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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 有無 St. Mary's 家長?
樓主: chishun

有無 St. Mary's 家長? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 10:20 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?


So did you study in Delia secondary as well?  Is it good? The school fee is also high in Delia.

Maryknoll is of course a good school, but cannot get in easily under the current point system.  For PLK TSL or CKY or other new DSS (GT, Logos etc), they use both English and Mandarin and new approach of teaching, but these schools are relatively very new and we cannot see the results yet.  Int'l schools have no Chinese and school fees are very high. So don't know how to choose...   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-21 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

I agreed.  It's my case also as I have a younger daughter who is in K2 now.  It's quite expensive in international school not just the fee but all others activities.

My ideal case is to study in traditional school until P3 or P4, then get into an international school.  But it's difficult because average international school required high English standard (like native English speaking) before you have a chance to get in their Grade 4 or 5.  One suggestion from my friend is that you may choose any international school (Korean international etc) which require lower standard then transfer back to something like ESF.  Anyway, it's also expensive and kids don't like going here and there loosing all their friends.

My opinion:
DGJS - always my dream school but difficult to get a place and high pressure both to parents and kids.

MCS- there English standard is comparable to St. Mary according to my daughter's phonics class teacher.  They do not have exam in P1, P2 but every test count so pressure is again comparable.  Depends on your chance, living area, MCS and St. Mary are good choices.  As an old girl or St. Mary, St. Marian's usually don't like MCS.

Good Hope and St  Francis- High standard as well but tough, lots of homework. If your's  is a girl,I won't choose St. Francis since the path is not so good.  Good Hope, high tuition fee as well.  The question is, is it cost justified.  Anyway you will try as they are private schools.

TSL - You are right that they emphasis in English, more subjects in English, active, happy learning environment, low tuition fee but also quite difficult to get a place.

Others - I don't know because I have not considered them.

I won't let my girls play gameboy. TV only 1 hour a day (the TV is locked).  We need to try our best to motive them to do something more useful like reading story books, play piano.

The reason why I suggest international school is that I would like to point out the bad intentional of Mr.Li and HKSAR.  Any parents aware and agreed?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 11:58 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

I have different strategy for my girl.

I will try to let her study in those schools with good English standard like those I mentioned, St Francis, Good Hope, TSL and save up the money for her to study aboard when she finish the high school. Hope she can have good English foundation and I believe that her oral speaking should be no problem after studying for a few years oversea.

As I said, Chinese become more and more important as China becomes strong and we foresee that she will play an important role in the world. So we cannot ignore Chinese and most of important is to learn PTH. If letting kid studying in international school, I don’t think it will good for them.

Path for the new generation are very tough as well as their parents; we need to consider a lot of things (financial, outcome and also their psychological needs). I am not rich and sometimes I found that the parents are quite mad in providing all materialistic things for their kids. Like the Christmas party for my girl, many parents bought a lot of gifts for other schoolmates and took a big cake to the school. I wonder whether it is good to them as I don’t think it is worth to buy such a lot of things for they cannot eat so much cake and candies and it is a waste and they will compare between the girls. Even we are from rich families should teach our kids to save for the poor and should not be waste things,

So if MCS or DGS offer a seat, I really don’t know whether it is good to my girl.
Just want to know whether St Mary’s girls are from rich families?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 12:41 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

St. Marians, as I understand, come from middle class families.  They are polite, decent, hard working, more down to earth.

Just wonder if PLK TSL is good or not, I heard some negative comments from a few friends with kids studying there.  That's why it takes more time for us to accertain if those new DSS are good or not.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 12:47 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

Can you tell me what negative comments are about? I have a friend whose boy is studying in P1 and she said it is OK.

I found some BK moms also complain this school but if your kids is studying in PLK Au Yeung Siu fong kindergarten, they can easily adapt to this school and my girl is now studying in this kinder.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 12:57 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?


some negative comments I heard re TSL:
- they are in fact using traditional teaching;
- they have very strict rules and punishment for the kids, e.g. disgrace the kids by asking them to stand in front of other classrooms, isolate them in a desk etc. and some more...

I won't comment on these, don't know how true it is, or some parents do not think there is any problem.  For me, I won't consider TSL as there is no linked secondary school.  So may think similar to j-ma-ma...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-21 14:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?


Most students in St Mary are not from rich families.

Knowing your view and strategy, I think TSL, St. Francis or St. Mary may be suitable for you because tuition fee of Good hope is also high and they have lots of fund raising activities.  Please these schools have different style as well.  TSL - happy and active, good spoken English.  St. Francis - more homework, good written English.  So which style is more suitable for your girl.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 04-12-21 14:21 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

我大女都係姊妹學校的水軍,但去到第二度,都係全級既top 幾top幾呀

judy 寫道:
HF primary 的水軍都好勁。 Top of  HF primary 的水軍更加不得了。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 14:32 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

Since TSL and St Francis has no own secondary school, it's really quite trouble for me to choose secondary school.

St Mary is really a good school and with secondary school, it is really a good choice too but it is not easy to get in too.

Really 15, 16 on how to choose the school.

I think I will apply those good english school in the first round and the ideal case is get a seat in St Francis and get the lucky draw hope can get a seat in St Mary. (for I have a address in net 31).

but if TSl accepted, we can't go for lucky draw, so really don't know whether it is a good thing for them to accept first or it is better to be in the waiting list.

