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我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 04-4-13 02:45 |只看該作者


我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時已購買英語教材(例如world family ***)給他自學或觀看英語vcd等?我懷疑這是影響嬰兒腦部發展,因而導致他們發展緩慢或有自閉症的傾向!我便是在bb出世前購買了一套,而我有兩位朋友的子女也有發展緩慢的情況,大家同樣在bb4個月大便看淺藍色的vcd1-3。我真的想統計一下這裡有多少小朋友已買了而又出事了。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-13 07:26 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

我仔仔是發展慢緩, world family ***我亦有購買, 大約在小朋友1歲買的. 但個人認為不會全因為自學或觀看英語vcd而引致小朋友"出事".

我不否認, 某些小朋友真的會被"同時學兩種語言", 而引致混淆, 但個人認為主因係現代小朋友真係少了"外界刺激"=這方面我自己都要負上多少責任. 想想當年, 我自己那個年代, 我有4兄弟姊妹; 同鄰居既小朋友玩成一片, 連樓上兩層/樓下兩層果啲都認識; 有表弟妹; 屋企有老人家=老人家真係幾多聲氣, 小朋友聽得多就自然識講.

我媽媽重話: 我滿月就已經揹住我, 再拖住歲半既哥哥去街市買送. 話說我重有個賣菜既契媽.

而現代家庭哩, 最起碼我得一個小朋友, 剛剛足3歲先有一個newborn既表弟, 鄰居貴姓我並唔知道. 我自己(以前)不是一個多聲氣既人, 依家就知道原來對住小朋友真係要"日講夜講", 唉...如果唔多講, 佢真係學唔識.

我也算好, 起碼我是全職媽咪. 重有些家庭父母為生活都要返工. 如果家中有個菲傭/懂粵語既印傭都還好, 最起碼真係有一個識講野既人係屋企. 唔好彩(我知父母亦好無奈)遇著個中英文都唔識既印印, 你叫一個剛剛學說話既小朋友對住個"唔識講說話"既人, 去學講說話. 你可以expect啲乜野.
再唔係(用番仔仔個語言治療師既一番話), 工人剩係用隻vcd招呼個小朋友, 完全無interaction既話, 就算隻vcd再好, 個小朋友都好難有得著.

總之就...唉...現代家庭既無奈, 同家家有本難念的經!

Rank: 4

發表於 04-4-13 14:38 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

I've brought the DWF when my baby was 11 mths old.  I had thought about it whether this affect the brain development of my child.  Perhaps it was my fault that I should not give my boy to watch the DVD too often (normally 2 hours per day).  After stopping this habit for few months and concentrating to train my boy, he has some improvements in cognition and social skill with us.   

Rank: 2

發表於 04-4-14 03:09 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢


I've brought World family and Disney Magic English when my first sons was 6 mths. I already stopped them for over 1 year because they watched too much. And, I realised that the TV is not quite helpful at this stage because it does not have any communication.
Both of my sons have speech delay and austim (minor).

I'm not sure if this affect their development. But, I've checked with WF's consultant (when they asked me to play some more) that REALLY SOME of their client children has speech delay, They explained that children learning 2 languages at the same time will not be as good as learning one. And, they claimed that children will later catch up.  But now, my sons did not catch up as same as their same ages children.

For me, I also interested in knowing another parents thought on WF.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-14 07:01 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

I have this suspicion for a long time.
I let my son watch DWE since, may be 1. He has a speech delay.

My thought is that, if  a baby has inborn deficiency in language capability, and coupled with learning of two languages together, confusion will lead to speech delay. For those who don't have inborn deficiency, learning two languages is not a problem.

In fact I am always blaming myself for letting him watching DWE (though not more than  1 hr one day). I stop since he has a symtom of speech delay.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-4-14 08:52 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

Agree with ALAL.  I asked two of my friends who also play DWE to their children.  The one who has two boys has little problem with his elder son but no problem at all for the younger.  The other family has only 1 girl and don't have any problem.  I find that it's normally no problem for girls and girls can really benefit from the DWE for learning English.  But for boys, more evidences show that playing DVD in early childhood may have impact to their brain development.  As ALAL commented, these boys may have inborn deficiencies.

ALAL, I am much worse than you as my maid played the DVD more than 1 hour per day to my boy.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-14 10:49 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

My girl got speech delay problem since we have purchased DWE from Singapore and let her watch too much starting from her 1.5 years old.  For recent months, less TV and VCD and more interactive communications to her and not with starting the occupational therapy, she can reply to me her Chinese name when I ask her.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-14 10:51 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

我在囝囝20個月大時買DWE, 而我買DWE原因就是由於囝囝語言發展遲緩, 而我兩個朋友都用得很好向我推薦, 但買了之後我不覺得有太大的幫助.
囝囝現在3歲, 上了半年的言語治療進步很多, 但英文亦同時進步起來, 例如顏色,1-10都是先識用英文(是他自己突然講出來)然後我再教中文(雖然治療師不大讚成囝囝用雙語, 但由於他太喜歡所以我沒有停DWE)連老師都多次讚他英文好及上外籍老師堂反應十分好(我平日是不用英文教他), 所以我覺得小朋友語言發展有問題跟英文VCD的關係不大, 反而真的是現在太多獨生及環境食物的汚染而影響小朋友的發育.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-4-14 13:31 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-15 15:20 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

So now my son just watch TV once every 3 days. It take more than 1 years to foster this habit. Some mums suggest to let kids listen to CD while reading compatible books, because this foster habit of reading, active learning instead of relying on stimulation from TV.

