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教育王國 討論區 學之園幼稚園(昇御海逸) TKO 學之園幼稚園
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TKO 學之園幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-1 22:33 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

anyone will go for TKO school ?
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Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-2 12:40 |只看該作者
After struggling for a long time, I decide to let my kid study in LH(TKO).  I don't know if my decision is really right, cause I have given up all the other choices in Kln Tong.  It seems that not many mami talk about the school in TKO.  Just wonder if they have all given up.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 10-6-2 16:51 |只看該作者
I guess one of the struggle is the start date of LH(TKO).

As far as I know, some mothers with small baby (born around Nov/Dec) are waiting for the rest mothers to give up the offer from LHK(TKO) for them to get seats.

原帖由 ncylam 於 2/6/2010 12:40 發表
After struggling for a long time, I decide to let my kid study in LH(TKO).  I don't know if my decision is really right, cause I have given up all the other choices in Kln Tong.  It seems that not man ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-2 22:57 |只看該作者
will anyone give up ??
LH - it's so difficult to get a seat from other 3 campus recently.. guess this year, the kids can get the seat at Lohas Park easily due to they didn't get the license currently.

原帖由 huba 於 10-6-2 16:51 發表
I guess one of the struggle is the start date of LH(TKO).

As far as I know, some mothers with small baby (born around Nov/Dec) are waiting for the rest mothers to give up the offer from LHK(TKO) for  ...

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 10-6-4 01:12 |只看該作者
As my kid is studying in LV campus, I did not pay much attention on the progress of their TKO campus. Only heard from the staff that they are currently doing the renovation work there.
May I know your source of info. for the TKO campus still waiting for licence?
原帖由 maewmaew 於 2/6/2010 22:57 發表
will anyone give up ??
LH - it's so difficult to get a seat from other 3 campus recently.. guess this year, the kids can get the seat at Lohas Park easily due to they didn't get the license currently. ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-4 01:59 |只看該作者
It is advised by the school recently.

原帖由 huba 於 10-6-4 01:12 發表
As my kid is studying in LV campus, I did not pay much attention on the progress of their TKO campus. Only heard from the staff that they are currently doing the renovation work there.
May I know your ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-4 10:49 |只看該作者
I'm still struggling... the P1 allocation result (for DSS & private) is really good... but seems to have too much uncertainty for the new campus~

for those mama still haven't made decision to go for LH, mind to share your other choices?

發表於 10-6-4 16:14 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-4 17:54 |只看該作者
Have you received the nanny bus info from LH? Perhaps you may give them a call and ask for details, like travelling time required to see whether it's acceptable.

Same as you, starting in Oct/Nov is not my concern ^^

原帖由 bcw 於 10-6-4 16:14 發表
My struggle is distance!

I am not in TKO but Lam Tin.

I know school bus serves this area but the REAL distance is still long.

I think the taxi fare costs more than one hundred!

Opening until Oc ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-5 08:21 |只看該作者

so means you will go for 2x Kindergarten ?

原帖由 onchai 於 10-6-4 17:54 發表
Have you received the nanny bus info from LH? Perhaps you may give them a call and ask for details, like travelling time required to see whether it's acceptable.

Same as you, starting in Oct/Nov is n ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-6 00:33 |只看該作者
actually we hv already paid for TKO boxhill... will make the decision whether we should go for boxhill or LH after school visit...how about u?

原帖由 maewmaew 於 10-6-5 08:21 發表

so means you will go for 2x Kindergarten ?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-6 16:08 |只看該作者

My friend consider to go for GHS and LH TKO.
I will go for GHS but may consider to apply LH too after I pay the visit together with her..

Boxhill-not under our consideration due to I heard the campus is very small and in general, both of us like the placement result this year of LH very much cause am thiking also about LH at Lohas.

Did u get the seat from LH TKO ? English/Mandarin class also ?

原帖由 onchai 於 10-6-6 00:33 發表
actually we hv already paid for TKO boxhill... will make the decision whether we should go for boxhill or LH after school visit...how about u?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-7 01:40 |只看該作者
Yes, we've got the offer from LH TKO (Eng/Can)... still struggling whether to go for LH or Boxhill.  The campus of Boxhill is small, but clean & attrative, and the no. of students there is also relatively small... do u know the campus size for LH?

原帖由 maewmaew 於 10-6-6 16:08 發表

My friend consider to go for GHS and LH TKO.
I will go for GHS but may consider to apply LH too after I pay the visit together with her..

Boxhill-not under our consideration due to I heard the ca ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-6-7 22:53 |只看該作者

as according to the seminar fm LG, they was advise the size is a bit bigger than the Hunghom Campus (calculate base of 單層的呎數,因Hunghom校是有2層的,一層is for Admin用).
besides, guess there will not be too many students there since they are only operate N1+K1 on the coming year...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-12 00:30 |只看該作者
My daughter has got the AM offer from LHK (LP) too.  She will start PN at Think Lam Tin in Aug first.  I live in Hang Hau so LHK is a bit close to me.  But worry that it's a new campus and the inexperienced teachers, etc.  Just wait and see after the visit of the campus and briefing for parents later.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-21 14:02 |只看該作者
Hi, 妳們好呀!

我都同細仔報了TKO 學之園, 因我家搬了去康城, 原本藍田Think 已收 仔仔 "2010-K1", 亦已交留位費 (大仔在藍田Think 由 N1 to K3, 讀得不錯, 現在在播道升 小2了, 他亦很開心小學生活).
因TKO 學之園近家, 行去便可, 而身邊都有朋友在學之園 - 紅磡及奧海城讀過都說不錯, 所以放棄了Think. 希望他們可快些裝修及批到牌照, 早些開學啦. (好似要十月至十一月才開到學).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-22 20:09 |只看該作者
This is really a dilemma for me too.  As I have 2 kids, I consider to send one of them to whole-day class.  Honestly, I prefer LH's curriculum, but as it (LP campus) has only half-day session, I have to think thoroughly.
Anyway, I think both of them are good KGs.
原帖由 babydoris 於 21-7-2010 14:02 發表
Hi, 妳們好呀!

我都同細仔報了TKO 學之園, 因我家搬了去康城, 原本藍田Think 已收 仔仔 "2010-K1", 亦已交留位費 (大仔在藍田Think 由 N1 to K3, 讀得不錯, 現在在播道升 小2了, 他亦很開心小學生活).
因TKO 學之 ...
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