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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 St. Mary's or PLKCKY?
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St. Mary's or PLKCKY? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 01:50 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
St. Mary's or PLKCKY?  Originally, I did quite confirm to take CKY for my daughter but so lucky that we bingo St. Mary's.  Now very struggle 'coz can save more money if choose St. Mary's.  Any comments?
Thanks in advance,
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 02:12 |只看該作者
In my opinion, I will choose St. Mary since it has secondary school and it is also a good school fee of charge.... can save more money for other activities.

原帖由 mimia810 於 09-6-8 01:50 發表
St. Mary's or PLKCKY?  Originally, I did quite confirm to take CKY for my daughter but so lucky that we bingo St. Mary's.  Now very struggle 'coz can save more money if choose St. Mary's.  Any comment ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-8 02:26 |只看該作者
My daughter is studying CKY, I think it depends on your daughter character if school fee is not a consideration!

CKY is total different from St. Mary.
If your daughter can work under pressure, St.Mary is a good choice!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-8 06:45 |只看該作者
In BK, it is very common that the schools with history are being labelled with pressure.  I don't know much about to-day's St. Mary, but my boy has just gone through 6 years of another primary school with history, I would like to share.

Yes, there is pressure, but it is within a reasonable level and is good for the kids of to-day.  The school is also working hard to keep up with the modern trend of education.  I think it should be no different in St. Mary's.

Even in the so called pressure boiler days, the St. Mary's girls, whom I know, are bright and "normal".  

I am not speaking bad of CKY, when it comes to make this kind of difficult decision, parents, apart from finding out the true pressure level, may take other factors into the consideration, such as:

1.  distance from home
2.  girl school vs co-ed
3.  the school board and org behind the school (sorry, I always feel funny about PLK that they have 三、四奶 as ex-co while their mission is 保赤安良, I admire the sisters more and trust they can deliver a better perspective of life)
4.  Cost, only when it is a consideration
5.  The girl's own wish

I apologise for my biased views towards the board of PLK and there may be nothing to do with CKY.

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 09-6-8 10:20 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 09:31 |只看該作者

too bias...

成班或幾個什麼保良主席是你所說的二三奶,那所有保良下面之機構也是看不上或者運作混亂 !!  請問保良真的冇你所說的"保赤安良"....試想,她們會有興趣管理這些機構或是上電視台呢做show...以此來選擇CKY嗎!!!

因為一兩位天主教神父有性侵犯兒童,是否當成全天主教都是共犯呢? 以此來選擇St. Mary嗎!!!

香港有曾特首,難道全港人都是曾特首呢 !!!全世界也應看香港人就是曾特首嗎....

還記得中國前主席在京罵香港記者的一句,不是"too bias",係 too "X E".

[ 本帖最後由 15分 於 09-6-8 09:42 編輯 ]
[img align=left]http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/4_17_10.gif[/img][/img][/quote]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-8 10:09 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-8 13:16 |只看該作者
Aeiya, don't argue la...  I know all of you just want to share your opinions with me.  Still struggling though.  My condition is:
1) if no money pressure, I can quit my job anytime to help my daughter out
2) now > both of my husband and me are very busy, always not in hk especially my husband
3) my girl is super cute, worry she would be dangerous to study in CKY (both co-ed and the location)
4) also worry she would become lesbian 'coz she always mentions she only likes girls and kisses her girlfriends' mouth and hugs them???
5) she's not very good academic but ok
6) she's naughty occasionally but super easy to be distracted, cannot concentrate herself
7) not easy to get along with peers
8) like to bite fingers

Its just a cross road to me.  In one side, it'd be easier to let her in CKY and I'm sure the situation would be more soothed and less pressure and my daughter would be more happy.  On the contrary, panic that she would be getting more naughty and uncontrollable and becomes a bad girl, at least not discipline law...  Quite sure St. Mary's can guide her to be more discipline and sophisticated but afraid there'd be more anger at home and she'd ve more pressure and not happy!!!  woo... expressed what inside my mind.  Hope nobody would score me of my 'ma-feng'.
Anymore to share...