For good hope I will also apply too but I know quite a lot of girls are from rich families so don't know whether my girl can be psychological balance among them.

BTW, is St Rose or Holy Family good too, seems they are ranked as second class under St Mary, MCS, DGS and Marymount. But they seems easily to get in and they have secondary schools too. which one is better?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-21 15:39 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?


Are you catholic?  How many marks have you got?

Although I still think HF is slightly below St. Mary, it is still a very good school and quite save to get a seat with 20 marks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 15:54 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

sorry only 15 marks but found that some girls can get a seat in HF & St rose w/ 15 marks and I am in net 31 can try the lucky draw for St mary

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 16:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

For St. Mary and MCS, seems that even 20 marks cannot guarantee a seat.

I think that all the schools mentioned are good schools, only that the English standard has been lowered because the schools cannot select their students now.  The standard of students varies much more as they are accepted through the point system and lucky draw.  So I intend to switch even my girl is already studying in a good subsidized school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 16:22 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

You mean you want to change to international school? only because of the english standard not as you desire?

as I said, international school also cannot satisfy the needs of learning good chinese. may I know which school is your girl is now study at? is it the one we mention in this topic?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 16:32 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

bau, you are right.  I know the limitation of international school, that's why the headache.  And I have to consider how my younger girl should go too who is studying in an international kinder with both Chinese and English.  It is more headache to plan for 2 kids, with very different characters too. How about you, one kid only?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 16:40 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

1 girl in K1 but I need to have the research and hope can find a good school for her. I know that 15 marks is very difficult to get a seat in St Mary or MCS so I hope I can have a good private school for back up and try the lucky draw in second round.

BTW, are you St Marian? If so, your girl should be studying in St mary too. Is it worth to pay for such great expense (especially you have 2) and for a risk of your daughter losing interest in Chinese?

I do want to have a school that is good for both as I love Chinese literature too and many friends told me that Chinese is difficult to learn than English and many MCS and Marymount girls pay for private lessons in Chinese.

No win-win solution. Are you working mom? If possible, I really want to be a full time mom as there will be much time to plan for girl and also have personal time for myself.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-12-21 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

My situation is the same as you.  
I didn't choose international upfront because of money and a bit on overall standard (active = high)?
Bau, although I agree that Chinese (actually Putogue) is becoming important, I still think English is an international language.  Maybe because I am working in such environment and need to use English daily.  Nobody laugh at you if you Chinese is fail but they will laugh at you if you English is not up to standard.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

But now if you want to get a job, PTW is more or less the basic requirement for most of the companies at least you need to speak PTW and is capable to communicate w/ PTW people (of course english is a must).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-21 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?


I agree with you.  Money is also a concern for me.  Apart from considering English standard, I also consider the mode of education.  As I see now in local schools, most still use teach in traditional ways, which do not encourage creativity or self-motivation.  I only see that DGJS is an exception and she also still keeps a high English standard.  But as you said, it is really difficult to get in.

International schools offer more liberal education, which is better in my point of view.  So may try our luck, and consider further when we have a choice.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-12-21 23:47 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?


唔好意思插少少咀。請問St Mary's 的宗教活動多嗎?學校對家長的溝通足夠嗎?學校與家長溝通態度是否開放?校長是[一言堂]那種type 嗎? Thank you!

St. Mary's 的程度如何大家心中有數,我比較想了解多些學校與家長的關係和溝通是否足夠。通過家校合作小朋友及家長會對學校更有歸屬感,小朋友會學習得更愉快。這一方面聽講MCS 就麻麻地啦!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-12-22 01:17 |只看該作者

Re: 有無 St. Mary's 家長?

各位媽媽, 你們好,

小女在此校讀小一, 之前是在PLKTAYSF, 住31區, 幸運地在大抽獎入此校(15分 = 大女+適齡), 現朋友問小女"在學校的生活愉快嗎?"她會答: 愉快. "辛苦嗎?" 答: 不辛苦. (但我辛苦呢), 這樣我都很開心, 當然她成績同樣都好, 我就梗開心...嘻嘻, 不過暫時未知成績如何.

我入黎幾次, 看過你們的對話, 不過我英文不太好, 怕解錯文, 所以一路沒有留言.  我都希望學校可以用普通話教中文.


請問St Mary's 的宗教活動多嗎? ---我不清楚你說的宗教活動是指什麼, 她們有宗教科的, 當中的習作都要家長參與下(只本人覺, 因覺要跟女兒一同學習和理解, 唔係一陣佢講我聽都唔知佢UP 麥)

學校對家長的溝通足夠嗎?--- 我覺OK, 雖然未親身同MISS傾過, 只通過手冊 和 電話, 覺MISS 好NICE, 出發點是為學生.

校長是[一言堂]那種type 嗎? --- SORRY, 我學識不多, 不明[一言堂]!!! 我覺SISTER 是.......說話串嫁, 但有道理喎, 當然言詞不會粗俗, 可能我比較保守.

家教會 -- 我沒有參加, 因沒有時間, 還要照顧弟弟, 所以不清楚, sorry .

講住咁多啦, 下次再傾.

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