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教育王國 討論區 保良局林文燦英文小學 question about lmc
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question about lmc [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-29 21:41 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My son is now studying in a very traditional school with lot's of homework and dictation. Although he is able to cope so far, I notice that he spent almost all of his time doing homework and studying. I personally don't agree with this type of edu system where kids don't have space to do other things. My friend told me LMC is a good school. But I don't really know any parents in person. thanks for leting have a chance to ask you all. my question is: for P1 student,1) how much homeworks each day? 2) how long they need to complete? 3)how difficult are the chinese and english dictation and spelling? can you give some eg. 4)how often are the test and exam 5)are kids taking it ok? are they happy during and after school? 6)my kid is quite good in drawing, is school go at art? 7)how are the teachers? which country are the english teachers from? 8)how is the food? 9)I live in tst, I heard that school bus is full. any other private school bus? Sorry I have so many question. cos I am afraid if I change school, and ended up in another similar school, it is not good for my kid.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-29 23:44 |只看該作者
回復 rainkan 的帖子

1) how much homeworks each day?
2) how long they need to complete?
P1開學到現在, 有時多有時少, 平時大約5-6樣.  快手的話一小時可做完, 抄寫功課不是太多, 但有時忽然會很多, 有時一日會有八九樣, 第二天又要默書, 都幾吃力.  但這情況不是天天有.

3)how difficult are the chinese and english dictation and spelling? can you give some eg.
中文上學期只默詞語, 每次十組, 從課文抽出來, 下學期才默句子, 有背默.  英文每次默幾組生字, 幾句句字, 有unseen, 有extra words.  不是太深, 但比準校深一些.

4)how often are the test and exam

5)are kids taking it ok? are they happy during and after school?
因人而異, 整體都很開心.

6)my kid is quite good in drawing, is school go at art?

7)how are the teachers? which country are the english teachers from?

8)how is the food?
今年換了新的供應商(LSG), 小朋友說很好吃.

9)I live in tst, I heard that school bus is full. any other private school bus?

如有其他問題可在此發問, 祝你面試成功.

Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-30 09:26 |只看該作者
Thanks Helenli for your reply. The workload of LMC sound similar to 德信 my current Gov school. The chinese sound a little easiler at LMC. We are require to 默 almost all article we study in the book. On top of that, there are more extra to 默 given by school. today I was told that next semester they are require to write essay of 100 chinese words! My main concern is-  my current school is very close to us, just walking distance. we leave home only at 8am whereas, LMC starts at 8am, and we might need to take public bus and someone must take him to and fro to school. I am thinking of changing school becasue I feel like my current school is pushing kids too hard.

Does any one happens to know both school well and can give me more good advice?

Many thanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 12-10-30 10:07 |只看該作者
有校車去佐敦接送的,也可搭 11 or 14 號巴士都好方便的.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-30 14:03 |只看該作者

回覆:rainkan 的帖子

You mean ur kid is now in Tak sun p1 but want to repeat p1 in another school?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-30 14:41 |只看該作者

你想幫小朋友插班 ? 呢兩年競爭大得好緊要, 你最好打去學校問下仲有冇插班位.

另外一年級時仍然係蜜月期, 一升上小二, 中英默都唔再係食豆咁食架喇.
如中默.... 除左詞語12個之外, 課文會抽其中一至兩段默, 換言之, 你係要幫小朋友預默全課課文.
至於英默, 會加上背默.
另外要留意的, 係數學, 小朋友學的全是英數.

Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-30 17:12 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 rainkan 於 12-10-30 17:30 編輯

回復 bchi 的帖子

yes my son is currently in p1. thinking of tranfering him to LMC P1. 插班 We will have an interview soon. In Tak Sun, we are already asked to 默全課課文. Already 默 more than 4全課課文since school open till now. Beside 課文, we are given so many other chinese dictation that is harder than those in  課文. My son's chinese is not very good, it is very hard to do other subject such as math, and 常 in chinese. a lot of pressure for both of us. that's why we are thinking of changing school.

Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-30 17:14 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 rainkan 於 12-10-30 17:17 編輯

I think it is reasonable to increase the difficulties slowly and add more in p2. Pushing P1 with so much is a little over.

I have read somewhere about the teachers in LMC are very young and sometime quite strict to kids. Also Kids are not allow to go to toilet during class?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-31 11:19 |只看該作者

回覆:rainkan 的帖子


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-31 11:22 |只看該作者

回覆:helenli 的帖子

如你仔仔明年以大仔身份在lmc入讀p1, 相信他會好容易適應,因為他已有一些中文訓練。如他的英文認讀和串字都ok, 他應該可以讀得好輕鬆。

Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-31 15:52 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 rainkan 於 12-10-31 17:30 編輯

回復 helenli 的帖子

We went to the interview in LMC this morning. We were accepted to P1. The vice principle is very nice and friendly. Glad that she has offered us a place. She asked us to consider and reply within the next few days. If we decided to transfer, it means we will be joining P1 in this coming mid Nov. It means my son will still be the younger kid in class. He is born in nov 2006. I kind of like this school. Still, my main concerns is the workload. if it is similar to my current school, then it is not worth changing, given that I will have to travel by public transport.(We walk to our current school). However, I have a feeling, after talking to so many mums and visiting the school, that LMC workload is about the same as my current school, but chinese subject is easiler. Also math and other subjects, beside chinese, are taught in english. I think this will take a lot of pressure off us. Since my kid is from english kinder, he is better in reading english. also, my chinese is limited. I guess homework in english eg math , in a way will be less complicated.

