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教育王國 討論區 香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 有冇2010-2011小一浸小同學.
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有冇2010-2011小一浸小同學. [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-4 13:53 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
好開心, 個囡可以入讀浸小, 多多指教.
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-5 13:50 |只看該作者
浸小是否你心儀的學校? 那方面值得你欣賞?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-7 17:53 |只看該作者
我有好幾個朋友d仔女係浸小讀, 開心上學.
學校鼓勵學生參與, 不一定要好top 的學生, 都可以參與不同類的比賽, 表演.
學校始終有Bu Back up,
好多資源都可以由Bu 抽取安排,

例如家長的講座, BU 的幼兒教育方面有很多老師進修.
雖然有些負面新聞, 自由言論, 有正有負, 就要平常心.
教育不是幾年就會成熟, 只要keep 進步,
學生學習開心, 係我需要的學校.
Keep positive always.
原帖由 kkk2000 於 09-12-5 13:50 發表
浸小是否你心儀的學校? 那方面值得你欣賞?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-18 20:48 |只看該作者
If compare with TSL, which one is your choice?  WKF or TSL?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-21 15:34 |只看該作者
still wkf, tsl 真係好開放
原帖由 kkk2000 於 09-12-18 20:48 發表
If compare with TSL, which one is your choice?  WKF or TSL?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-4 13:39 |只看該作者


...其實我都擔心我女女上小學嘅情緒問題,我都吾明點解佢係老師面前成日都好緊張,比人感覺無mug自信,其實老師可能太忙啦,吾得閒了解下佢,吾知佢表面文靜,內裏mug都想參加,做野又認真 ~ 話說K2佢join學校舞班,知有機會成班同學去比賽,佢好比心機,跳跳跳,等等等到K3,仲好認真係屋企練習,老師都話佢跳得幾好,但揀人比賽時,揀左其他K3生,全部都係佢D好朋友大概7-8個,無揀佢,反而搵左D吾係跳開但其他成績優異嘅TOP人加入,佢看在眼裏,好震驚,返到屋企大喊一場,down左成個月又發惡夢,心痛死我...之後我問老師係吾係佢跳得吾好?佢答案係我女跳舞方面無問題,幾好,只係因為佢平時吾多出聲,比人感覺自信吾夠,唉!就係咁表面...





keep in touch~

原帖由 tpmak 於 09-12-7 17:53 發表
我有好幾個朋友d仔女係浸小讀, 開心上學.
學校鼓勵學生參與, 不一定要好top 的學生, 都可以參與不同類的比賽, 表演.
學校始終有Bu Back up,
好多資源都可以由Bu 抽取安排,
例如家長的講座, BU 的幼兒教育方面有很 ...

[ 本帖最後由 idy926 於 10-3-4 14:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-4 21:23 |只看該作者
其實, 我都很擔心浸小'掛羊頭賣狗肉', 因為聽Briefing and background, 浸小的理念的確很符合我, 但在這裡實在太少家長討論此學校的長短處, 再加上常說行政混亂, 這樣會否影響老師的教學質素呢? 他們是否有heart呢? 更又有說課程較一般津校, 官校淺, 所以我真矛盾, 又想仔仔讀, 但又擔心, 唉......

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-4 21:48 |只看該作者
係呀, 浸小嘅理念又係好符合我兩公婆, 同埋我都識人話個女讀得好開心, 仲話其實吾淺添....仲有我知有一個家長本身係一間津校校長, 都比佢個女入浸小讀,咁我諗吾差得去邊卦?

原帖由 kkk2000 於 10-3-4 21:23 發表
其實, 我都很擔心浸小'掛羊頭賣狗肉', 因為聽Briefing and background, 浸小的理念的確很符合我, 但在這裡實在太少家長討論此學校的長短處, 再加上常說行政混亂, 這樣會否影響老師的教學質素呢? 他們是否有heart呢?  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-5 09:57 |只看該作者
請問校風如何? 學生是否很頑皮? 學校會否重視德育?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-5 14:12 |只看該作者
Being WKF parent I am pleased to share with you my opinion.  My kid is in the first grade and my comments are both good and bad.  Here are some details.

I personally think those looking for good discipline should not be worried - WKF is very good.  School was just opened for few years so P.1-P.4 students are WKF's production. Higher graders might have developed their habits and behaviours before entered WKF.  Thus when you do observation outside WKF, it maybe more fair to judge by different graders.

Compare with traditional schools, WKF has less homework so there should be more time for family and entertainment.  My kid goes to bed early so weekdays are always busy days. Luckily, weekends are relaxing.

Curriculum follows western countries, WKF expects self study and parents' involvement.  In grade 1, little Chinese dictation and no English dictation. Parents need to spend time teaching kids more vocabulary and dictation at home.  

There are assessments about every 2 months. Result is based on A,B,C,D to make sure kids meet with requirement.  For bad performers school will invite them to enhancement classes in or after school.  One of my kid's classmates needs to attend ENG/MATH/CHI enhancement classess.  But in general, this is still a happy school for all kids.

