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Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-31 23:08 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

小兒性格活潑好動, 想幫佢搵間活動教學嘅學校, 同埋對浸小好有興趣, 所以想進一步了解浸小, 可否解答以下疑問呢? 十分感激!

1. 浸小是否活動教學?
2. 功課量多唔多?
3. 常常默書, 測驗?
4. 會否教得淺, 測得深?
5. 測驗前老師會否幫同學溫習?
6. 是否著重英語?
   0    0    0    0

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-1 10:24 |只看該作者
1. 暫時不清楚,因其實有不少課堂也是常規授課,另也有較為活動式的如英文課的show & tell環節, 即個人以英文介紹自己的家庭,須事前和他一起搜集相片和設計.
2. 功課比預期中多,每天三至四項,平均約1.5-2小時, 不過己遠較傳統小學為少
4. 不會,老師教的和測的程度相若.
5. 會,比如數學會事前經常提醒他們溫習,而且會於課堂上為他們溫習

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-1 15:12 |只看該作者
tintincreations and other WKF parents,

My daughter just got an offer with WKF and would like to find out more about the school.  Hope someone can help me to answer the following:

1.  What time does school start and finish at?

2.  What subjects are being taught in English?

3.  What subjects are being taught in Putonghua?

4.  Does the school rank the students based on their performance?

5.  Are the students required to learn any musical instruments?

6.  How many kids are there in each class?

7.  How many class teacher are there in each class?

8.  Are we required to join the "after school OLE (other learning experiences)"?

Many thanks.

原帖由 tintincreations 於 10-11-1 10:24 發表
1. 暫時不清楚,因其實有不少課堂也是常規授課,另也有較為活動式的如英文課的show & tell環節, 即個人以英文介紹自己的家庭,須事前和他一起搜集相片和設計.
2. 功 ...

[ 本帖最後由 hifriend 於 10-11-1 15:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-11-1 17:06 |只看該作者
Sorry, why you apply for this school without any understanding on her background?

原帖由 hifriend 於 10-11-1 15:12 發表
tintincreations and other WKF parents,

My daughter just got an offer with WKF and would like to find out more about the school.  Hope someone can help me to answer the following:

1.  What time does  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-1 17:44 |只看該作者
i am sorry too, but i was pregnant at the time most of the school had their info session.   I had a complicated pregnancy and need to bed rest since week 28 gestation.  My baby is now 5 months old.  I applied for this school because it says on the website that it teaches in Putonghua and english.   My daughter is now in the Putonghua and english stream of her kindergarten and i want her to able to keep her putonghua.

Besides, some of my questions are admin type questions and only parents of WKF students can answer them.

原帖由 goo_littlebb 於 10-11-1 17:06 發表
Sorry, why you apply for this school without any understanding on her background?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-1 22:46 |只看該作者
My son is G1 student in this year. Let me try to answer your question.

1.  What time does school start and finish at?
     Start from: 8: 10am
     Finish at:    3:15pm

2.  What subjects are being taught in English?
      All subjects except Chinese taught in Putonghua and 人文素質 taught in Cantonese.

3.  What subjects are being taught in Putonghua?

4.  Does the school rank the students based on their performance?
     No ranking found until now

5.  Are the students required to learn any musical instruments?

6.  How many kids are there in each class?
     30 - 31 students in each class

7.  How many class teacher are there in each class?

8.  Are we required to join the "after school OLE (other learning experiences)"?
     OLE is regular lesson (常規課程). You must select some interesting lessons from the list which is provided from school.
     After school, you can join some 課外活動 freely. It is not regular lesson.

I hope the information can help you.

原帖由 hifriend 於 10-11-1 15:12 發表
tintincreations and other WKF parents,

My daughter just got an offer with WKF and would like to find out more about the school.  Hope someone can help me to answer the following:

1.  What time does  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-11-1 23:25 |只看該作者
Hi tintincreations,
謝謝你的解答, 還有以下問題想請教:
1.請問每天三至四項功課, 是否抄寫?
2.中, 英和數的課程是否跟其他學校的一樣? 會否教深一   級? 會否用課本?
3. 是否很多project 做?
4. P.E. 堂都是用英文?

te]原帖由 tintincreations 於 10-11-1 10:24 發表
1. 暫時不清楚,因其實有不少課堂也是常規授課,另也有較為活動式的如英文課的show & tell環節, 即個人以英文介紹自己的家庭,須事前和他一起搜集相片和設計.
2. 功 ... [/quote]

[ 本帖最後由 cutebb01 於 10-11-1 23:36 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-11-2 09:09 |只看該作者
kkk2000, thank you for your response.  you are very helpful.

原帖由 kkk2000 於 10-11-1 22:46 發表
My son is G1 student in this year. Let me try to answer your question.

1.  What time does school start and finish at?
     Start from: 8: 10am
     Finish at:    3:15pm

2.  What subjects are being  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-2 12:05 |只看該作者
Hi, Cutebb01 and hifriend,

In general, WKF's curriculum is good and all kids really learn happily.  

From experience there is no need to worry about the first grade, except for kids who are
too naughty or lazy.  

Sorry to say that although most subjects are taught in English, teachers' English speaking standard is just fair, not as good as the English teachers.  Kids are also lack of practices.

For the 3 main subjects, kids of similar levels are split into different classes. Some classes may have about 20 kids only.

Our teacher said there are rankings (with scores) but they would not disclose them.  Only the champion of each grade (for overall and each subject) will receive award.  Ceremony is held twice a year and only the winners' parents can participate.

OLE actually take place during school hour at no charge. You can sign up but confirmation is subject to availability.  This is not a permanent class.  You may be required to choose other programs for the next term.  After-school programs can be taken at reasonable cost.

Hope this will help.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 10:13 |只看該作者
1.請問每天三至四項功課, 是否抄寫?
抄寫甚少, 有數學練習,英文worksheet,根據部首寫詞語,journal等...
2.中, 英和數的課程是否跟其他學校的一樣? 會否教深一   級? 會否用課本?
3. 是否很多project 做?
暫時不,現時只有英文show & tell,有時為人文素質科搜集相片
4. P.E. 堂都是用英文?

原帖由 cutebb01 於 10-11-1 23:25 發表
Hi tintincreations,
謝謝你的解答, 還有以下問題想請教:
1.請問每天三至四項功課, 是否抄寫?
2.中, 英和數的課程是否跟其他學校的一樣? 會否教深一   級? 會否用課本?
3. 是否很多project 做?
4. P.E. 堂都是用英 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-11-3 11:24 |只看該作者

1.請問每天三至四項功課, 是否抄寫?
小一較少, 小二多了練英文潦草字、作文、數學題多很多, 功課開始較多, 和同班的家長聊天, 都說現在放學後, 時間只僅僅夠用。

2.中, 英和數的課程是否跟其他學校的一樣? 會否教深一級? 會否用課本?
我有兩位朋友曾作比較, 都說WKF沒其他學校深,  進度稍慢, 可能是吧。評估方面, 除了期中評估, 平日評估了家長也不知道。小一時老師常說毋需特別準備, 但中文、英文都沒有考試範圍, 課本教的和測的沒有關連, 尤其是閱讀理解, 頗難應付。這和傳統小學不一樣。

3. 是否很多project 做?
主要是人文素質科搜集資料, 有時的確頗花時間, 需要家長從旁協助。在一月份的project based learning (PBL), 學生整月都很忙碌, 很多時候P.E./Art/Music課都利用來做project, 不過都很開心。
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