Very hard to decide. Are most of you parents happy about your kids studying in LMC. Any regrets? Any thing I should know before I make decision? You might want to PM me.
Many thanks for reading and answering my posts!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-31 16:56 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 helenli 於 12-10-31 16:58 編輯

回復 rainkan 的帖子

原來你是插班小一, 我以為你是明年才入讀小一.  workload方面不知如何比較, 有些同學覺得多, 有些覺得適中, 我覺得有時是多, 快快手手都不會好難做完, 但不是天天都這樣, 暫時都能應付. 默書方面比津校肯定輕鬆, 因為中英是隔周默, 上學期的全部英默範圍是一早通知的, 有足夠時間温習.  中默就續次通知, 是從課文中抽默, 上學期不用全課默.  中文是全普教.  這方面我的小朋友開始時不太適應, 因為他不太會普通話.  但英數常方面他沒問題, 因為他自少看很多英文書, 聽講讀都沒問題, 英數常功課他都能自己應付, 我們要集中温習中文, 也很花時間, 但中文困難的情況相信每間學校也一樣.

另方面你可考慮的是小朋友的興趣和意願, 他是否很喜歡英文? LMC有很多外籍學生, 我的小朋友很喜歡說英文, 看英文書, 看英文卡通, 基本上他運用英文是很自然, 所以他很喜歡LMC的生活.  至於你之前說有些老師很嚴, 我也聽說過, 我也曾經一度很介懷, 覺得直資學校不是應該包容些嗎? 但其實老師惡也不是天天發生, 作為家長其實不用太在意.  小朋友上學開心與否, 看他放學回家的反應你就會感受到.  老師年輕也是事實, 運作是有時欠條理也間中有發生, 但整體老師都是很有愛心的.  最近我的小朋友被同學戲弄, 破壞他的文具和藏起他的課本, 我通知班主任, 她很快處理了, 她將生事同學調位, 觀察他兩日後再調回原來的位置, 還教導我的小朋友要原諒他, 給他一個機會, 我覺得老師處理得很好, 既令學生改掉不好行為, 同時又教導孩子去寬恕他人.

Rank: 1

發表於 12-10-31 18:17 |只看該作者
Many thanks to you, Helenli. You have been very helpful to us. Is your kid in P1 too? Our kids might become classmate.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-10-31 18:31 |只看該作者

回覆:rainkan 的帖子

Yes my kid is in p1 too.  You are welcome to join our fb group again if you decide to become lmcite!  Hope to see you soon.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-1 09:48 |只看該作者
rainkan 發表於 12-10-29 21:41
My son is now studying in a very traditional school with lot's of homework and dictation. Although h ...
rainkan, please check pm, thanks!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-2 16:46 |只看該作者

咁德信同lmc 本身係兩所完全不同的學校, 一間傳統, 一間活動.

你同小朋友考德信時, 其實都知佢係一間幾谷的小學, 以你觀察你小朋友的性格時, 其實你都會知邊一類型小學適合佢, 我都有想過, 放阿仔入傳統小學令佢乖d, 定d架.
但現在已三年級, 不止我自己, 連我所有親人, 朋友都話我冇幫阿仔揀錯學校, 家下連老爺都話入呢d間 學校英文咁好, 佢出去見朋友都好威水 (我地放棄了34區陳水皮小學) 果時老爺好反對架, 你明架啦....:;pppp:

每間學校幾好啦, 都有佢的缺點, 但我又認為呢d 缺點, 唔會影響小朋友的學習, 加上學校同老師, 同我地家長都好有溝通, 好多事性都可以慢慢解決.
問題最大暫時係校車, 但若你係自行接送, 咁梗加冇問題啦.

等你回覆, 若你決定加入, 我在fb 再add 你加入我地個group 啦太太

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-2 16:50 |只看該作者
哈哈, 上上下堂去廁所的問題, 我仔話 " I'm really want to go to toilet" 後面加句 Very Urgent.  咁老師多數都比架

又試過英默, unseen,  有同學話, 我唔識啊, 老師你教我 or   有同學拎本書出黎搵,  老師都唔會罰, 會解釋, 默書唔可以咁架. 若係津校, 見家長了 :;pppp:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-3 12:37 |只看該作者

回覆:question about lmc


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-3 12:57 |只看該作者

回覆:mosquito_chu 的帖子

有comprehensive review, 上教育局網可看到,好詳細。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-11-3 12:59 |只看該作者

回覆:mosquito_chu 的帖子


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