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34網(2011-12)入小一媽咪入嚟分享吓la [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-4-14 23:43 |只看該作者 |正序瀏覽 |打印
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Rank: 1

發表於 10-6-12 11:36 |只看該作者

回覆 3# KimB 的文章

同大家分享下:我大仔今年小一... 第一輪...計分...唔中...因為只係同34網內..其他分唔冇..
第二輪係統一派位...中咗第一志願(陳瑞褀)... 唔知大家會點填from呢.) 我請教過同事...(因為佢仔仔都係讀陳瑞其...中要係住上水喎...)..之前請教過佢點選擇...結果中咗...
ps: 5年後到細仔小一...到時再煩...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-10 16:28 |只看該作者
Tell the truth, I think 填鴨式教學 may be 'good' for my son.

I let him study in 填鴨式 kindergarten in K1. And the teacher said that he like 'talking' so much.
Then, I send him to another kindergarten in K2 (now). It is 活動教學模式 + small class. However, his teacher says he is not so active. He always sits down and waits for teacher's 'order'.

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-10 12:53 發表
如果要確保小朋友入讀band 1 & 2既中學, 你最好俾佢係九龍塘宣小, 我考陳守仁既原因係我喜歡學校既english environment, 加上活動教學模式, 唔係填鴨式, 因為我了解自己阿囝, 佢係會頂唔順日日最少6-7樣功課。所以我 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-10 16:08 |只看該作者
What I care most is: 校風
It is because I can teach my kids by myself, one to one. However, I can't control what he will learn from his classmates in school.
P.S. My son is ok for 填鴨式 education. I think he is ok under high workload. I think he can finish within 1 hour for 最少6-7樣功課 everyday in primary school. It is because he use only about 10-15 mins to finish his writing in K2 (2 樣功課, each 1 page) now.  

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-10 12:53 發表
如果要確保小朋友入讀band 1 & 2既中學, 你最好俾佢係九龍塘宣小, 我考陳守仁既原因係我喜歡學校既english environment, 加上活動教學模式, 唔係填鴨式, 因為我了解自己阿囝, 佢係會頂唔順日日最少6-7樣功課。所以我冇諗住考聖方濟各, 雖然佢係一間好好既學校, 升中派位又好, 但我知阿囝一定會讀得好辛苦。

我個人認為揀學校,除左校風, 升中, 成績.....之外,都要顧及小朋友既性格是否適合。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-10 12:53 |只看該作者
如果要確保小朋友入讀band 1 & 2既中學, 你最好俾佢係九龍塘宣小, 我考陳守仁既原因係我喜歡學校既english environment, 加上活動教學模式, 唔係填鴨式, 因為我了解自己阿囝, 佢係會頂唔順日日最少6-7樣功課。所以我冇諗住考聖方濟各, 雖然佢係一間好好既學校, 升中派位又好, 但我知阿囝一定會讀得好辛苦。

我個人認為揀學校,除左校風, 升中, 成績.....之外,都要顧及小朋友既性格是否適合。

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-10 12:38 發表
However, I heard that 陳守仁 about 50% band 1, 20% band 2 and 30% band 3.....
If that correct? Any one can tell me?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-10 12:38 |只看該作者
However, I heard that 陳守仁 about 50% band 1, 20% band 2 and 30% band 3.....
If that correct? Any one can tell me?

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-10 12:16 發表
我想揀either 陳瑞祺 or 馬頭涌
直資就考陳守仁, 九龍塘宣道, 英華

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-10 12:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-10 12:16 發表
我想揀either 陳瑞祺 or 馬頭涌
直資就考陳守仁, 九龍塘宣道, 英華

試埋九龍塘小學丫 !我朋友女兒讀緊小二

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-10 12:16 |只看該作者
我想揀either 陳瑞祺 or 馬頭涌
直資就考陳守仁, 九龍塘宣道, 英華

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-10 11:31 發表
Then, which school is your 第一志願 in net 34?

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-10 11:31 |只看該作者
Then, which school is your 第一志願 in net 34?

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-10 10:25 發表
我初時都一心諗陳瑞祺, 但聽講e+好似冇以前咁好, 所以都心大心細。至於兩間獻主會我都會揀, 但唔會擺第一志願。

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-10 11:30 |只看該作者
It is because we are grad. students from them.
However, I may not choice 陳瑞祺 (as 陳瑞祺secondary school is for M, I have a daughter follow up my son) .............
agree:  但聽講e+好似冇以前咁好
獻主會 are the same. I remember that 2x years befor, 獻主會 is a very top primary school. Almost 80-90% of it's student can study in band 1 secondary school (there are 5 bands at that moment). But....e+好似冇以前咁好
However, I like those secondary schools in net 34. Therefore, I will let my kids to study in net 34 !