Extra activities in school are quite enough and kids really enjoy them.  It is in school hours and after school. Some involve minimal charge or some are free.

I have attended teacher-parent meetings and the 2 class teachers showed their care for the kids.  They are Engligh and Putonghua teachers, and all are native speakers.

Kids pick up English quite fast but if they are taught to speak in native accent, that would be perfect!

Thanks and look forward to more comments from WKF parents.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-3-5 15:07 |只看該作者
Thanks Sunshinemom,

Your comment 真係令我多左信心.
我以前間屋係望到WKF果塊地,我係睇住佢建的,我女幾個月大時,我就話 "亞女如果你第時入去讀都幾好喎,間學校咁大咁靚又近",而家真係成事,感覺幾特別,(不過當然吾係淨係貪佢硬件啦);另外我office都係附近,有時"裝"到D細細個嘅學生係操場蹦蹦跳真係好開心。

原帖由 SunshineMom 於 10-3-5 14:12 發表
Being WKF parent I am pleased to share with you my opinion.  My kid is in the first grade and my comments are both good and bad.  Here are some details.

I personally think those looking for good dis ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-5 17:06 |只看該作者
Thank you so much your opinion. I hope my choice is correct. And my son will be better and better on his behavior and academic when he will study in WKF.   

原帖由 SunshineMom 於 10-3-5 14:12 發表
Being WKF parent I am pleased to share with you my opinion.  My kid is in the first grade and my comments are both good and bad.  Here are some details.

I personally think those looking for good dis ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-5 20:30 |只看該作者
You are welcome.  Please feel free to ask if you need help.  Probably because most of us are working mothers so you did not find much discussion on this forum.  It seems so far discussions are mainly about school bus, quality of lunch and lost and found.  We don't have much complaint except for individual parents whose kids are found to be poor performers.  In my opinion, good foundation in spoken English and Putonghua will probably make life easier.  

School was decorated with flags because there was a project based learning showcase last Saturday.  All students got chance to present their project in front of parents and guests, some in English and some in Putonghua. That was very nice experience.

My expectation might be too high.  If the venue was larger, schedule was not so tight and presenters spoke native English (or use better intonation), that would be perfect.  Teachers said they did better than last year so I believe they will keep improving in future.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-3-5 21:31 |只看該作者
just want to ask which kindergarten is your child from?

do u know whether many hkbuk students admitted to wkf?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-6 12:01 |只看該作者
My kid is from Sun Fong Chung, a very small Putonghua-speaking kindergarten in Tai Wai.  Many of their PM students are from international schools.  But English lessons are not enough.
Since WKF mainly teaches in English, I think kids from English-speaking kindergartens may have advantage.  

Not sure if most kids are from BU Kindergarten but some of my kid's closed classmates are, so I guess they have accepted quite many.

Someone queried about WKF's administrative chao.  Some parents said it happened in the past years.  I found it so far so good, except in the very beginning we parents were confused about the school intranet system.  It was very slow and we did not understand how to read and what split group was.  After some chaos we finally figured out and the system was improved.  Suggest future P.1 parents to check with teachers in advance.  Split group is to put kids (all classes) into different groups according to academic level.  After improve kids will be transferred to another group.  That means some kids will move faster, but still, all kids will complete the same curriculum before year ends.

Hope this information help ease your mind. :D

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-6 15:24 |只看該作者
I heard that it has splitted into seven classes based on student's English level to teach them when they are studying in P1. Is it truth? How about P2? Also, is it  apply to Putonghua class, because my son did not have much chance speaking in Putonghua?  Thank you very much.

原帖由 SunshineMom 於 10-3-6 12:01 發表
My kid is from Sun Fong Chung, a very small Putonghua-speaking kindergarten in Tai Wai.  Many of their PM students are from international schools.  But English lessons are not enough.
Since WKF mainly ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-8 11:30 |只看該作者
Yes, split groups for ENG/CHI/MATH and have own homework.  My kid is in G1 but I guess it is same for higher grades.  Teacher said this would make teaching easier and more effective and I agree to it.  As soon as parents are not making comparison, it is good for the long run.

There are many English groups but only 1 Chinese group.  I think they just put those who can speak and write well together, then the majority still stays with own Putonghua teacher.  My kid has improvement on MATH and was transferred to another group few months ago.  :

Rank: 2

發表於 10-3-23 20:28 |只看該作者

Thank you for sharing your experience here. My son is on the waiting list of G1. Would you mind to tell me the 叩門 procedure and when should I 叩門?

Thanks a lot!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-3-25 14:33 |只看該作者
Dear Cutebb01,

Sorry that we applied and admitted in July.  I have no idea about the waiting list.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-8 18:36 |只看該作者
好高興認識你地, 我會搬入沙田, 希望個女讀得開心係我的心願.
原帖由 SunshineMom 於 10-3-25 14:33 發表
Dear Cutebb01,

Sorry that we applied and admitted in July.  I have no idea about the waiting list.
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