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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS
樓主: M仔媽

Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-17 19:25 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


youma 寫道:

6.        但一些超級英中(such as DBS, Heep Yun?)門外, 有大把成績最卓越的學生任它選擇, 卻偏就是年年要了一些第二三組別,玩冷門樂器的學生,而這樂器又是英中所缺的,若不是[純]靠音樂實力那是靠什麼?宣小家長很多每月花上數千元學音樂, 總是有原因的,

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-17 19:56 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

我反對...若不是[純]靠音樂實力那是靠什麼?宣小家長很多每月花上數千元學音樂, 總是有原因的...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 05-6-17 22:59 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

How about sport activities in APS?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-18 00:10 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

Hi Stones,

可能我寫得不夠清楚. 有勞你出動 來對付:
1.        我沒有說宣小全部學生都是[純]靠音樂實力, 請仔細看我原文.
2.        在宣小淨讀書叻和淨音樂叻的都有, 兩者皆叻的亦有. 正如令千金最終靠成績的當然大有人在..
3.        每所小學都有考最尾的(如有排名), 對嗎? 而考最尾的通常都派得不好.  而宣小[有些] 考最尾的卻派得極好, 原因不用再重述了.
4.        所以, 簡而言之, APS is highly recommended.
5.        那麼, 你要反對什麼? 還有什麼不滿呢?
6.        宣小的音樂老師(課外)粒粒皆名演奏家, 私人教授閒閒地$500-1000/hour 或以上.家長私人加堂的比比皆是, 每月肯給數千元音樂學費的不是少數  
7.        還有, APS今年(04-05)開始加深加重了課程, 功課不再會比KTS輕鬆.

Stones 寫道:
我反對...若不是[純]靠音樂實力那是靠什麼?宣小家長很多每月花上數千元學音樂, 總是有原因的...

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-18 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

原文: 7. 再重申, 宣小的中英數都是超班, 不用懷疑.又是四大{小學音樂獎庫}之首, 實力非凡,加上連成績非前列的學生的派位也這樣好, 夫復何求

請問何謂 "四大"?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-18 17:45 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

youma ,

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-18 23:31 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

Hi Stones, 是我不對才是, 已有個宣小家長老友說我雖是講事實, 但也應放婉轉些, 以免得罪人.

mingming04, 小學界四大音樂獎庫(宣小, 愛蝶基灣, St. Paul Co-Ed, 女拔)是我等八卦家長們的戲言, 未經證實, 不可當真.其實音小, 新小拔, 陳守仁, 油天等的表現都正在冒升, 音樂獎項應漸接近.

mingming04 寫道:
請問何謂 "四大"?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-18 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


mingming04 寫道:
原文: 7. 再重申, 宣小的中英數都是超班, 不用懷疑.又是四大{小學音樂獎庫}之首, 實力非凡,加上連成績非前列的學生的派位也這樣好, 夫復何求

請問何謂 "四大"?

Rank: 1

發表於 05-6-19 00:43 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


你說:「每間小學BANDING是靠多年前學能測驗成績來界定, 並不能顯示學校的實際學術水平。」



youma 寫道:
Myths, 你好,
1.        我沒有提出問題。
2.        每間小學BANDING是靠多年前學能測驗成績來界定, 並不能顯示學校的實際學術水平.況且過兩三年會重新以學術成績來再界定.
3.        宣小考100名外實力未必會差, 正如add2828指出, 有2位同學全校考第尾的被派到沙田的一間band1尾至band2頭的英中,他們均考第一、二。但追求100%band 1生的英中便怎也不會收band 2生.
4.        請恕我不知一間一條龍的超級英中的第二組別學生人數比宣小的是多還是少, 也不明白這表示什麼.
5.        一條龍的[超級]英中大概只有DBS, St. Paul  Convent 和 St.  Paul co-ed是新辦一條龍, 成龍後的成績是否仍[超級]還有待觀察.:
6.        但一些超級英中(such as DBS, Heep Yun?)門外, 有大把成績最卓越的學生任它選擇, 卻偏就是年年要了一些第二三組別,玩冷門樂器的學生,而這樂器又是英中所缺的,若不是[純]靠音樂實力那是靠什麼?宣小家長很多每月花上數千元學音樂, 總是有原因的,
7.        再重申, 宣小的中英數都是超班, 不用懷疑.又是四大{小學音樂獎庫}之首, 實力非凡,加上連成績非前列的學生的派位也這樣好, 夫復何求.
8.        如有冒犯, 請恕.
Myths 寫道:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-19 01:36 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

Myths, 你好,
1.        我沒有提出問題。
2.        多年前的學能測驗好像是測考學習能力, 主要目的並非考中英文(但有少少數學).
3.        中學校長在自行階段還不知考生的最後banding,但可參考其校內成績.
4.        說到[椰榆], 你言重了, BK是資訊意見交流的地方.
5.        Regarding the history and the future change of the schools' banding ratios, please refer to the recent consultation paper “Progress Report on the Education Reform (3) (December 2004)” at http://www.e-c.edu.hk/reform/consultation.html
6.        Good Night

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-19 23:37 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


I disagree with your point and you are too subjective.

