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教育王國 討論區 基督堂幼稚園 Application Note for CCKG
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Application Note for CCKG [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 13-7-30 11:07 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Application to Enter L.K.G.
Please read this carefrully
Due to the extremely large number of applications usually received for the limited number of school places available in the entry year for CCKG each year, it is necessary for the school to apply strict rules for the processing of applications. These rules are set out in detail below. We regret the need for the strictness of the rules but they are necessary in order to properly administer the application process.
Responsibility for the submission of application forms and compliance with the rules set out rests with the applicants and CCKG accepts no liabiliy or responsibility whatsoever in respect of such applications. Applications that do not meet the necessary age and documentary requirements cannot qualify as valid applications and will be disqualified. We also wish to point out that the submission of an application form does not guarantee an invitation to interview, nor does an invitation to an interview guarantee that a candidate with in fact be interviewed.
If, by mistake, an invitation to interview is extended to an ineligible applicant, such invitation will not constitute a waiver of the eligibility criteria listed below and CCKG reserves the right to grant or refuse interviews to individual candidates.
Please note, in particular, that CCKG will not accept any responsibility for an loss, damage, inconvenience, expense or any other consequence at all caused to any ineligible applicants who submit application forms.
1) Application forms must be submitted on XXX by hand at the Kindergarten. Only at the day and time stipulated with applications be collected. No postal acceptance with be made.
N.B. Time to submit: xx:xx  
Boys: Left side of Front Door i.e., D.P.S. side
Girls: Right side of Front Door i.e., Christ Church Vicarage side.
Inclement Weather
Should  a number 8, or higher typhoon signal, or a red or black rainstorm warning be in effect one hour before the scheduled time to submet application forms, application form acceptance will be postponed until the first school day (i.e., not Saturday & Sunday) the typhoon signals and or rainstorm warnings are lowered.
Please include for submission:
a) Application form (with recent photograph glued to the form)
b) Two stamped self adhesive, self addressed, legal size (23cm X 11cm) envelopes with your child's name on the front, left hand bottom corner.
c) Copy of the child's birth certificate.
d) Copy of the child's baptism certificate if applicable.

2) Duplicated application forms are not acceptable. Only one original application form per applicant with be accepted.

3) Please fill in the form carefully and accurately. No corrections with be made after the school receives the application. Attach all documents to the application form with a paper clip (N.B. Do not staple). See attached sheet for details.

4) Only those children born between January - December xxxx with be considered. Children born in other year are ineligible to apply. N.B. The school will not take responsibility for any inconvenience, expense etc., caued to ineligible applicants who submit application forms.

5) CCKG is an Anglo-Chinese school and the medium of instruction is English. All interviews for admission with be conducted in English.

6) Please note that admission to CCKG does not gurantee admission into any particular primary school including Diocesan Preparatory School, Diocesan Boys' Primary Division or Diocesan Girls' Junior School.

Applicants invited to interview will be notified by post of their interview thime during the first week of Decmeber. Please DO NOT contact the school. (If you have not received any information regarding your child's time for an interview by December xx, xxxx, only then contact the Kinderarten.)

As application forms are processed according to the child's month of birth it is necessary to give the child's NAME and MONTH OF BIRTH (not the application form number) in any correspondence with the school.
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