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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 這裡8間黃埔N1, 請比意見..
樓主: moniking

這裡8間黃埔N1, 請比意見.. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-11 14:18 |只看該作者
本來打算先插班讀安基,如果唔得九月先轉去讀任永賢, 但係任永賢話唔得(因收左我仔二月插班,唔可以延至九月).
我話俾埋留位費都唔得. 所以我都無得揀,唯有任永賢啦.

原帖由 josewing 於 08-12-10 03:46 PM 發表
係呀, 而家讀緊N1 .
主要都係想睇下你想BB 要D 咩,同埋你BB喜歡邊間學校多D. 因為讀係全日,大部份時間都係返學, BB 鐘唔鐘意間學校好主要因數. 因為我囝囝而家得2多歲,所以想佢學下自理同RULES.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-11 15:21 |只看該作者
你囝囝9月都係讀N1? 我囝囝9月讀K1 啦, 佢會讀保良局譚歐陽少芳紀念幼稚園

原帖由 Prudencelamlam 於 08-12-11 14:18 發表
本來打算先插班讀安基,如果唔得九月先轉去讀任永賢, 但係任永賢話唔得(因收左我仔二月插班,唔可以延至九月).
我話俾埋留位費都唔得. 所以我都無得揀,唯有任永 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-11 17:02 |只看該作者
係呀,因為佢係1月出世, 一定要做大仔....
我下年都打算報歐陽少芳呀, 聽講都難入架喎, 你就好啦.

原帖由 josewing 於 08-12-11 03:21 PM 發表
你囝囝9月都係讀N1? 我囝囝9月讀K1 啦, 佢會讀保良局譚歐陽少芳紀念幼稚園

[ 本帖最後由 Prudencelamlam 於 08-12-11 17:04 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-11 19:01 |只看該作者
我囝都係1月出世, n1 都係上年3月開學( 果時佢cry佐2個星期呀,因為足age 2 就返學, 仲好bb,又返全日關係),

譚歐陽interview 用英文的, 記得同阿仔train下就sure win la.

原帖由 Prudencelamlam 於 08-12-11 17:02 發表
係呀,因為佢係1月出世, 一定要做大仔....
我下年都打算報歐陽少芳呀, 聽講都難入架喎, 你就好啦.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-12 14:46 |只看該作者
Prudencelamlam, I also need to face to the problem that how to choose between Onkei & POH last month. Finaly let my girl go to POH in Dec~~~

Not sure whether I made the right decidision or not for never experience in Onkei and hard to copmare with.

Anyway, the principal of Onkei is quite very nice and warmhearted. I ever thought if my girl cannot adapt the life in POH I will let her go to Onkei then.

BTW, if ur son/girl also enrol in POH, seems will be the classmate with mine then, hehe~~~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-12 15:38 |只看該作者
Hi Alice,

So how do you feel about POH now after your girl join the school? Do you think the teachers/staffs are nice? Do they keep in close contact with you regarding how your girl doing in school?
I heard that the teachers are very nice in Onkei, but not sure about POH.

原帖由 Alice00 於 08-12-12 02:46 PM 發表
Prudencelamlam, I also need to face to the problem that how to choose between Onkei & POH last month. Finaly let my girl go to POH in Dec~~~

Not sure whether I made the right decidision or not for ne ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-12 17:23 |只看該作者

原帖由 josewing 於 08-12-11 07:01 PM 發表
我囝都係1月出世, n1 都係上年3月開學( 果時佢cry佐2個星期呀,因為足age 2 就返學, 仲好bb,又返全日關係),

譚歐陽inter ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-12 18:04 |只看該作者
Hi, Prudencelamlam, so far so good ar. As for my case, one of the two teachers of N1 would tell me how the performance my girl the day is when I myself came to take her home. If is her grandma help to take her in and out, Ms usually leave a messenge to me in the bag, e.g. said she adapt well, be quite and behavor well something like that~~~but not sure whether is just for new comers only or will keep it on~~~As a new-hand mami, have no idea is that good enough~~~

BTW,For it is Montessori Method, so kids usually choose a work and play themselves quietly, sort of differents from other tranditional N1, but also have exercising time and Putonghua & English class time~~~

原帖由 Prudencelamlam 於 08-12-12 15:38 發表
Hi Alice,

So how do you feel about POH now after your girl join the school? Do you think the teachers/staffs are nice? Do they keep in close contact with you regarding how your girl doing in school?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-15 13:18 |只看該作者
救世軍都收咗我仔, 星期六先去in咋, 咁救世軍同博愛任永賢係咪差不多呢?兩間都係蒙特疏利教學.

原帖由 Alice00 於 08-12-12 06:04 PM 發表
Hi, Prudencelamlam, so far so good ar. As for my case, one of the two teachers of N1 would tell me how the performance my girl the day is when I myself came to take her home. If is her grandma help to ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-16 14:29 |只看該作者
Prudencelamlam,what a coincidence that I also went to 救世軍 for interview and also get accepted last Sat lar. As I knew, the difference from 救世軍 to 博愛任永賢 is: 救世軍 has 蒙特疏利教學 one day a week only, and 博愛 is all the time. but 救世軍 has the education method for long and much famous.

And in fact I kind of afraid if kids used to mont's method will hard to adapt tranditional P1 in the future. So I will let my girl go to K1 in SA next year.

