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發表於 05-1-25 08:57 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-25 08:58 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-25 09:07 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺

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發表於 05-1-25 09:16 |只看該作者


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-25 09:26 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺

Recall that the new system will also to DSS, but is private schools exempted?  There is no reason to apply to private schools as they are totally independent financially, right?

發表於 05-1-25 09:29 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺

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發表於 05-1-25 09:34 |只看該作者


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發表於 05-1-25 09:36 |只看該作者


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺

Another example of the chaotic running of local education system thanks to Mr.Tien (Is he graduated from Harvard?).

Does the Gov. ever really want to raise the level of English at all? For those who would like to send children to overseas for U study, think twice on whether your children should stay in local school.
Like Matt's Mum said, it is time to consider IS or private school. I just hope that DBS can remain in English teaching though I have confident that the standard of the school is high enough.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 10:37 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺

EMB enjoys surprising parents, teachers and students every few years!
On one hand, EMB eliminated several public exams in order to lessen student's pressure! On the other hand, students have to work harder in order to get into English Secondary schools! What's the point?!!

Did those decision makers ask for advice from us who are tax payers?!!!
Can they adapt non-interference policy! Have they learned about demand-and-supply theory? I believe if a school is good, no matter how much the school fee is, parents would try to let their kids to get in. If the school is not good, even it is free of charge; I think not many parents would let their kids study over there. Also, good schools would subsidize those smart students if they can't afford the school fee. If schools would like to keep the popularity, they would hire qualified teachers. Why EMB interfere the market so much! That's ridiculous! :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

Moreover, if those policies apply to DSS, then, what is the purpose having DSS?

Nowadays, many parents (both dads and moms) have to go to work for long hours and how can we afford so much time playing such silly games with EMB!

Kids studying in HK just like gambling! :cry:

發表於 05-1-25 10:41 |只看該作者


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」







Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-1-25 12:32 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」

的英文程度! 以後自行收生一定以英文行先。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 12:40 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-25 12:45 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」

If true, I am glad to see the discretionary place (1st round) quota jumps to 30% instead of 20% currently.

發表於 05-1-25 12:51 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-25 12:59 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」


wetfoot 說的應是蘋果。

但細看內容,兩報所述冇大差異。wetfoot 的說法並非冇理,但用此段新聞為引好像有點借錯題發揮。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-1-25 13:05 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」

I feel pity for the schools today, so many criteria and restrictions,they cannot 100% select their students, and yet they have to ensure a 85% passing standard to be an English school.

The most suffer ones are our kids, my girl's school has given a lot of assessment exercises and tests this year as homework, so as to prepare the students much better for the assessment test.  This is inevitable as the school needs to maintain its competitiveness. The harsher requirement of English secondary will increase further the pressure to primary kids.  I can see that my girl starts to become "dull" after doing many pages of those exercises... :cry:

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-1-25 13:30 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」

Matt'smum 寫道:
to wetfoot,

but i do see Mr. tin talking about a similiar issue yesterday in the news.

I don't think ming pao is that bad.

if you do have other insider's information, please let us know.

this is a public forum, it is ok to post something from a public newspaper.

tell you, before 1980, chinese people did not trust their governement, what ever government said, people interpreted in the opposite direction.

today this is appearing in hk,

after the depressed 7 years of 85,000, don't blame hk people for such reaction.

First of all, I am not talking about MingPao. I did avoided mentioning any newspaper's name. People should know what I was referring to.

I do not have any 'insider' information and that was not my point. Sources just said there would be a consultation for reviewing the policy on teaching language of Secondary schools and only a preliminary time table was proposed. Nothing was ever fixed for the future. However, some newspapers tend to "guess" (threaten could be more appropriate) what EMB was going to do ("killing six schools?!). Seeing is believing? Or just helped the newspaper to spread (promote) the rumour? That is what I had worried.

I cannot agree that no one trust the Government before 1980. There is ambiguity in your statement as I am not sure if you are referring to the Chinese Government or the then Hong Kong Government. Whatever it is, I would think it would be fare to comment on this issue (Government's trust) only if you were aged around 20 or more in 1980. Everything should be back up with facts.

The poor thing is that the general HK people worship English and look down upon Chinese without knowing the importance of a good language foundation. Unless you have migrated to an English speaking country and never want to have any contact with Chinese, poor Chinese language is a shame. No Wonder why there is so many people who feel ambiguous about their identity; Chinese or just Hongkongese?

"85000 policy" was obviously a poor policy. But please confine that to that old man who has no experience in Public Administration; try not to blame the whole Government. Remember, you still have to live and raise kids in HK. Opposition will do you no good. Think positive and be fare.

Unless you are going to stay away from HK; it is hard to understand why people (genuine HK born Chinese) choose International Schools for their kids. If they had not been studying there, have they ever thought that they might have put their children to a lab as guinea-pig?

發表於 05-1-25 13:34 |只看該作者

Re: 最 少 六 校 轉 中 中   傳 統 名 校 難 幸 免 教 -- 學 新 方 案 英 中 「 大 屠 殺」

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