都要好似"街外人"咁一早排定隊,一樣咁申請?  - Answer is "YES"

原帖由 pingu_k 於 10-2-27 02:17 發表

tks Sorb!!要咁快排/申請??請問係咪int'l stream先係咁?如果local stream,係咪都係今年9月左右先報架?


我只係怕因為我自己既大意,而令自己既小朋友 ...
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