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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 SC + Heep yunn 點揀
樓主: papaya

SC + Heep yunn 點揀 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 16:48 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

由 sadsam 於 2005-12-02 16:39:09
津貼小學是靠派位wor! 唔關幼稚園學校事ma?派得好唔好首先取決於父母是否校董,起果間小學做,係咪果間小學畢業.


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 05-12-2 17:02 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀


I get (20 Marks) also, but I failed in La Salle. Are you sure 20 marks can get in Maryknoll? Luckly draw need luck!!!!!         

Rank: 4

發表於 05-12-2 17:23 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-2 17:54 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

守唔守規律、會否要guide住小朋友做功課?Definitely Not

很多私小都喜歡收SC的學生 - My daughter is studying K3 at St Catherine, and her school teacher said she is in the top range of the class but she failed all 私小 we applied

moooon 寫道:
Dear hugub,

Thanks for your sharing! 雖然如此,但有很多人都說SC有NET,英文水平很高(肯定好過KV咁話),您的睇法又如何?咁除了英文好,中文、數學、普通話又什麼情況呢?守唔守規律、會否要guide住小朋友做功課?


Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 05-12-2 18:07 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀


PER-SCHOOL ( VICTORIA ) 想佢入好幼稚園,面試表現好D
SC (K1-K3) 想入 LA SALLE 聽人講有校長人情分
Go to the church from 2001 until now!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 18:31 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

Dear hugub,



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 19:12 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

由 elegant 於 2005-12-02 17:54:53
My daughter is studying K3 at St Catherine, and her school teacher said she is in the top range of the class but she failed all 私小 we applied.

Dear elegant,

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-12-2 20:29 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

My daughter is now studying in P.1 and she is also graduated from SC.
I think my daughter really likes SC and she still insists to keep one SC schoolbag.
I think when compared with my son (he studies in St Teresa kindergarten), my daughter really enjoys her kindergarten school life. The curriculum in K.3 is really hard as compared to K.1 and K.2.
However, I think that my daughter has difficulty in Chinese for the first few months of primary life but English is no problem for her.
My daughter also failed all 私小 we applied, but I think the main reason is that she is too young (born in December) as many 私小 likes to recruit children that is bigger (especially before August).
Hope the information can help you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-2 22:30 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

Would you mind to tell us which primary schools that your daughter failed? Is she a small girl?

elegant 寫道:
很多私小都喜歡收SC的學生 - My daughter is studying K3 at St Catherine, and her school teacher said she is in the top range of the class but she failed all 私小 we applied

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-2 23:08 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

moooon 寫道:
[quote]由 hugub 於 2005-12-02 12:55:06

Dear hugub,
的有點心亂。Please reply me. Thank you![/quote]

我現在都仍在猶疑讓唔讓個仔入讀SC, 因為學費好貴. 不過同事個仔讀過, 話學校套教材好正. 係幫到家長怎樣去教個小朋友. 當然其實最終係家長去教個小朋友啦! 而SC的老師都有"參雌". 我現在暫時想法都係諗住都會讓個仔讀SC. 都有點:「難得考到,為何放棄?」的心態.

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-2 23:41 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

May I ask those prefer Heep Yunn to SC, do you have girls studied or studing Heep Yunn.  What I mean is, Heep Yunn is chosen by you because of word of mouth or by your experience.  

Thank you

Rank: 1

發表於 05-12-3 23:25 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

u  know  a lot  about  this  kinder??
i have so  many  friends 's child  study  in  this  kinder  are  loving it  so  much....
and  don't  u  think no  tea time  provide is the  important thing  of  choosing  a  kinder...ha
  this  is  a big school,i don't think they will mind to give out such food for the  children.
this  school is  a  good  school  only  for  those  who  are understanding they  are  treating  children  by  their  heart.......

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-3 23:33 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

I have chosen Heep Yunn kinder for my girl two years ago.
She was now in Heep Yunn P 1.
Heep Yunn Primary School will reserve all remaining seats in the third round P1 allocation for her kinder.
From the survey in the last P1 allocaton, it is about 50% of the kinder students could enter into Heep Yunn primary.
Remember that 90% of the primary graduates can enter into Heep Yunn Secondary. i.e. If your girl can fortunately enter in Heep Yunn Kindergarten, she will have 50% chance with a place in Band 1 English School.

Rank: 1

發表於 05-12-3 23:42 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

wa...,if  a  school   can  let  all  the  children   go  in the  primary  school  that  they  want.....i  think  that  we  surely just  ....dreaming  
school  is  a good  place that  let  our  chidren  behave  themselves  and  learning try to sure  themselves ,out  of  their little house(family),
SC  is  surely  one of the good school  can  provide a good environment for those little childs  to  develop
their  different  skill.....and  at  last  the childen can go  into  the  goog  primary  is  by  lucky  and  parent  's teaching....   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 00:28 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

I totally agree that SC has a very good system and the children are very happy, this is because they never disciplined children's behaviour at school. In terms of teaching system, it only effective when the parent is fully obligated their time and also must be capable using the materials provided by SC to teach their child.  In adddition, like your friend said 'SC的老師都有"參雌", if you your child being allocated in a class with a teacher that is not that good, no matter how hard you teach and train up your child at home like I did, your child may end up like mine, failed all P1 application.

