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想俾個囡學芭蕾舞... [複製鏈接]

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發表於 08-5-28 19:37 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
請問有無人知道郭慧芸芭蕾舞學校好嗎 ?
我見佢d價錢同王仁曼差不多, 有無information?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-5-30 00:22 |只看該作者
沒有在郭慧芸那裡學過, 所以不太方便給意見.

不過2所學校應該有免費試堂, 你可讓囡囡上各上一試堂, 看看她喜歡那一間先決定.

發表於 08-5-30 08:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-6-1 23:49 |只看該作者
要留意跳舞地板. 因為好的跳舞學校會用特別的地板. 如果只用普通地板, 對小朋友的雙腳是不好的.

有些學校比較商業化, 但又比較有名氣, 師資也不錯. 另外, 有些學校有表演, 有些則沒有. 所以要清楚你想要那一類學校.

如果是想長時間學習的, 那要選一間地點好的學校. 因為愈高班, 愈要上多些堂, e.g. 1 星期2~3堂, 那麼, 如果學校較近, 會方便你及你的小朋友

有些學校比較注重質素, 所以不一定讓所有學生考試, 特別是vocational exam, 只會選一些學生去考. 所以要得別注意.

不過, 最重要是老師, 因為學習芭蕾舞是很需要老師的提點, 如果用錯了muscles的後果可以很大. 而學生多數是不知道有沒有用對, 所以很需要老師糾正.

[ 本文章最後由 doris_cot 於 08-6-1 23:53 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-2 09:37 |只看該作者
Can you tell me more about why "要留意跳舞地板. 因為好的跳舞學校會用特別的地板. 如果只用普通地板, 對小朋友的雙腳是不好的. "?

Thank you.

原文章由 doris_cot 於 08-6-1 23:49 發表
要留意跳舞地板. 因為好的跳舞學校會用特別的地板. 如果只用普通地板, 對小朋友的雙腳是不好的.

有些學校比較商業化, 但又比較有名氣, 師資也不錯. 另外, 有些學校有表演, 有些則沒有. 所以要清楚你想要那一類學校 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-3 22:29 |只看該作者
For dance especially ballet, there're lots of jumps. if you dance on the normal floor, the force generated when we jumps will "go" back to our body when we land on the ground. This'll hurt our legs like knee joints. Specialized dance floor is needed to absorb the shock.

It's better to refer to the following:

The following is copied from:

" Dancing on concrete or even “floating” joists laid directly on concrete results in the body absorbing the energy of that impact. "

"The impact force with which the foot strikes the ground will rebound off the surface and vibrate up through the body as an energy shockwave.
This shockwave affects muscles, tendons and leads to joint trauma at the ankle, knee, hip, and lower back.

原文章由 馬媽媽 於 08-6-2 09:37 發表
Can you tell me more about why "要留意跳舞地板. 因為好的跳舞學校會用特別的地板. 如果只用普通地板, 對小朋友的雙腳是不好的. "?

Thank you.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-4 09:53 |只看該作者
Thank you. Can you advise which centre is using the special floor?

原文章由 doris_cot 於 08-6-3 22:29 發表
For dance especially ballet, there're lots of jumps. if you dance on the normal floor, the force generated when we jumps will "go" back to our body when we land on the ground. This'll hurt our legs li ...


發表於 08-6-4 18:52 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-6-5 00:25 |只看該作者
many ballet schools in HK have installed the specialized floor.  But it's better to check with them to ensure it.

Mostly, if classes are carried out in 社區中心 or 大會堂, you've to be careful because these centres don't have specialized floor.

原文章由 馬媽媽 於 08-6-4 09:53 發表
Thank you. Can you advise which centre is using the special floor?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-5 14:14 |只看該作者
Thank you. Any good choices in Kowloon side? Is it good for Jean Wong at Kowloon Bay?

原文章由 doris_cot 於 08-6-5 00:25 發表
many ballet schools in HK have installed the specialized floor.  But it's better to check with them to ensure it.

Mostly, if classes are carried out in 社區中心 or 大會堂, you've to be careful becau ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-6 00:16 |只看該作者
You're welcome!