If you see the winners of school music fest this year, the 1st three winners of APS students in music fest are listed as follows:
Piano : 43 students
violin/viola  : 21
Cello/Double Bass : 4
Oboe/Clarinet/Flute : 17
Wind Ensemble : 14
Chinese instrument: 6
Others : 14

If you see the above winners list,  APS students win nearly in every kind of instrument except for tuba, euphuim and bassoon in school fest.

How can the super famous school absorb so many APS students. APS, by far, bases its foundation on academics but not for music. Further, I trust that only very small portion of parents would spend several thousand on music. The super famous school would not admit the poor academic students to undermine their reputation!

youma 寫道:
.6.        但一些超級英中(such as DBS, Heep Yun?)門外, 有大把成績最卓越的學生任它選擇, 卻偏就是年年要了一些第二三組別,玩冷門樂器的學生,而這樂器又是英中所缺的,若不是[純]靠音樂實力那是靠什麼?宣小家長很多每月花上數千元學音樂, 總是有原因的,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-20 19:43 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

Does Alliance teach Chinese instrument as well? What kind of Chinese instruments?

Chulaiah 寫道:
If you see the winners of school music fest this year, the 1st three winners of APS students in music fest are listed as follows:
Piano : 43 students
violin/viola  : 21
Cello/Double Bass : 4
Oboe/Clarinet/Flute : 17
Wind Ensemble : 14
Chinese instrument: 6
Others : 14

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-20 23:56 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

Dear Chulaiah,

1.        Who says that top famous school absorb all or most Music Fest winners? It is not a secret that the super famous secondary school prefers the best candates performing the musical instruments that the school's orchestra was lacking of. Please note the key words “所缺的” ,“泠門樂器” in my passage. The lacking instruments vary year from year. Which are“泠門樂器"? You know better than me.
2.        Who says losers in Music Fest have little chance to famous school? For the same instrument, losers in grade 8 may perform better than winners in grade 2. Actual performance counts. That's why famous schools ask the candidates to attend an audition. For example, DBX admitted several APS P6 students who played percussion and unpopular Chinese instruments last year. Not all these students were winners in the Music Fest or highly-ranked in APS.
3.        Nevertheless, I didn't say that those low-ranked students in APS were "poor academic students". They could also be very good in academic compared to students in other schools. Please read add2828's passage.
4.        Some famous schools like DBX/DGX/Lam WXX/St. PXXX Co-Ed admits academic elites and non-academic elites (sports, music, creative inventors,etc) for many decades. Did you see that their reputation has been undermined?
5.        Whether my words are “too subjective” depends on whether my opinion is based on facts. Sorry that I don't know how to prove my stated fact in the cyber world. You are better to verify with the real APS parents in the real world.
6.        I am better to stop here as I am too tired to respond and far deviated from the topic. Anyway, thanks for your statistics which are really useful.
7.        下次見到關於APS的TOPIC都係閃開好.

Dear CSL123,
APS does not provide Chinese instrument training. The winners learn from famous tutors outside the school.

Chulaiah 寫道:

I disagree with your point and you are too subjective.

If you see the above winners list,  APS students win nearly in every kind of instrument except for tuba, euphuim and bassoon in school fest.

How can the super famous school absorb so many APS students. APS, by far, bases its foundation on academics but not for music. Further, I trust that only very small portion of parents would spend several thousand on music. The super famous school would not admit the poor academic students to undermine their reputation!

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-21 19:14 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


It appears that you misinterupt my main point and don't attend to the crux of the question. Would you elaborate your point 2 & 4 by giving evidence?
How do you know that the admitted students were not highly ranked in APS?


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 05-6-21 20:48 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-6-21 20:58 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


Only the less famous English School or One dragon School need to worry the % of band 1 students, as you mention about, the famous school can afford 10% band 2 students, so learning musical instruments still are the weapons. Moreover, I think learning musical instruments is benefits to students, so why not?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-21 22:41 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

Don't really understand why you guys are so sensitive.  

For prospective parents of primary schools, don't forget, the kids' preferences can be more important than mere reputation.  

As a Q, quite pleased that I turned down APS's offer last year.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-6-21 23:27 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS

ckw921 ,

Your logic, if any, is funny. Discuss and respond = sensitive?  If both sides insist on the validity of their viewpoints and want to clarify them further, discussion on forum can best serve such purpose.

Frankly, I don't understand why the discussion by the 'parents' on this topic would make you feel that you are quite pleased that you turned down APS's offer last year for your 'child'?  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-6-22 19:16 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


What is the workload of KTS and is it teaching English Maths and general studies? What kind of ECAs do KTS provide in the school?

Rank: 1

發表於 05-6-23 12:10 |只看該作者

Re: Kowloon Tong school or Kowloon APS


So do I that I also don't understand your "Ah Q" logic. I  enjoy reading others discussion for my limited understanding.

If possible, I wish to be "Ah Q" in someday, please share with me how to you discriminate against the school from the discussion.     

To declare, upto this moment, I am not a parent of the discussed school but need to make a decision soon.  
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