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-10 10:25 發表
我初時都一心諗陳瑞祺, 但聽講e+好似冇以前咁好, 所以都心大心細。至於兩間獻主會我都會揀, 但唔會擺第一志願。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-10 10:25 |只看該作者
我初時都一心諗陳瑞祺, 但聽講e+好似冇以前咁好, 所以都心大心細。至於兩間獻主會我都會揀, 但唔會擺第一志願。

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-9 14:23 發表
considering the following 3 schools
陳瑞琪,獻主會 or new獻主會.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-6-10 01:42 |只看該作者
我個女都係2011-12, 好緊張 !! 1ST玩 計分  2ND講LUCK而已, 所以大多數D媽咪想仔女入名校或想到時要叩門的話成功, 都會將心儀的學校務必填第一

所以女仔會博HY, 男的CSK, 男女就馬官
依家都好煩又想佢地入名校, 但又要講彩數......唉......但都要一博, 因為入到好的學校, 會影響到中學大學......好多好多.....

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-9 14:35 |只看該作者
As we are the old students, my son can get extra points. Those are not the best schools in net 34. However, they can get a 'big' chance to study in english secondary school if they study in one of those 3 primary schools in net 34.
However, I would also considering 直資 (not expensive). do you have any suggestion for 直資?

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-9 10:30 發表
如果有extra points又唔同, 因為機會會大d。我阿囝得基本15分, 所以會試吓考幾間私校or直資, 希望有offer,因為對大抽獎信心唔大。

btw, 你諗住幫個小朋友報net34邊間學校?


[ 本帖最後由 ac321 於 10-6-9 14:37 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-9 14:23 |只看該作者
considering the following 3 schools
陳瑞琪,獻主會 or new獻主會.

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-9 10:30 發表
如果有extra points又唔同, 因為機會會大d。我阿囝得基本15分, 所以會試吓考幾間私校or直資, 希望有offer,因為對大抽獎信心唔大。

btw, 你諗住幫個小朋友報net34邊間學校?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-9 10:30 |只看該作者
如果有extra points又唔同, 因為機會會大d。我阿囝得基本15分, 所以會試吓考幾間私校or直資, 希望有offer,因為對大抽獎信心唔大。

btw, 你諗住幫個小朋友報net34邊間學校?

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-8 17:15 發表
That's why I say I haven't think too much about that.
It is becaue I am considering should I send my kids to my mother schools in round 1. It is because my son can get extra points.
However, I may le ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-8 17:15 |只看該作者
That's why I say I haven't think too much about that.
It is becaue I am considering should I send my kids to my mother schools in round 1. It is because my son can get extra points.
However, I may let my son try 私校 at the same time. Only consider 陳守仁 ($). However, my daughter will be another problem 1 years later if my son study in 私校.

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-8 17:09 發表
Oh, ic.
但如果乙部一個都唔填, 會唔會好危險呀? 除非有私校backup喇

[ 本帖最後由 ac321 於 10-6-8 17:17 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-8 17:09 |只看該作者
Oh, ic.
但如果乙部一個都唔填, 會唔會好危險呀? 除非有私校backup喇

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-8 16:53 發表
I won't live in net 34 again.....
I lived in net 34 when I was young. I study in net 34 for my primary, secondary school and uni.
However, I like the living environment of TKO, with newer flats, paths ...

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-8 16:53 |只看該作者
I won't live in net 34 again.....
I lived in net 34 when I was young. I study in net 34 for my primary, secondary school and uni.
However, I like the living environment of TKO, with newer flats, paths for bicycle, central parks, shopping centers, wet markets, MTR, fresh air and so on ........
I haven't think too much about 甲部填net 34, 乙部填net 95 ..........
May be  甲部填net 34, 乙部填 nothing.

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-8 16:43 發表
咁你係諗住甲部填net 34, 乙部填net 95, or 你會為左個小朋友, 搬去net 34區居住?

[ 本帖最後由 ac321 於 10-6-8 16:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-8 16:43 |只看該作者
咁你係諗住甲部填net 34, 乙部填net 95, or 你會為左個小朋友, 搬去net 34區居住?

原帖由 ac321 於 10-6-8 16:29 發表
I haven't decided my 選校策略 yet!
I live in net 95, but want to send my kids to study in net 34.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-6-8 16:29 |只看該作者
I haven't decided my 選校策略 yet!
I live in net 95, but want to send my kids to study in net 34.

原帖由 KimB 於 10-6-8 15:52 發表
各位34網既媽咪, 今年k3已放榜, 聽到好壞消息都有, 大家有冇改變選校策略呢?
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