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教育王國 討論區 劍鳴幼稚園 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進
樓主: ChanHuiLing

劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-27 08:40 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進


I understand how u felt
coz my son was also sick for nearly the whole month in october
hope they'll be stronger and stronger!!

Woodymom 寫道:

My son studied in KMN1 and last year he did get sick quite easily in the first 3 months.  He was just absent from school for half months for the first month.  My doctor said it was very normal for kids to get sick when they first started schooling.  they need to adapt to different kinds of germs and even diseases. In K1, he has just taken 2 or 3 times so far. (Touch wood!)

If kids feel unwell in school, the teachers will ask parents to take them home immediately.
i_luv_ian 寫道:
Hi Woodymom

Thanks a lot for letting me know about that
you know children get sick easily^^

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-4-27 08:43 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

my boy takes a nap in the afternoon for 2 hours
i think i should help him change the routine starting from this summer
bigbighei 寫道:
我想問吓有冇讀pm既小朋友既家長呀! 我想請教一吓你地係點分配時間架, 可以可以分享吓呀!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-28 00:22 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

KM summer 好似有summer course, 你地會唔會報呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-4-29 08:36 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi LikLik,

咁! 知唔知到有咩嘢學架?
LikLik 寫道:
KM summer 好似有summer course, 你地會唔會報呀?

發表於 07-5-2 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-3 17:52 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi ChanHuiLing
Would you mind telling me when will it be held?
and is it only for new students?
thanks a lot!

ChanHuiLing 寫道:
I'm still considering on the summer course, as the course is for the whole week (at least two weeks) not twice a week.

發表於 07-5-3 19:15 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-3 19:57 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

我問咗km k1 的媽咪, summer course可以選4 weeks, 3 weeks or 2 weeks,  會有英文聽故事, 手工, cooking...etc, 都係玩多, 4 weeks 學費約$3000.  summer course 都可以有校車安排。

我應該會比個仔讀, 不過未知會報幾多weeks, 我想比個仔習慣吓個環境, 希望正式開學時唔駛喊太耐

不過我都擔心佢自己坐校車唔知點唔點 :cry:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-3 20:38 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Thanks a lot!
Actually I haven't done any research on summer courses because I'm kinda busy arranging to move by the end of this month, and I think I'll choose to take the summer course in KM for I hope he can get use to take school bus to school and the environment as well, I'm not able to take care of him in Sept. /.\
btw, where do u live? have u checked about KM schoolbus if they reach your home district?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-3 20:40 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi LikLik ma
I think Ian is going to be your son's classmate
I'm going to join the 2 or 3-week course
oh yes. do u know when it starts?

LikLik 寫道:
我問咗km k1 的媽咪, summer course可以選4 weeks, 3 weeks or 2 weeks,  會有英文聽故事, 手工, cooking...etc, 都係玩多, 4 weeks 學費約$3000.  summer course 都可以有校車安排。

我應該會比個仔讀, 不過未知會報幾多weeks, 我想比個仔習慣吓個環境, 希望正式開學時唔駛喊太耐

不過我都擔心佢自己坐校車唔知點唔點 :cry:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-4 12:07 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-4 12:09 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi Ian ma,

I also hope that Ian and LikLik can be classmate

Re the summer course, I checked with KM, the lady told me that the course will start fm the week of 30 July.  And she said we will receive the letter about  summer course details in mid of May.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-4 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi LikLik,

我都會比仔仔返暑期班, 等佢適應吓新學校既生活ma!!!
LikLik 寫道:
Hi Ian ma,

I also hope that Ian and LikLik can be classmate

Re the summer course, I checked with KM, the lady told me that the course will start fm the week of 30 July.  And she said we will receive the letter about  summer course details in mid of May.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-4 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Thanks a lot LikLik Ma
if it starts at the end of july
then i guess Ian will take the 3 weeks course
then he still has a week to rest b4 school starts

LikLik 寫道:
Hi Ian ma,

I also hope that Ian and LikLik can be classmate

Re the summer course, I checked with KM, the lady told me that the course will start fm the week of 30 July.  And she said we will receive the letter about  summer course details in mid of May.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-21 01:43 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi all,
Have you got any information about good courses for 2 1/2-yr-old children?
My boy will quit studying in nursery class starting from June, i'm afraid that he'll feel bored staying at home all day long.
Have any of you got letters from Keenmind yet?

Ian's mum

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-21 12:29 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

HI  i_luv_ian,

我都好想知呀! 我打過比學校,佢地5月底先會有通知呀!
i_luv_ian 寫道:
Hi all,
Have you got any information about good courses for 2 1/2-yr-old children?
My boy will quit studying in nursery class starting from June, i'm afraid that he'll feel bored staying at home all day long.
Have any of you got letters from Keenmind yet?

Ian's mum

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-21 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

i have not got the letter for KM.  what about you all?

I am also considering the summer programmes for Janan.  He will join the YMCA English programme on Saturdays from June.  But I have no ideas on the summer schedule.  I will definitely consider the programmes offered by KM.

Where can I know the school bus route?
靖直樂天名聲留, 朗月高照映楊柳

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-23 23:25 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi maisyraymond

i guess the school will let us know abt the school bus route on the parents' day in july
but if u really want to know earlier
u can call and ask abt it
let u all know if i receive the letter from km

maisyraymond 寫道:
i have not got the letter for KM.  what about you all?

I am also considering the summer programmes for Janan.  He will join the YMCA English programme on Saturdays from June.  But I have no ideas on the summer schedule.  I will definitely consider the programmes offered by KM.

Where can I know the school bus route?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-23 23:27 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

Hi bigbighei

u can call me ianma^^
if they said so
then i guess we'll receive the letter soon

bigbighei 寫道:
HI  i_luv_ian,

我都好想知呀! 我打過比學校,佢地5月底先會有通知呀!
i_luv_ian 寫道:
Hi all,
Have you got any information about good courses for 2 1/2-yr-old children?
My boy will quit studying in nursery class starting from June, i'm afraid that he'll feel bored staying at home all day long.
Have any of you got letters from Keenmind yet?

Ian's mum

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-5-23 23:54 |只看該作者

Re: 劍鳴2007 K1 家長請進

;-) :-o 8-) :-? :-P :-x
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