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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴
樓主: SK11

唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 14:42 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

劍嗚真係一間好普通的幼稚園, 它的師生比例只可以1:12, 國際班只係由k2開始由英普老師做班主任, k1就只係粵英班主任, 3年外籍老師長註課室, 成日要d小朋友長聽長講, 老師又成日打電話比家長, 學校又日發通告比家長叫家長回校做義工, "驚死"學校發生d事家長唔知, 又成日希望家長知到小朋友課室內d環境, 貼晒小朋友d勞作在課室想家長去睇, 真係"普通".

入到間名校當然父母覺得光榮, 如果小朋友唔係名校中最勁果d學生, 在名校也只是"普通"的學生  ;

我都好同意一樣野, 津校是計分的, 如果哥哥或姐姐在校, 必收!同邊間幼稚園出來是無關, 學校好多事都是公報, 你信唔信都是自己的選擇
依晴Hillary, 依韻Eleanor

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 18:11 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

Hi safarimama,

My son is also accepted by KeenMind pm class.

I 've visited their classroom during the interview day, I found that the classroom is quite small, it seems it is quite crowded to have 12 kids and 1 teacher in one classroom. But i don't know how is it in real class. Can u share more?

for the  teachers, i think some of them are very good, e.g. the one interview my son, because he lieks her a lot and answer all the questions.
For the one inside the classroom looks very tired and not really like to answer parents 's questions.
is that true?
any foreign teachesrs? cos i cannot see one during the interview

Thounsands of thanks!!!!!!!!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 18:31 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

Lik Lik,
pls check pm :wink:
;-) :-o 8-) :-? :-P :-x

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 18:38 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴


I think you do not have enough research, do you know some can enter the government primary schools by knocking the doors?
so it is not 100% that 同邊間幼稚園出來是無關的, if 2 kids knocked the doors to Maryknoll, do you know who will have higher chance? one is from famous kindergarten, one is non-famous?

由 Lyn 於 2006-12-05 12:47:07由 Lyn 於 2006-12-05 12:47:07

緊記一樣野, 津校是計分的, 如果哥哥或姐姐在校, 必收!

如間幼稚園寫出來, 就真係....唔知自己無知, 定當人地係無知.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 18:47 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

re classroom- if you visited the other schools in kln tong, you will find Km's classrooms are not small. base on the capacity of those classrooms, maxi students are 24, which I think it is okay, because you can imagine if there are 24 adults, it would be very crowded, however, they are only kids 3-6 years, it won't be too crowded; in my son's class, there are 3 groups, each has 8 kids which are good enough.
also, there are 2 teachers in the class, ratio is 1 to 12, therefore.

Re NET- maybe they were not the interviewer? they were in the garden to play with the kids during the interview days.

Re teachers- so far I found teachers are very caring and nice, which gave me very warm feeling in the school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-5 18:51 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

hi happybobo,

I believe KM principal want to give the kids a good interview experience, and let the parents know more about KM educational concepts. And, it is not a right  time to show off about "NET". Besides, most little kids can't understand or communicate with foreigner. Thus, the Principal didn't ask the NETs be the interviewer. But, if you were not in hurry, you could see some NETs in the outdoor area to have some fun activities for the kids.

;-) :-o 8-) :-? :-P :-x

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-5 19:02 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 22:43 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

小兒於pre-nursery同被Keen Mind及Victoria(HMT)收了, 結果我選擇了Victoria(HMT);

K1時同被St.Cat (羅福道am)及Victoria(HMT)取錄了, 結果我都係選擇了Victoria(HMT).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-6 08:02 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

Lyn 寫道:
緊記一樣野, 津校是計分的, 如果哥哥或姐姐在校, 必收!

如間幼稚園寫出來, 就真係....唔知自己無知, 定當人地係無知.  

唉,你又唔好話人無知... 這個世界還有直資和私小,而且直資,特別是一條龍學校十分受家長歡迎。我之前列出的學校,有不少是直資和私校。

另外,有些幼稚園的確是較多學生進入有名的官津小校,我的分析是這樣的:那些名校 old boys and old girls 的子女,相信很多幼稚園會收的幾會都很大,結果是這其實反映了那些名校 old boys and old girls 多數會為小朋友選那些幼稚園。若然你自己本身不是 old boys or old girls,那當然不要抱甚麼寄望子女可以憑讀那一間幼稚園能夠提高進入名官津小學的機會,除非你的子女是全級中表現最特出的幾個,並取得校長的推薦信。正如 monmantong 所說,不同幼稚園校長的推薦信,當然會有分別。

此外,KM 少人認識是很自然的。 KM 每年的畢業生過去幾年都不足一百人,而且學校又新,不是太多學校有 KM 的畢業生。相對來說,SC 每年有差不多 700 個學生畢業,歷史又較久,當然會多人認識。


唉,其實我本來也沒有打算 post KM 那張 chart 的資料出來,只不過 safarimama 提起,但和我所知的有輕微出入,所以作出補充罷。

KM 對我的小朋友來說,好處是學校細,師生關係好,老師留意到小朋友在學校有甚麼特別事情,都會和家長相量。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-6 08:24 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

safarimama and monmantong,

Thanks a lot!

my son is accepted to pm international class. Will he learn English well? I mean talk fluently with foreigners. Because we mainly use Cantonese at home.