In my opinion, a nearby N1 will be better for kids to adapt a brand-new lifestyle lar, for parents, also be more coinvenience. so Istill prefer POH right now. Moreover, my girl quite enjoyed the school life since the first day and adapt well, always like to go to nursery even asked at weekends.....so I suppose POH is good, haha~~~~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-16 15:27 |只看該作者
Alice, such a coincidence! So your kid will join救世軍 next Sept for K1?  I think I will have my boy join 救世軍 N1 becuase it's near to our home. I did not know that they only teach 蒙特疏利 one day a week, thank you for your information.
Then, do you know whether they have English and Putogua teacher?

原帖由 Alice00 於 08-12-16 02:29 PM 發表
Prudencelamlam,what a coincidence that I also went to 救世軍 for interview and also get accepted last Sat lar. As I knew, the difference from 救世軍 to 博愛任永賢 is: 救世軍 has 蒙特疏利教學 one day a ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-16 17:11 |只看該作者
Prudencelamlam, yeah ar, my girl will join救世軍 next Sept forK1. oh, u live near to 救世軍 more ar?I think of course they have English and Putogua teacher as all kindergarten have that. But not sure the detail. I guess it is ok guar~~~and language learning cannot just rely on school teaching in my mind lar, so not care it so much~~~ btw, before I send my girl to POH, I didn't know they have native English speaker and putonghua speaker either ar~~

原帖由 Prudencelamlam 於 08-12-16 15:27 發表
Alice, such a coincidence! So your kid will join救世軍 next Sept for K1?  I think I will have my boy join 救世軍 N1 becuase it's near to our home. I did not know that they only teach 蒙特疏利 one day  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-12-16 17:12 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

We also live in Whampoa, my bb is only 13months right now. Can we apply N1? I have submit the application form to 救世軍 , but they said she is too young and have to wait. No interview has been arranged so far.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-16 17:29 |只看該作者
Alice, I knew that POH have native English and Putogua teacher, that's the reason it's so difficult for me to choose between POH and Onkei. Now, I will pick 救世軍 as it's near to my home. Save some money on taxi everyday.
I think it's better to have native English and Putogua teacher in school because it's very important to let the kids learn the correct pronunciation from the very young age. Anyway, I think I will take my son to some English class in the weekend. Do you have any recommendation?

原帖由 Alice00 於 08-12-16 05:11 PM 發表
Prudencelamlam, yeah ar, my girl will join救世軍 next Sept forK1. oh, u live near to 救世軍 more ar?I think of course they have English and Putogua teacher as all kindergarten have that. But not sure  ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-16 17:51 |只看該作者
littlechunchun, don't be worried, usually all N1 will arrange the interview after bb reach 18mths or much later ar, just be patient~~~and only 救世軍 need to summit the form so early lar~~~for they are "first in first get" ar~~~other N1 u need to phone to ask the detail of submit date, usually be different~~~

原帖由 littlechunchun 於 08-12-16 17:12 發表
We also live in Whampoa, my bb is only 13months right now. Can we apply N1? I have submit the application form to 救世軍 , but they said she is too young and have to wait. No interview has been arrang ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-16 18:04 |只看該作者
Prudencelamlam,yeah, near home is also good for kids especially when rainning lar~~~~~I do agree the acent for early age is important. But for my girl's case, she spoke some english words in uncorrect accent already because learnt from me or daddy, haha~~~I heard that the english playgroup in "Learning Habxx" seems good, and if like to do excercise it would be another choice - my Gxm, have native speakers~~~~but I might not let my girl take class in weekends so early ar, I would like her can enjoy an easy happy life first for there are lots of stress waiting for kids in the near future already~~~~hehe, only few years can play freely~~~~~

[ 本帖最後由 Alice00 於 08-12-16 18:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-17 18:57 |只看該作者
我朋友bb 剛剛12 months, 佢apply 佐迦南而學校都accept佢 ( 但只有pm class) , 佢話bb 大d 會call佢interview ,但要留位先
原帖由 littlechunchun 於 08-12-16 17:12 發表
We also live in Whampoa, my bb is only 13months right now. Can we apply N1? I have submit the application form to 救世軍 , but they said she is too young and have to wait. No interview has been arrang ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-12-17 19:01 |只看該作者
我都覺得n1 bb 一定要找一間近既學校. 有咩事都方便好多
原帖由 Prudencelamlam 於 08-12-16 17:29 發表
Alice, I knew that POH have native English and Putogua teacher, that's the reason it's so difficult for me to choose between POH and Onkei. Now, I will pick 救世軍 as it's near to my home. Save some m ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-18 10:53 |只看該作者
Alice, I just would like my son to interact with some native English speaker.... to learn correct English accent and not be afraid with foreigners.
I don't think it's good to let him do exercise now, it's too much. Can you send me the details for the one you suggested? Thanks a lot.

原帖由 Alice00 於 08-12-16 06:04 PM 發表
Prudencelamlam,yeah, near home is also good for kids especially when rainning lar~~~~~I do agree the acent for early age is important. But for my girl's case, she spoke some english words in uncorrect ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-12-18 10:55 |只看該作者

原帖由 josewing 於 08-12-17 07:01 PM 發表
我都覺得n1 bb 一定要找一間近既學校. 有咩事都方便好多
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