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-8 13:24 |只看該作者
Yes, I have already admitted that I am biased, but leadership does affect/reflect what one org belives in and how they will act, especially in critical moments.

If one looks back into the history of PLK, the founding of PLK by a group of wealthy Chinese merchants, was also, funny enough, aiming at to maintain 妹仔 system.  Yes, this is a piece of ancient history, which should be forgiven and be forgotten as the modern PLK does contribute a lot to HK.  

However, when the discussion comes to St Mary's vs PLKCKY, for me, then it is part of my consideration if I am the one to make the call.

I used to be a regular donor of PLK, until they had that wonderful composition in the ex-co.  For me, it is just another irony of life, just like all schools with history are likely to be labelled as pressure cooker.

By saying so, I respect all the colleagues in PLK and PLK's schools students and their wonderful achievements.  It is just the composition of their ex-co, I am not happy with.  Mind you, 孫公 is the one who introduced them into the ex-co and also the very official making all the important decisions about Hong Kong Education for us.

[ 本帖最後由 hogwarts 於 09-6-12 13:35 編輯 ]

發表於 09-6-8 13:25 |只看該作者
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Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-8 19:08 |只看該作者
bias --- 每人都有.

大家以"往積"去衡量一間學校的時候. 有無考慮"增長值"的問題呢?!

部份人嚮往IB的同時, 政府也要推行通識教育, 做得好就是通達, 引發思想空間. 小朋友能否思考得正確是要人引領的. 而亦不是每人都有這天份的.或應該說接受這類教學模式.

那麼傳統教學就是理想選擇, 一樣可以思考, 空間可能不同.但保險.

我妹妹最愛打趣說, 子女可能是我的 best investment.

高風險定低風險各取所好. 加上$$$. 但我無$$$. 只有...


原帖由 miffy 於 09-6-8 13:25 發表
st. mary係一間勁傳統學校, 功課測驗考試較多, 對學生成績和操行都好高要求~~

cky係活動教學, 無咩功課做, 不過英文水平好高, cky好鼓勵睇書, cky學生睇好多書~~ ...

Rank: 1

發表於 09-6-9 01:33 |只看該作者

你的分享, 我好同意。

I did a lot of research, CKY is a good school and popular one among PLK.  I would say that the principle and teachers are very commit to the students.  It is just a matter of parents choice.

Of course, St. Mary's will be a safe
choice.  the only common for them are both have secondary school.....
哈, 哈!  :loveliness:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-9 09:59 |只看該作者


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-9 10:15 |只看該作者
你囡囡真幸運, 有二間甘好的學校收左. St. mary's 已經是一條龍學校, 想信壓力比以前細, 亦是很多父母的dream school (尤其是其英語方面, 真是數一數二). 從往績來看, 我自己會傾向 St. mary's.(純粹個人意見)

原帖由 mimia810 於 09-6-8 01:50 發表
St. Mary's or PLKCKY?  Originally, I did quite confirm to take CKY for my daughter but so lucky that we bingo St. Mary's.  Now very struggle 'coz can save more money if choose St. Mary's.  Any comment ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-9 10:46 |只看該作者
朋友2個女兒讀st mary, 姐姐係小學階段要補英數, 而數學更要係5年級程分時候補兩間, 結果第一次考試,全級26名, 跟著就食了定心丸, 因全級80名係安全, 到妹妹啦, 如有需要只考慮補英文, 朋友話唔考第尾留班更可, 因已直升.
而佢識得有些家長知道有得直升中學, 仲途中cut了很多學科補習,都係想自己休息吓, 我想現在st mary 已經無以前甘大壓力.
而cky既學費同國際學校差不多, 讀到p5之後便升中, 學費更貴, 有些家長會說物有所值, 但要能力供足12年學費+課外活動+去外國讀書, 如有財力, 甘cky對小朋友來說係讀得開心d.
有識d朋友個小朋友讀國際學校, 因老公生意唔好, 轉了去港大同學會, 但都十分難适應.