Jean Wong is not bad if you consider its facility and faculty. However, it may be quite commercial. And, the school really emphasis on its student's quality. So, there is a chance that some students are not allowed to take grade exam and vocational exam( a more difficult exam which focus on technique and so, only selected can take the vocational classes and exam).

Recently, many teachers of Jean Wong had left and open their own school. Seems the teachers now are not as good as those in the past. But generally specking, faculty is still quite good.

There are keen competitions. And, some teachers in the past would only take care those they loved. But, I'm not sure what's happening now since some of these teachers left. Few years ago, the teachers at Kowloon Bay are really good and teachers are less bias when compare to other branches.

Competitions within the school can be good or bad. It depends on the type of person. Some kids love to compete and this provide a force for them to improve while others do not. Thus, you have to know the personality of your daughter.

Students of Jean Wong are quite good in general. But, they love gossiping. So, some kids can't stand this environment.

The fee is not expensive when you dance 3 times a week. It's only expensive in the lower grade. However, there are some other expense(not really huge amount actually) like buying the calender each year( thought it's not a must, you'll feel embarrass not to buy).

For talented students, this school provide lots of resources like scholarship to study abroad to help them achieve the peak.

I would say, it can be a good school or a bad school. It depends on your personalities and whether you can follow a good teacher.

No matter which school you choose, please remember to find one that's near to your home or near to the school of your child because when your child progress to a higher level, she needs to take 2 to 3 lessons per week.

原文章由 馬媽媽 於 08-6-5 14:14 發表
Thank you. Any good choices in Kowloon side? Is it good for Jean Wong at Kowloon Bay?


發表於 08-6-6 00:56 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-6 13:06 |只看該作者
Dear doris_cot,
我係路過架 … also searching for dance / ballet course info for my BB .. may I also seek your expert advise pls ??!!
my BB is just over 3-years of old ?? too early to start ???

pls kindly recommend some good dance schools for kids in the HK island, preferably @ Southern District

txs a lot !!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-6 13:42 |只看該作者
I agreed with you. That is why I wish to check whether there are other good choices at Kowloon East because my daughter will be at primary school. And now she is learning quite well with the existing teacher but little bit far away for us. She will be promoted to primary and will have to dance twice per week.

Other parents, any other good choices?
原文章由 doris_cot 於 08-6-6 00:16 發表
You're welcome!

Jean Wong is not bad if you consider its facility and faculty. However, it may be quite commercial. And, the school really emphasis on its student's quality. So, there is a chance tha ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-7 00:41 |只看該作者
you're welcome!

1. 其實好多學校都會在學生考完G5/G6 時讓同學上vocational exam. 所以您學校說的是對的.

2. 依我個人愚見, 體格是十分需要的, 特別是當上major 時.
至於修養 及 氣質, 坦白說, 藝術是可以培讓個人的修養 及 氣質, 不過, 不一定要有修養 及 氣質的人才可以學習.

3. 這是正確的, 我認識一些媽媽, 她們technique 是很好的. 不過當然, 大人才學習, 比小朋友需要多些練習, 始終記憶力及flexibility 不能和小朋友相比.

原文章由 天瑜 於 08-6-6 00:56 發表
Dear doris_cot,

1) 請問考RAD考到幾多級才可轉上"專業試"呢? (學校RECEPTION 話要GRADE 6 才可轉"專業試"是否正確呢?)

2) 我看過"莊X思網頁"寫道: 跳芭蕾舞之人有三個因素是必要的:-

"體格, 修養 及 氣質" 您認 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-7 00:49 |只看該作者
I suggest you to try Jean Wong if you are considering the school. Just try the trial lesson for free to see what does your daughter feel. It's not a problem if you don't like it. At least, you got the chance to experience it.

I know there's a small ballet school in Kwun Tung. Not famous. But my friend said that it's not bad and the fee is cheap. Do not have splendid decoration. But I need to ask her for the details as I forget the name.

Sorry that can't help much. Hope other parents can give better comment!