I think mums would pay attention to a recent news report, saying that when babies and toodlers always watch TV, their tendency to become overactive increase a lot.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-4-15 22:00 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

ALAL 寫道:
...In fact I am always blaming myself for letting him watching DWE (though not more than  1 hr one day). I stop since he has a symtom of speech delay.

完全同意ALAL的意見, 如果連第一語言也未講好, 再學一種只會令小朋友更混淆--我在國際學校見唔少這些東不成,西不就的可憐孩子. 當然若家長本身英文不靈光,更硬要用全英文與孩子溝通的就更雪上加霜.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-4-15 22:04 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

Ekiip 寫道:
...I'm not sure if this affect their development. But, I've checked with WF's consultant (when they asked me to play some more) that REALLY SOME of their client children has speech delay, They explained that children learning 2 languages at the same time will not be as good as learning one. And, they claimed that children will later catch up.  ...

他們的所謂Consultant只是中學程度,絕非正式言語治療師或合格教師. 說老實的,只是sales而已.

Rank: 1

發表於 04-4-17 11:23 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢


Rank: 1

發表於 04-4-17 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

我的兒子在半歲時開始看DWE, 在3歲時發現有自閉症傾向, 語言和社交能力都很弱.

Rank: 4

發表於 04-4-18 19:40 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

就在此topic發表過而小朋友亦有特殊需要的已經唔少,假如我們所識的朋友並無相同的話, 總計有:
Iky+2 friends
HayBmum+1 friend
Windwind531+姐姐+6 families

在這小小統計下,人數都幾驚人,雖然沒問題的家庭我們不知有多少, 但這樣的"巧合"直得正視

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-18 23:21 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-18 23:28 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

We didn't buy DWE for our girl but she also got speech delay.  We think her speech delay is attributed to too much TV (more than 2~3 hrs per day) and too many languages used at home.  Now we have limited TV time to half an hour or less per day and strictly forbid our maid turn on the TV under all situations.  Now our girl has picked up a lot more words in the last month than in the last year.

Whether it is normal TV programs or educational VCD or cartoons or DWE, too much TV, especially without parent participation and guidance is harmful.  We realise this too late.  There is a good article about the relationship of time spent on TV and HDAD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).  One may click on the following to view it.

TV time shortens attention spans -- even in infants

BK parents have also discussed the effect of TV on children's speech and language development.  Click on the following to view the discussion:


Even though our children may not really be HDAD, the shorter attention span than average kids will inhibit their communication and social skills, and hence learning ability .  TV is afterall monologue without the interaction that our children need.

Rank: 5Rank: 5


發表於 04-4-19 00:28 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢

我真係覺得你地只不過想詆毀人地, 而並唔係自己買左套野...我甚至懷疑係有公司想詆毀人而冒充媽媽
如果你地真係有買而用得咁差, 點解唔一齊告佢呀??如果你個寶貝仔女因為用呢套野而搞到有自閉症, 你仲唔告到佢甩褲咩, sigh.........想詆毀人, 麻煩先用下腦!!
講真, 我並唔相信自閉症係培養出黎, 如果係咁, 咁多人買左咪勁多小朋友有事?? 我真係希望你地唔好以為做媽咪既都唔曉諗野先得架, 都唔知有無搞錯!

:evil:  :cry:  :evil:  :cry:  :evil:  :cry:  :evil:  :cry:  :

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 04-4-19 09:45 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢


I would like to say nobody here in this topic is going to undermine any Brandname product i.e DWE.  We as the parent who know much more than you if a kid with autistic features are not created from watching DWE but something wrong with the child's brain development.

My girl is in speech delay as one of the causes of watching too much VCD at her younger stage, and the coincidence that she likes watching DWE VCD.  If she prefers watching other series Barney, Seasame etc and I think that the final result will be the same.

To have different problems for our children's development is already a painful experience to the parents.  Please do not use such rude behaviour to express yourself as the brainful parent can shout to other parents at this topic.  If you are the one who bought your favourite DWE products, it is fine and please rest assure to go ahead your product as we are not blaming on any kind of product.  Try to understand what we are sharing about and if you are not available then please leave it.  No one make request for generosity or sympathy from whosoever but the constructive and positive sharing amongst us is welcome.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-4-19 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: 我想知道有多少位有特殊需要的小孩是在嬰兒時期已購買英語教材給他自學或觀看英語vcd呢


We are just having a calm and peaceful discussion here.  It is true that many parents mentioned DWE because it is a hugely popular product among parents and kids.  However, the parents here are actively looking for ways (e.g. therapies, ETCs, SCCs, etc.) to help their kids instead of simply blaming on any products or fingerpointing.  If our mistake is to let our children spend too much time on any product (VCD, DVD, cartoons, TV programs) is harmful to the children, then we should correct this mistake by reducing the exposure immediately.  This is the spirit of the discussion here.

Besides, we have also mentioned whether parental involvement is necessary, length of time spent on DWE or other TV programs everyday, two-way interaction,....  

There are enough fights in BK already.  Please remain calm and don't start another one.
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