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教育王國 討論區 香港真光中學幼稚園 有冇家長已經收到真光幼稚園(大坑)OFFER? ...
樓主: wongyld

有冇家長已經收到真光幼稚園(大坑)OFFER? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-21 20:45 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-21 20:54 |只看該作者
My small B finally got an offer, in am class.  Any others also live in TKO? Traffic is really a headache, but I really like the school.  Campus is big and has a swimming pool too!

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-21 21:02 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-21 23:31 |只看該作者
My girl got the offer for pm class while we live in Mong Kok West.

Will u guys intend to move?

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-21 23:39 |只看該作者
Yeap, my girl got a pm offer today !
I think it is real good since her small sis now 1 yr old has better chance to study at True Light too

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-22 09:47 |只看該作者
My boy got an am offer, I am very happy about that. Quite Strange that he could only answered 50 % of the question, we cannot tell the standard judged by the interviewers. I cannot believe it when i open the envelop.

Anyway, it is cool, we need not to worry the result afterwards. We may condersider KCS (if admitted). Otherwise, we must stick to True Light.

原帖由 coriejungfrau 於 09-12-21 23:39 發表
Yeap, my girl got a pm offer today !
I think it is real good since her small sis now 1 yr old has better chance to study at True Light too

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-22 14:21 |只看該作者
Can anyone comment on the level of Good Hope vs True light? Many many thanks!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-22 17:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 hihicathk 於 09-12-21 23:31 發表
My girl got the offer for pm class while we live in Mong Kok West.

Will u guys intend to move?

My girl got the offer for am class
I live in Prince Edward
I still search any 保姆車 for my girl.

Any parents could give such info' to me?
Pls pm me.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-22 17:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 BabyISC 於 09-12-22 09:47 發表
My boy got an am offer, I am very happy about that. Quite Strange that he could only answered 50 % of the question, we cannot tell the standard judged by the interviewers. I cannot believe it when i o ...

Hi BabyISC,

If your boy also gets accepted into KCS, what will be your option - KCS or True Light?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-22 17:46 |只看該作者
我都收左pm, 不過擔心佢d英文會弱d, 有冇人可以分享下?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-23 09:42 |只看該作者
Instead of happiness, knowledge.... Primary school allocation is more critical (to me only). I am searching the information about their primary school, Basically, TL primary school fit my expectation, as it is private and can join the "lucky draw". But, I worry that, there is too little boy playmates within the KG.

i am not familiar with KCS primary. Its result will release at the end of Jan, therefore, i must register TL and then do some research on KCS afterwards.

It is not easy to find a "thorough train KG+PS" for a boy, not many options on island side, most of them are girls' school.

you got boy or girl ?

原帖由 WingBB-222 於 09-12-22 17:04 發表

Hi BabyISC,

If your boy also gets accepted into KCS, what will be your option - KCS or True Light?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-23 10:34 |只看該作者
我都收左下晝班, 好開心。

講開小學, 雖然真光係私校, 同大抽獎無關, 但以我所知, 如果你有私校或直資收左, 教署要迫你選擇繼唔繼續大抽獎, 如果你選擇大抽獎, 你係需要放棄該私校同直資。以前, 佢地只會對直資有要求, 私校仍然可以兩邊揀, 但近年私校都會同樣處理。

(如資料有錯, 煩請更正)

不過如果你揀真光, 起碼有3年時間比你去觀察, 了解, 到時你覺得自己小朋友唔適合, 或者有其他心儀, 你就有多個選擇, 唔需要一定揀佢。若你仍然好喜歡, 咁起碼煩少樣。

原帖由 BabyISC 於 09-12-23 09:42 發表
Instead of happiness, knowledge.... Primary school allocation is more critical (to me only). I am searching the information about their primary school, Basically, TL primary school fit my expectation, ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-23 11:02 |只看該作者
I just consult the bk mothers in the primary school pages. At the moment, they will not prevent students from lucky draw, but no one know what will be afterwards.

原帖由 DalaDala 於 09-12-23 10:34 發表
我都收左下晝班, 好開心。

講開小學, 雖然真光係私校, 同大抽獎無關, 但以我所知, 如果你有私校或直資收左, 教署要迫你選擇繼唔繼續大抽獎, 如果你選擇大抽獎, 你係需要放棄該私校同直資。以前, 佢地只會對直資有要 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-24 14:13 |只看該作者
I have asked many parents (who have kids in Primary already), they said most of the TL KG gratuates will choose to go to TL PS; I know TL PS is a good school but I am targeting SPC or DGJS (Just target / my wish coz I know it is very difficult to enter into these schools), just wondering if you know any cases from TL KG be accepted by these famous KG.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-24 17:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 BabyISC 於 09-12-23 09:42 發表
Instead of happiness, knowledge.... Primary school allocation is more critical (to me only). I am searching the information about their primary school, Basically, TL primary school fit my expectation, ...

