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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 播道書院Vs. 聖若望(St. Johannes college)
樓主: CHWong68

播道書院Vs. 聖若望(St. Johannes college) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-8-14 16:04 |只看該作者

Re: 播道書院Vs. 聖若望(St. Johannes college)

Dear all,

Having struggled for some time whether to respond to those negative comments from those persons who have repeatedly attacked SJC, I decided to say out my observations on the issues, in particular the food supplier and attitude of Mrs Chung items.

First of all, I find that  the negative comments are released by the so-call ex SJC parents or some new comers of BK. I just wish to raise out if you have left for the school for one or the other reason, how come you would know what are going on currently in the school.  While the new comer, always uses the hear say information, is there any verification before putting it into BK? Be smart.  What are the behind rationale/intention?

Nevertheless, turning back to the food supplier issue, the issue was duly and fully explained to me during the parent day in 2004.  I must point out that before I went to the parent day, I did not know anything of the case.  It was the teacher who took the initiative to reveal the whole picture to me.  I still recalled that it was explained that the food supplier did have a food license.  But the license did not cover his outreaching food delivery service.  That is the core of the problem. Don't put all the blames on the school. Instead, the school had promptly remedied the situation by appointing new supplier.  What else would you expect the school to do? To cry for it or to sue the supplier? All are meaningless.

Most inportant of all, my child and her classmates have never complained against the hygienic condition of the food.  Just think it over, if the food is so smelly and rotten, why the kids do not complain to their parents for they have to endure the food everyday.

In respect of Mrs Chung's attitude, I think provided you get a sensible mind, you won't believe such allegation.  Being the principle of a school, is it worth to spank a child just because he will leave the school soon? Having considered that someone has descibed the school as a profit making/money making instituation, the spank would definitley jeropardize the whole school business, while on one hand someone has said Mrs. Chung is sophisticated in PR, using this theory, will Mrs. Chung be so foolish enough to spoil her whole business just because of the leaving of one or two student?  You know, the Director of SCJ has once donated US$ one million to build school in USA, would the monthly HK$3000 school fee worth the school to take such unreasonable step.  I can't hardly believe it.

Havind said the above, I share with Mau Mau that Mr. Chung is really welcomed by her students.  She always shows care towards them.  The most impressive thing is she knows every student in her school.  Can this be found in other schools?

It must be admitted that while we could not ensure everyone is satisified with SCJ for various reasons. But try to be fair, would this happen in other schools or our world.  Please don't exaggerate the things/vandalize the scool image/reputation without any substantial evidence any more.

Last but not least, I find that the school is progressing quite a lot and the overall services/academic standard are much higher than my expectations.  I think I have made a right choice to send my child studing in SJC.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-6 12:40 |只看該作者

Re: 播道書院Vs. 聖若望(St. Johannes college)

My daughter is also studing in SJC primary school. It is OK.

I don't believe Mrs Chung will spank a child . She seem very nice. She gave sweets to students when they were on picnic.  

You need to donate money for their Respect Elderly Day.  It costs about $400 ($60 per each teacher who teach you child).  But i don't think this is a problem. At least, you save your money on other  English Course for your child.

My last point, if you have money and want you child have good english standard.  This school is a good choice.

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