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教育王國 討論區 特殊教育 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下 ...
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2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-6-5 00:56 |只看該作者



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-6 17:25 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

Rank: 2

發表於 06-6-7 17:11 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

係呀!好驚佢返小學比人"蝦"~老師唔會特別照顧~又多小朋友~已經開發好擔心喇!! :cry:

大想頭 寫道:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-7 18:11 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

Yes, me too.  I worry about her social life at school.  My kid is highly sensitive.  She now starts to complain to me that some classmates do not want to play with her ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-10 02:34 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

大想頭 寫道:


Me too !!!!  
我打算 K3 開課後睇佢讀成点先再算, 可能考慮 repeat K3 也唔定, 總之好担心好担心啦..........   
同大家 say Hi 先 日後可从多 d 入嚟呻吓喇 !!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-10 11:38 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

harrison 寫道:
大想頭 寫道:


Me too !!!!  
我打算 K3 開課後睇佢讀成点先再算, 可能考慮 repeat K3 也唔定, 總之好担心好担心啦..........   
同大家 say Hi 先 日後可从多 d 入嚟呻吓喇 !!

Harrison [/quote]

Dear all

我仔仔都係讀緊K2. 黎緊本應係要報小一, 不過好大可能我會俾阿仔repeat多年K3. 因為, 雖然老師覺得學術算是跟到, 但情緒/社交都係弱, 如果俾佢直升, 老師會覺得擔心.

唉..好心煩. 因為就算repeat, 其實都要諗點repeat法, 總之就好擔心同好心煩.



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-10 11:49 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

My girl is K2 and will apply P.1 allocation.  Feel a bit nervous as currently she is OK with academic but social skills is still weak.  She will talk a lot if she is willing but become quiet if she doesn't want to respond.  

My husband and I tend not to repeat her K3 as we worry she will get bored with the repeated curriculum.  Therefore, this coming 1 year + we will much concentrate to enhance her social skills training and hope she will get much better than now when entering into P.1 class.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-11 00:54 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

mamee 寫道:

我仔仔都係讀緊K2. 黎緊本應係要報小一, 不過好大可能我會俾阿仔repeat多年K3. 因為, 雖然老師覺得學術算是跟到, 但情緒/社交都係弱, 如果俾佢直升, 老師會覺得擔心.

唉..好心煩. 因為就算repeat, 其實都要諗點repeat法, 總之就好擔心同好心煩.




你同我的 case 一模一樣, 我個囝亦係讀緊 K2, 雖然學術方面是跟到, 但老師話佢情緒同社交都弱, 叫我俾佢 repeat K2. 但我個人認為就算真係需要 repeat 都選擇repeat K3, 起碼 K3 的課程有助升小一呀嘛, 所从我決定咗幫亞囝轉校升讀 K3.  我其實都唔知佢新學期會點, 不過無理由唔比佢去試吓, 反正我都有心理準備大不了在K3 repeat 嘅, 死就死啦 !!!!

記住多多交流呀 !!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-6-11 08:49 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

When my girl studied K1, her teachers also advised to repeat K1 due to her poor social skills (Luckily she is not a bad temper type).  However, we know that my girl will behave naughtier or more weak in attention if she has to repeat learning A-Z, writing 1-10 etc.   We decided to let her upgrade to K2 and switched her to PM session with less students in a class.  Fortunately, our decision is right because she has great improvement in K2 in all aspects.  This term year nobody advise my girl should repeat K2 .  On the other hand, we fully understand we need to continue enhance her social skills for preparing the primary school life.   


Rank: 1

發表於 06-6-11 21:30 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-12 09:31 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

I will consider private school or DSS.  Any views on which school will be suitable for our kids (weak social skill)?

How about those with small class size?  But those schools are usually of project-based type.  So, this may reveal our kids' weaknesses in communication.  I don'y know which school is the right choice for her.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-16 15:26 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下


我仔仔都是07年升小一,但我心情跟大家一樣, 仔仔在人群中不專心上堂"四處望",老師當然又不能常足住他在身邊,喜歡老師個別教導,現在只好付四千多元學費返全日,待下午老師空閒可個別教導, 仔仔記武俠小說故事就好記性,但寫A-Z就喊咁口,我都很煩惱不知小一是否要入讀活動教學之學校或國際學校(因可能國際學校每班學生較小,但實在害怕昂貴學費).不知怎麼??????     

Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-3 23:29 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下


Rank: 1

發表於 06-9-4 11:06 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

我現在都很煩惱, 我的孩子有自閉症, 現讀s位, 老師說他可讀融合小學.  不知選擇那間學校, 曽參觀數間小學, 做得好的, 又太多有問題的小朋友, 不能達到融合的效果, 未曾收過A仔的, 又怕他們無經驗, 有心無力.

小兒最弱是言語及社交, 其次是寫字及邏輯推理. 我很想他轉到正常幼稚園試讀, 希望對言語及社交有幫助,但我就要放棄S位, 損失OT.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-4 11:16 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下


I also have a big headache to select a primary school for my 5 1/2 years old AF son for the next year.  I will select 融合學校 and have you heard which school is doing well for speech delay children.

I heard about in one talk 日修小學 is doing well and have experience to help this kind of children but there will be quite a lots of this children will study and don't know this is good or not.

In addition, how's about 靜山小學, 可立小學, 將軍澳黃澡森 and 志連小學?

can all mothers have comments on it?

many thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-9-4 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下


have you heard about any international school suitable and accept for AF children with 專注力不足?

I also want to know.  Thanks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-4 15:59 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

Hi gigi2

My son studies at K1 but he still learn to draw a straight line and curve .... he cannot draw well even following dot lines .... academatic is still far from him ....

How did you teach your girl as academatic need lots of imagination .... how do they understood numbers, the words and even sentence ..... and then write it down on paper .... Any supplimentary learning materials can be help!
Thanks for your sharing in advance.

gigi2 寫道:
When my girl studied K1, her teachers also advised to repeat K1 due to her poor social skills (Luckily she is not a bad temper type).  However, we know that my girl will behave naughtier or more weak in attention if she has to repeat learning A-Z, writing 1-10 etc.   We decided to let her upgrade to K2 and switched her to PM session with less students in a class.  Fortunately, our decision is right because she has great improvement in K2 in all aspects.  This term year nobody advise my girl should repeat K2 .  On the other hand, we fully understand we need to continue enhance her social skills for preparing the primary school life.   


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-9-4 16:47 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

Hi YRaymond,

When my girl was in K1, I remember that she did not do so well with dot lines writing etc. but the curriculum of her K1 was not focused on writing or using pencil and therefore we treated this skill not seriously and took it easy all the time.  I would usually buy those very colourful dotlines books (not with alphabets writing) to attract her to play.  Mainly the learning of my girl in K1 for writing part was playing with fun.

For the part of words and numbers recognition, I think every child with special needs is varied.   My girl got the good memory to recognize a lot of Chinese and English words at K1 already and the main task for us was to help her enhance the comprehension ability by using those words in her brain.   Initially, words with pictures (English or Chinese) by flash cards etc then words without pictures to ensure her already understood those words and functions.  If your child like reading story books that would be much help for her to build up sentences.  Unfortunately, my girl did not spend much time to read books and also did not want me to read for her.  However, whenever she picked up books to read I would become just like a ‘fly’ flipping around her to lead her understanding the content.  

For numbers concept, counting is very important than she remembers 1 to 100000000.  We helped her to count in real objects – counting the stairs, counting the buses, counting her books and dolls etc.  Counting could be everywhere!  When she was interested in writing numbers, we bought her the very beautiful & colourful exercise books for numbers writing.  We do not force her to do any exercises but once the period she shown interests in the particular area we would reinforce her interest in that area by giving her some exercises to do or bought the related VCD for her to watch.  Recently she likes maths so I have just bought her a very good VCD about ABC Maths World for kids.  Our children should not watch too much TV but we can schedule some time for them to enjoy VCD or TV which would be helpful to them.

This is my little experience to share and in fact we also relied very much on the EETC training.  Those teachers from Heep Hong EETC are very sincere who really want to support us and enhance my girl’s abilities.  Also, our children normally can absorb and learn things by visual rather than listening.  The most difficult period for parents to handle our children is from 2 to 3 or 4 in general.  Hope you will insist and keep up everyday then you can see the improvement of your kid.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-9-4 18:06 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

Thanks for your details and valuable sharing.  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-9-4 18:13 |只看該作者

Re: 2007年入讀主流小學的障礙兒童家長請進來傾下

mamee & harrison,
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