Mine is boy and got admitted in am class, still considering - yes the boy ratio is low there.  And we have an offer in St. Paul's Church pm class.  Guess we would have an offer in KCS am class also cause my boy is studying there now.  If you were me, which one you will go - TL, SPC or KCS?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-25 15:14 |只看該作者
we haven't applied for SPC, as far away from where we live and i am not familiar with the school

I asked for opinion from some parents from that district, they said Truelight KG and Primary school is better then KCS. Besides, we are not current PN student, is that means, we will have slim chance to admit ??
I don't know, i will register first, and decide later if he can really get an offer.

原帖由 WingBB-222 於 09-12-24 17:41 發表

Mine is boy and got admitted in am class, still considering - yes the boy ratio is low there.  And we have an offer in St. Paul's Church pm class.  Guess we would have an offer in KCS am class also  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-25 16:19 |只看該作者
原帖由 BabyISC 於 09-12-25 15:14 發表
we haven't applied for SPC, as far away from where we live and i am not familiar with the school

I asked for opinion from some parents from that district, they said Truelight KG and Primary school is ...

For KCS, I think the chance is high for you also coz they will have 11 classes for K1 while they have only 6 classes in PN.  So quite a number of applicants who are not studying in their PN still can get an offer for K1.  Yes, I think TL is good for both KG and Primary and they have 100% guarantee to promote into their P1.  The only concern is not many boys throghout their KG to Primary.....  Is your boy getting admitted into AM class or PM class?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-27 15:21 |只看該作者
am class

i heard that they group all the boys to one class in the primary school.

原帖由 WingBB-222 於 09-12-25 16:19 發表

For KCS, I think the chance is high for you also coz they will have 11 classes for K1 while they have only 6 classes in PN.  So quite a number of applicants who are not studying in their PN still ca ...

[ 本帖最後由 BabyISC 於 09-12-27 15:23 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-29 14:04 |只看該作者
Mine girl is a small girl who bord in Dec 2007, but has been admitted by True light (Caine Road) one week after the interview, so I think True light do have quotas for "small B",

Unless competition is much keen in True light (Tai Hang). I am not sure.......

Anyway, small B mum, don't lose hope.

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 09-12-30 12:24 |只看該作者
直資小學有收政府資助, under政府規定, 小朋友考到直資小學又決定註冊, 就要即時放棄政府派位(無論係已入表, 有學位已註冊, 未有學位, 等大抽獎等, 一律即時放棄)
至於私立小學, 其實政府/私校都無權要家長放棄大抽獎(呢個係公民權利), 所以, 第一輪(自行收生)過後, 如果小朋友無offer, 就會收到教育局既信, 問家長仲會唔會繼續參加大抽獎, 家長係有權選擇繼續的, 只係如果繼續, 教育局就會通知有關私校, 由私校決定點"處置"呢個學生, 係咪取消私校學位, 就由私校自己決定
所以join唔join大抽獎, 係可以講完全由家長決定的, 家長如果覺得間私校未係最佳選擇, or覺得私校唔會cancel佢個學位, 咪go ahead去抽lor (唔係近年改左, 一向做法都係咁)
講返真光, 幾年前真光係唔俾大抽獎的, 不過有學生去搏, 搏完抽得唔好, 真光最後又俾返個位佢, 可能因為咁唔公平掛? (我自己估係呢個原因咋), o係2006年開始就改左可以大抽獎, 隨便抽, 真光會留返個小一位俾你, 如果抽到好決定唔讀亦歡迎, 當然留位費就無得拎返喇
我同老師8過, 佢話以前唔俾抽, 同之後俾抽, 都係差唔多有1/3會決定唔原校升, 當然其中好多原因的, 例如去左第2區, 或者男仔去返男校, 更多係家長揀免費又ok既學校lor (始終好多學生都係12網, 好多免費好學校可以揀)
原帖由 DalaDala 於 09-12-23 10:34 AM 發表
講開小學, 雖然真光係私校, 同大抽獎無關, 但以我所知, 如果你有私校或直資收左, 教署要迫你選擇繼唔繼續大抽獎, 如果你選擇大抽獎, 你係需要放棄該私校同直資。以前, 佢地只會對直資有要求, 私校仍然可以兩邊揀, 但近年私校都會同樣處理。

(如資料有錯, 煩請更正)

不過如果你揀真光, 起碼有3年時間比你去觀察, 了解, 到時你覺得自己小朋友唔適合, 或者有其他心儀, 你就有多個選擇, 唔需要一定揀佢。若你仍然好喜歡, 咁起碼煩少樣。
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