Btw, it's not easily to find a teacher that is suitable for your kid. Matching between teachers and students is really important. So, take the free trial lesson(if any) of the schools that you are interested in to really experience it! Ask for your daughter's comment. It's important that she loves it!

原文章由 馬媽媽 於 08-6-6 13:42 發表
I agreed with you. That is why I wish to check whether there are other good choices at Kowloon East because my daughter will be at primary school. And now she is learning quite well with the existing  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-7 01:19 |只看該作者
Dear 肥肥媽,

Haha..I'm not an expert . Just wanna share what i know with others.

If your BB is just over 3 years old, there's no need to take ballet classes. I've asked ballet teacher about the ages. The best is around 6 to 7 years old. If students are too young, it's not possible to tell them how to "turn out" or to move their muscles. Take ballet at the age when kids are able to understand how to move their bodies.

For your BB, it's better to go to the playground(since some ballet schools charge expensive fee). Because even you take your BB to ballet class, the class is still like the playground lesson outside. One thing is, your BB will be happy to wear those pink beautiful clothes!

It's still okay if you join the Baby ballet class. But please do not expect her to learn any ballet step because the class is similar to playground like singing or acting like butterfly.

As I know many ballet schools charge expensive fee for baby class, it would be better for your to compare the price of playground and ballet class to make your choice. If the price is similar, taking baby ballet class is not a bad thing because girls always love to be a princess and wearing the pink dress do make them feel good! And, in a ballet school, your kid will gain access to ballet music.

And, if you only want your kid to take summer ballet course, you've to think of whether it's worth to buy the whole set of uniform ( around $600 usually).  

You may try to visit Emma Tse Elite Dance Academy Ltd
the school is in Central.
I've never take any classes of Emma Tse. But Emma Tse was trained in England and she got the western style of teaching. She was a teacher of Jean M Wong school of ballet before she opened her school. After visiting the website continuously for 2 years, I think she is a very warm teacher. The school is famous for it harmony and has many activities that many ballet schools in HK do not have. I think maybe becuase of the coming new website , I can't find back the videos of the school!
However, the school fee is quite expensive.

Isla school of Dance
The teacher is a western and she was a teacher of Dase A lili(曾雪麗)before she opened the school. It's a really new school and so, not much comment about it. Just remember a parent here mentioned that the teacher is very nice to kid.

if you have any questions, just feel free to ask!

原文章由 肥肥媽 於 08-6-6 13:06 發表
Dear doris_cot,
我係路過架 … also searching for dance / ballet course info for my BB .. may I also seek your expert advise pls ??!!
my BB is just over 3-years of old ?? too early to start ???
pls ...

[ 本文章最後由 doris_cot 於 08-6-7 01:34 編輯 ]


發表於 08-6-7 07:22 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-6-7 11:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 天瑜 於 08-6-6 00:56 發表
Dear doris_cot,
1) 請問考RAD考到幾多級才可轉上"專業試"呢? (學校RECEPTION 話要GRADE 6 才可轉"專業試"是否正確呢?)
2) 我看過"莊X思網頁"寫道: 跳芭蕾舞之人有三個因素是必要的:-
"體格, 修養 及 氣質" 您認 ...

just sharing

PS -PP --> assessment
p - G8 --> children examination
Pre-int - Adv2 --> major examination
solo seal

以前未有 G6-8, 是考完G5, 條件好就可以上 major
不過, 依家如果學生條件好好, 又 pick up 到, 好多老師都會比學生一路上 G6-8 , 同時上major class

條件 ---> 就是"體格+修養+氣質"
ballet 好現實, 如果 just for 興趣, 唔洗講條件好唔好, 只要喜歡就學得
如果要做一個專業舞者, 條件缺一不可
冇 arch -- on pointe 真係事倍功半, 而且線條唔好睇
腿唔夠開 -- 好多動作做唔到, 一個隻腳一踢就上左頭頂, 一個用盡力先踢得90度, 出去考試, 高下立見
陣心跳力 -- 彈跳力好, 小跳清脆利落, 力都用少d


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