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蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-1-24 17:39 |只看該作者

蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

讀了很多你們說的蘇浙﹐ is it really that good???? 我見過 嶺南校監﹐ 她說小朋友太小學普通話 / 英文 會有語言問題!!! 不過 it can tell that you all are good parents and all the information you mentioned in this topic, e.g. playgroup are really useful. 如果讀嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家  

發表於 06-1-24 18:08 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-9 12:32 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

唔好意思搭下嘴!!!我細個都係讀蘇浙幼稚同埋小學,情況同tazmanic所講的相似,的確是"Native Mandarin Teachers"+"Native English Teachers".


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-9 13:06 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

琬晴B and tazmanic

你地會唔會考慮比你地個bb 讀蘇浙幼稚園同埋小學

幼稚園應該唔會學拼音, 主要注重平時生活上溝通學會.
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-9 17:37 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

琬晴B and tazmanic
我覺得應該和現在有分別的﹐ 拼音和台灣讀法真的不同﹐ 我大個時學的是拼音﹐ 台灣讀法是不同的﹐ 好頭痛呀

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-10 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


其實我真的考慮過給BB讀蘇浙幼稚園和小學(又或者國際部),但我依家住大埔啊!!!!想搬番出來但又找不到合適的地方,不過,大埔有一間"孫方中小學",呢一間亦是我心儀的小學之一,既然讀不成蘇浙,若BB入到"孫小"亦可以慰藉一下我對母校的懷念.(好肉麻,連我自己都頂唔順      )


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-10 10:29 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家





發表於 06-2-10 12:06 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

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Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-21 18:10 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

大家都很喜歡蘇浙﹐ 好遠都來讀﹐ 這樣看來蘇浙應該好過明慧﹐ 但真的沒有明慧的家長想比一下意見嗎﹖   

p.s. didikoko where are you, did you choose LingNan / 蘇浙, discuss 下啦

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-21 22:38 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-22 10:58 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I have an idea.  Please comment whether it is possible....  I would like to let my BB to study in 蘇浙 (main stream) + KCIS.  But the school fee of KCIS is around $5,000.00.  So I think whether it is possible to study in 蘇浙 (main stream) am/pm+明慧 (int'l)am/pm.  The school of 明慧 (int'l) is around $3xxx (average) even it charges 12 months school fee.  But can a 3 / 4 yrs old kid afford whole day in school.  And there is only 1.5 hrs for lunch and transportation.  Is that really ok.  If KCS + KCIS, then BB can sleep for a while in lunch time in school.  But I need to pay around $1,500. more a month.  May I have your comment please.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-22 11:10 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I am a little bid confused, if you don't mind yr child to study for whole day and pay around $5000 per mth.  Why don't you enrol SPN (full day) and it costs $5250 x 12 and SPN is really a good school.  We have been discussing KCS + KCIS for K1, it also costs around $5000 x ? but if you can afford, it is really a good price for English & Mandarin without 補習.  Do you mean that you just want your child to Study in Ming Wai (Int'l) N1 for $2950 x 12 only?  If you try KCS for K1 approx 1800 x 10 + Ming Wai (Int'l) 2950 x 12 = more than $5000 per mth.  So?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-22 11:37 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Hi AugSun

Thanks for your reply

I would like to let my BB (boy) to study K1 as follows:

1st choice = KCS + KCIS (but the fee for kcis is 5,000) .  Total cost is 7,000.00

2nd choice = KCS + Ming Wai (Int'l) (Ming wai is cheaper but just wondering whether 1.5 hrs is enough for transportation and lunch.  Would it be too tired if  he cannot take sleep for a while in lunch time)  Total cost is about 5,xxx.00

For SPN, since my kid is boy, then we cannot take the advantage of SPN about getting in SP convent.  And my first priority is to let him study mardarine and english.  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-22 11:52 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I see what you mean, but I still think SPN is good as you can also enrol St Paul Co-ed.  Honestly, it is also expensive for SPN, KCS +KCIS or KCS + Ming Wai (Int'l) if you have 2 babies, right?  How many child do you have and where do you live?   Acutally, of course, it is really tiring for study Ming Wai (Int'l) + KCS.   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-22 12:11 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