Venuscheng 寫道:
我現在都仍在猶疑讓唔讓個仔入讀SC, 因為學費好貴. 不過同事個仔讀過, 話學校套教材好正. 係幫到家長怎樣去教個小朋友. 當然其實最終係家長去教個小朋友啦! 而SC的老師都有"參雌". 我現在暫時想法都係諗住都會讓個仔讀SC. 都有點:「難得考到,為何放棄?」的心態.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 08:57 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

020201 寫道:
May I ask those prefer Heep Yunn to SC, do you have girls studied or studing Heep Yunn.  What I mean is, Heep Yunn is chosen by you because of word of mouth or by your experience.  

My daughter is studying in Heep Yunn Primary School now.  She was graduated from Heep Yunn Kindergarten.  Heep Yunn is a very good school, the teachers are professional and extremely nice.  

If anyone who doesn't really want to enter HY, don't ever try to apply this school then, don't waste the seat to those who really want to get in.  
If you're so lucky to get a seat, why you hesitate?!

I only apply those schools I really want my children to study in.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 09:08 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀


My son is on waiting list of SC, and i am eager to get the seat. However, baes on your comment,  I really want to know about the discipine issue. I understand that it is a active approach, however, does it mean that even a naugthy boy distrubing other kids in the classroom, the teacher didn't mind? then how about the discipline of your child? is it hard to guide her to do homework and hard that she will listen to your instructions?
My son was admitted by Kenville, but i concern it is very hard to him and too strict, can you share if you have choices again between Kenville and Sc, what would you choose? thanks.

I totally agree that SC has a very good system and the children are very happy, this is because they never disciplined children's behaviour at school. In terms of teaching system, it only effective when the parent is fully obligated their time and also must be capable using the materials provided by SC to teach their child. In adddition, like your friend said 'SC的老師都有"參雌", if you your child being allocated in a class with a teacher that is not that good, no matter how hard you teach and train up your child at home like I did, your child may end up like mine, failed all P1 application.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 10:02 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀


I want to know also, Can u tell us more..... ??

monmantong 寫道:

My son is on waiting list of SC, and i am eager to get the seat. However, baes on your comment,  I really want to know about the discipine issue. I understand that it is a active approach, however, does it mean that even a naugthy boy distrubing other kids in the classroom, the teacher didn't mind? then how about the discipline of your child? is it hard to guide her to do homework and hard that she will listen to your instructions?
My son was admitted by Kenville, but i concern it is very hard to him and too strict, can you share if you have choices again between Kenville and Sc, what would you choose? thanks.

[quote]I totally agree that SC has a very good system and the children are very happy, this is because they never disciplined children's behaviour at school. In terms of teaching system, it only effective when the parent is fully obligated their time and also must be capable using the materials provided by SC to teach their child. In adddition, like your friend said 'SC的老師都有"參雌", if you your child being allocated in a class with a teacher that is not that good, no matter how hard you teach and train up your child at home like I did, your child may end up like mine, failed all P1 application.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 10:46 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

monmantong & mmak,

I would suggest you considering your child's character when choosing between KV and SC.  If your child is as active and creative and like to do things her way and you find difficulty in discipline him/her at hom, don't choose SC, it will make your child worst since the school does not correct child's manner or impose any disciplincy.  However, if you are lucky enough being allocated in a class with a teacher that has a lot of caring and patient (since there are so many, the quality of teacher vary a lot), you child can excel and becomes very good.

On the other hand, if your child is very conservative shy person and easy to discipline, then you should consider SC because the environment will make the child enjoy his/her school life (they can do what ever they want with minimum disciplincy)

One thing I need to emphasize is that you need to put time and effort to follow up your child's progress if you choose SC, because otherwise, you will recieve calls saying that you child is not up to standard.  If you can not afford such time, then an alternative is to send your kid to external classes and that mean extra $$$$.

Finally, SC has too many classes and around 25-30 kids in K2 and K3 classes.  So there is no guarantee of quality of kids graduated from this school.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-12-4 13:44 |只看該作者

Re: SC + Heep yunn 點揀

hugub 寫道:


me too.

何況協恩小學是很好的小學, 雖然話唔會全收kg 的同學仔, 但起碼機會都大d!

我選協恩!!!! (因為我個囡的校長的女兒亦是在協思讀書, 都讚不絶口)

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