[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 09-6-9 10:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-11 20:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 09-6-9 09:59 發表

前幾天,在BK看見一條thread, ...

一般傳統學校的通病都是Grammar及Writing較強,Oral及Listening較弱,St. Mary's也是一樣!


傳統學校是這樣教的,aeiou 開頭的字,是用 an 的,而 an hour, a university 是exception。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-12 10:38 |只看該作者

CKY學習語言是很全面的,一二年級的英語訓練集中是講、聽、寫及拼音,反而不太理會文法,三年級始就著重文法。記得以前我們學過去式,一定要背go went gone; ba ba ba等,在蔡繼有,我未曾見過小兒背誦,但原來也會識的,串字也如是,可能因為懂得拼音的關係,孩子從來不用硬生生把生字背出來,當然他也會經常性串錯某些字,那時就要他記一記。他們的認知可能是因為用得多、見得多、聽得多及講得多吧,英文如是,普通話也如是。至於a university 的例子,很慚愧,其實我都不知小兒懂不懂,要回家問問才能解答。

原帖由 kls12 於 09-6-11 20:55 發表

要學好英文,要學校、家長及小朋友的配合,你小朋友成功的例子,相信不是全是學校的功勞。我問過一些讀國際學校的家長,是不用串生字,寫文章錯文法及串錯字是不減分的。在這環境下寫到二百字見得人的文章,這位小朋友 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-12 11:36 |只看該作者
我係 ST Mary's 畢業生,所以對ST Mary's 一定有 Bias.  
我只有一個囝囝,如果我有囡囡, 我一定報讀 St Mary's. 成績及語文水平當然重要, 但是我更加著重正確的人生觀及價值觀(core values).我相信ST Mary's 係呢方面一定做得好好.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-6-12 23:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 kyliema2006 於 09-6-12 10:38 發表
小兒的英文在學校祇屬okay或是中上,不算是最好的,因為老師(及我們)都覺得他仍未盡全力,仍然不夠認真。我亦是傳統學校中長大的,所以深明那種優點及缺點,我為孩子選擇CKY,主因是他有濃厚的閱讀興趣,在傳統學校,為了應付那種無日 ...

無可否認,CKY的小朋友接觸英文比St. Mary's多,方法也比較全面和有效率,沒有時間的家長選CKY較好.

我不知"a university" 這類是否傳統學校中 out of syllabus,但日常生活經常遇到,例如"an MTR"才是對的,很想知道非傳統學校是怎樣教的.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-14 08:48 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 elvisBB 於 09-6-14 08:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-6-14 17:17 |只看該作者
孩子原來也懂an hour, a university, 他回答a consonant,但vowel 前是an, an hour是因為h是silent letter, 所以讀音是our, 至於 university是因為讀you 而不是u, 不過他憑gut feeling 覺得MTR是am音,所以是an,熟真熟假,我就不太知曉。話說回來,未必每個蔡繼有的小朋友都會識,因為小兒的爸爸每天與他閱讀時,都會順便教一點文法,知識--有時是日積月累、潛言默化而來的。在蔡繼有讀,家長的付出其實也不可少,孩子要讀得好,家長的陪讀(課外書)則必不可少,直到孩子能自動自覺,每天有閱讀的習慣,那時家長們才能鬆一口氣。


蔡繼有是私校,不會跟香港的考試制,Yr 10考IGCSE,Yr 12考IBO。小一派位,是可以參加大抽獎的。
原帖由 kls12 於 09-6-12 23:53 發表

無可否認,CKY的小朋友接觸英文比St. Mary's多,方法也比較全面和有效率,沒有時間的家長選CKY較好.

我不知"a university" 這類是否傳統學校中 out of syllabus,但日常生活經常遇到,例如"an MTR"才是對的,很想知道非 ...

[ 本帖最後由 kyliema2006 於 09-6-17 10:47 編輯 ]
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