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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?
樓主: dora8802

兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-26 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi!Paklamama, BCChan,

My daughter is going to be the student of Funful (海濱) there from Oct. Although our kids are not in the same branch, if you don't mind that hope we can also share the things happen there.

Paklama, my daughter will be finished the playgroup class in this end of month, have you heard "Step Ahead" which is located above the 金龍船? They need me to pay 3 months in advance, as my daughter will go to Nursery on Oct, I stop going the there at the end of this month but nothing to do in Sept. I'm just wondering How's the playgroup in Funful, is it too late to join now?

Rank: 2

發表於 04-8-26 17:56 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

hi BBChan,

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-26 18:08 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Dear Sunmoon,

Yes, we can share the things in coming future. I heard  "Step Ahead" from my neighbour. But I don't know so much about this co.

Regarding the playgroup in Funful, it will not be late. You can join anytime.  We pay the fee monthly instead of few months in advance.  It is very flexiable.  If you join in the middle of the month, you can negotiate with them, they will charge you the balance of lessons at that month only.  

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-27 09:46 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Sure, no problem.  Keep in touch.

sunmoon 寫道:
Hi!Paklamama, BCChan,

My daughter is going to be the student of Funful (海濱) there from Oct. Although our kids are not in the same branch, if you don't mind that hope we can also share the things happen there.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-8-27 09:53 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Hi! gordonmama,

第一&二日就可以有大人陪同, 但都只係返一個鐘,大部份時間都係只在課室外面既playground度坐(都係室內), 以類似家長會既形式由校長&老師講解一般返學程序&一齊唱歌. 跟住入課室食茶點(囡囡食), 派書包&熟習課室環境.

到第三日就只得囡囡一個人返學 (返兩個鐘), 到第2個星期就返正常既3個鐘.  

gordonmama 寫道:
hi BBChan,

Rank: 2

發表於 04-8-27 13:23 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

hi BBChan,
Thanks very much of your information!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-8-27 17:38 |只看該作者

Re: 兩歲返幼兒班還是playgroup好?

Dear Paklamma,

Thanks for your info again! and one thing I would to know that how's the playgroup of Funful (Riviera) ? Do your kid feel happy ? Where is the classroom ?
Paklamma 寫道:
Dear Sunmoon,

Yes, we can share the things in coming future. I heard  "Step Ahead" from my neighbour. But I don't know so much about this co.

Regarding the playgroup in Funful, it will not be late. You can join anytime.  We pay the fee monthly instead of few months in advance.  It is very flexiable.  If you join in the middle of the month, you can negotiate with them, they will charge you the balance of lessons at that month only.  
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