Besides, is there any special way in inspiring creativity?

Sorry to ask so many questions, because we live in NT and not know much abt the school in KLT.

Thanks again

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-6 09:22 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

safarimama and monmantong,


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-6 12:15 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

happybobo & Hinbabyma,

My son also accepted by KM pm international class and I probably will let him study in KM.  Maybe we will become classmate next year  :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-7 12:13 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

actually the curriculum between am and pm class are same, only the difference is -- the NET will be the class teacher for pm class.
you need not worry the Chinese level, KM won't focus on any language, Chinese/Eng/Maths are more even. Also, if you read their chinese level, you may find they are not so easy..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-7 12:15 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

Re Eng- for pm class, since they have NET for class teacher, they must communicate with the NET in Eng only, therefore, finally they can speak Eng more fluently.

Re Creative- I believe yes, because they have projects to work on and in their teaching method, I find they are not using very traditional way..

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-7 13:12 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

Me too. And I want to add one more point. Victoria is a very famous school on HK Island. But I have joined their playgroup and found it was a bit overated. Teachers are quite superficial. I did not apply for it this year, yet, regarding frame and popularity, it is still a "leading" kinder.
lingpanda 寫道:
1. St. Catherine
2. 維多利亞
3. 根德園
4. 劍鳴

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-7 13:35 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

這裏好似好多km fans.

提到叩 門或報直資和私校, 就更加要找出名的幼稚園啦.

誤導可大可小, 人家的寶寶都是一個起二個止.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-7 14:26 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

好多人都話根德園既學術係一流既, 但事實既背後都幾令人反感.  我朋友個女今天 8 月讀 K1, 迎新日巳經幾 tough 咁同家長講話小朋友最好唔為左玩或者旅行而請假, 如果請病假都記得要做功課, 搭校車就照樣將個書包放係校車送返學校收功課.  學校唔會攪其他既活動.....K1 下學期小朋友一定要識寫自己既名. 唔達標既小朋友學校就會請佢地走.  

好喇, 開學到而家佢個女都讀左幾個月, 第一之評估有 80 分, 點知學校打電話比我個 friend, 話 80 分都未係合格, 如果下次評估未有改善既就可能會請小朋友走  

但我要講既係小朋友係學校都好開心, 所以學校只係迫家長, 並無對小朋友唔好.  anyway, 呢間學校比我既感覺係好差 :tongue:

SK11 寫道:
多謝各位的意見,但我和Shirley13322 一樣想知多一點關於根德園的。聽說根德園沒一個外籍老師,英文會差點,是嗎?有否小孩讀過根德園又升了上小學但英文尚好的家長可以分享下呢?

而人人都說St.Catherine 英文好,她的中文又會否差呢?小學跟得上嗎?又總聽說St.Catherine 和根德園都是名牌中的名牌,很矛盾。

我有個朋友在拔萃小學教,我問她的意見,大致也是說視乎家長想小朋友點,只是她多次強調她不認識劍鳴,你們說奇怪不奇怪?認為劍鳴收就放棄St.Catherine 和根德的家長可否亦分享一下?     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-7 14:29 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

bk 係幾多 km fans, 但係又唔可以話人"誤導" wow, 人哋都係講自己對學校的感覺及意見姐, 家長應會自己再了解及衡量真確性再幫囝囡去選擇

Lyn 寫道:

這裏好似好多km fans.

提到叩 門或報直資和私校, 就更加要找出名的幼稚園啦.

誤導可大可小, 人家的寶寶都是一個起二個止.  
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-7 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

據我了解, KM 學生唔多, 但比例上佢算有好多個外籍老師, 約有 9 個, 其中有一至兩個係 ABC. Main Stream 我唔知, 但下午班 int'l stream, 就肯定係外籍或abc 做班主任, state 係課室足 3 hrs.

至於唔係好出名就係事實如相較於 St. Cat, Victoria, KV 等等. 考私小或直資, 可能間幼稚園名氣唔夠, 但係 km train 出來的小朋友應該各方面都唔差, 考小學亦會唔錯
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-7 14:41 |只看該作者

Re: 唯多利亞 Vs 根德園 Vs St. Catherine Vs劍鳴

hi SKII,

hv u made ur choice..

i also hv same problem.. struggle bw Victoria and SC...  thoughl lots of pple says SC is very good and famous.. no specific area or particular "selling pt" i k c (unlike KM or other.. pple can quote more e.g. on it)... anyone can talk more (specific) on it..  

I love Victoria as my son progress a lot after going PN.. though it is commerised, it is giving wat we need.. and the transparency.. and my son also loves the school.. ... but my only problem is it is too far for me..

sori any BK ma can give me more good pt over SC.. so i can reconsider it.. ..
Dou 媽 :-?
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