St Paul Co-ed?!  I don't even dare to think about it.  My BB is not very smart and my family is also not rich.  It is also too much pressure for whole family for studying in SP Co-ed.  Heard from other people here, st paul co-ed's student is very rich and many donation.  It is also not that healthy to let a kid coming from normal family to get along with other kids coming from rich family.   My aunt has a terrible experience..  Her daughter studied in Good Hope many many years ago.  She said her classmates is very rich and has swimming pool when her daughter went to their house for birthday party.  When the girl grew up, she always blame her parent about not providing good living environment for her and expect her parent to give her money.  Although school and classmates would not be the only reason to let a girl worse like that, it is really too much pressure to get along with rich people.

Btw, I live in Chai Wan and have only one boy.  So even it is expensive, I would also try my best to afford because I think that having good foundation of english and madarine would let him easier to adapt the study in primary school.  Although it is expensive, kindergarden is only 2 / 3 yrs.  Okay lah!!!  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-23 15:02 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I do agree what you said
I also has some comments from my friend
"我都聽過讀St Paul (任何一間) 都很辛苦﹐ 我有朋友個女﹐ 明明唸了書去唸默﹐ 怎知道唸默的時候什麼也忘記了﹐ 壓力很大﹐ 平常的時候又要補習﹐ 學生活都唔係好愉快﹐家長也要付出很多精神和時間﹐ 如果我現在再想生多一個﹐ 就更頭痛  ......"   
But there are still other people talking so:-
"我自己都識得好幾個讀緊St Paul's Co-ed, St Paul's Convent, St Paul's Primary Catholic School, St Paul's Boy既小朋友, 我見佢地個個都好鬼精靈,成個開心果咁!一的都唔覺得佢地有甚麼壓力.當然,係這幾間學校讀書(更包括全港的學校),好多家長都會好熱心咁做家長義工,但並不是學校強迫家長做的.至於家庭的教育,當然是要由家長負責,正如其他學校一般! 而每個家庭都有唔同的方式,不能一概而論話"讀St Paul (任何一間) 都很辛苦!"
"其實我同事個囡係讀 Co-ed Secondary, 佢係讀書上有冇壓力我唔係好清楚, 但佢唔開心係因為間學校大部份 d 同學都好富貴, 同佢完全係兩個 levels. 初中時, 去同學仔屋企, 發現人地間屋個 kitchen 完來有自己成間屋 kam 大; 同 d 同學去玩, 玩一天所花 ge 費用已經 = 自己成個月 ge 零用錢, 跟本負擔唔起, 漸漸亦冇再一齊玩. 開始亦形成自卑感, 睇 $$ 睇得好重要. 學校有好多捐款, 當然次次佢屋企都唔會捐. 成個中學生活, 佢只有一個同佢一齊都係較"平民" ge 同學最傾得埋."
:tongue:  :tongue:    
But I will still try SPK for my daugher K1 and see if you can get in St Paul Covent and we will see!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-24 16:54 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

有沒有人會好像JarJarBin o甘﹐ K1 明慧 (Int'l) $2950 x 12 + KCS (local) $1,800 呢﹖
幫你計國明慧 (Int'l) $2950 x12 = 35400 / 10 = $3540 per mth + KCS (local) $1800 per mth = $5340, 都$5千幾﹐ 我是你K1會選擇SPN ($5250)﹐ what do you think?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-24 17:09 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Hi AugSun

But my BB is boy.  Studying in SPN has not much advantage woh!  Also, what is the language that SPN use to communicate with kid?  Does SPN has native english / mandarine teachers?  Actually, I don't know much about SPN.  Please give me more info.  Many people said SPN is very good.  But I really don't know why it is good if it use cantonese as a common lanugage in school.  

I choose 蘇浙 because they have native english / mandarine teachers and common language in school is mandarine.  If study in pure english int'l school, chinese standard may not match primary school.  So it will be very hard for kids to catch up the standard when they are P1.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-24 17:35 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Medium language of SPN is Cantonese. Frankly Speaking, most of the famour kindergartens are using mother tongue.
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-24 20:41 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I also have one concern is the baby can adapt to turn from Mandarin learning to cantonese if they go to primary school.  Any mommy have this concerns too.
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