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教育王國 討論區 聖保羅男女中學附屬小學 2009/10小一家長分享區
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2009/10小一家長分享區 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-24 16:11 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我見這裡很少家長上來傾談, 不知是否太忙? 所以我想試試開個新forum來傾下計。我的孩子下年將會入讀spcc, 不過, 在這之前我家將需要重新安排居住的地方, 所以也希望與其他準家長和家長多溝通, 讓我能make the right choice.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-25 07:01 |只看該作者

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I've got the same problem. Maybe my case is more complicated. Besides my elder son who is so lucky (God Blessed) and get admitted to SPCCPS, I have another boy who aged 2 now. The district which I choose will be depended on which kindergarten give my younger boy a place. So far, he shut his mouth at all interviews and therefore all fail.

What will be the chance of sibling get admitted to SPCCPC. Do anybody know the percentage of successful applicant in A group candidates? After the long battle of the elder son. I now start to plan for the schooling of my younger one. Hope that God pave the my for him also.

Rank: 1

發表於 08-11-25 16:07 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-25 16:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 YLK 於 08-11-25 07:01 發表
I've got the same problem. Maybe my case is more complicated. Besides my elder son who is so lucky (God Blessed) and get admitted to SPCCPS, I have another boy who aged 2 now. The district which I cho ...

It really depends on the sibling's performance. I know many cases from past years that siblings didn't get in. Not sure about this year's rate cuz the result was just announced last week. But of course the chance will be higher then the others that don't have siblings there. At least you will be in the A group, and know what the school wants in a child. But it really depends a lot also on the child himself / herself.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-25 17:16 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Hi ahtan,
Thanks for your sharing.
Originally, I should be very relief as my elder son got a place at SPCCPS. It's really god blessed.
However, my focus now shift to worry about my younger son (2-year-old). I started to plan his path to SPCCPS three year later. This made me stress again and I cannot be as joyful as I should be.
May God really strengthen my faith. I always teach my son "do our very best and God will do the rest"  Hope that I can really remind myself in return.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-25 19:02 |只看該作者
I will try to see whether I can get the contact number of the school bus. I think it make sense to consider whether the location who choose can accomodate both of your son.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-25 19:41 |只看該作者
原帖由 YLK 於 08-11-25 17:16 發表
Hi ahtan,
Thanks for your sharing.
Originally, I should be very relief as my elder son got a place at SPCCPS. It's really god blessed.
However, my focus now shift to worry about my younger son (2-ye ...

Maybe you can read the other threads here about "which kindergartens have higher chance of getting into SPCCPS". That will help you choose which kindergarten to send your younger kid to. But you can try to relax, since your elder son got in, you must know how to prepare your son well. So your younger son can follow that path as well. It's time to praise your elder son and take him somewhere to play!

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-25 20:13 |只看該作者
Thanks FM. I hope I can get some school bus info from school tomorrow.

I am so glad that there are parents responding to this forum now. I think it's really important for us to form a connection here.

原帖由 FM 於 08-11-25 19:02 發表
I will try to see whether I can get the contact number of the school bus. I think it make sense to consider whether the location who choose can accomodate both of your son.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 11:16 |只看該作者

你哋去咗登記未? 我今朝一早同太太去咗... 唔知你哋喺唔喺當中?

我哋好快手搞掂... 等咗幾分鐘就入去, 然後一分鐘都唔洗就走得... 好順利... 希望阿囡以後喺學校嘅生涯都係咁順利就好... :)

今朝揸車入去... 去嗰時行香港仔隧道,走行舊路... 兩程都好暢順, 來回半個鐘都唔洗... 堅尼地道真係可以考慮

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 15:28 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Hi Skateboardp,
My husband work at Admiralty. He made the registration during the lunch time. He said the procedure was also very efficient. We usually take the taxis from Admiralty and the fare is around $60.

After settling our younger son's Kinder. We can plan for the reallocation place. My husband also asked about the school bus information. He said some locations need to catch the school bus at 6:30 a.m.. We will consider moving to Hong Kong side seriously later on.  

Is your daughter your only child. If yes, you do not need to play in this awful game once again.

May be we can meet at some other occasions later on.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 15:59 |只看該作者
If you decide to move to HK side. You can consider SHK and St. Paul church kindergarten for your younger one.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 16:16 |只看該作者
我先生也是今早去register的, 一齊順利.
佢問過有關校車info, 但校務處職員說可能要到出年5月才能有較多info.不過已知從西九龍去學校要每月$1650.

唉, 其實我也想考慮kennedy road, 不過, 一來我大兒子返學(若未轉校), 便太遠; 二來, 我自今年開始便quit了工作, 尃注在家中幫孩子溫習, 看功課、和陪他們等...所以家中只有一個人賺錢, 我覺得我先生的壓力會比較大, 而那邊的租金會較貴...所以, 可能會先考慮上環、西環一帶, 甚或西九龍一帶, 務求兩個兒子都能就到...

另外, 唔知會唔會有些小一、二的家長能分享一下St Paul小一的課程, 讓我們可以較容易適應! 例如:中、英、數會用甚麼textbook, 工作紙或測考時比較多做那種類的問題等等。

[ 本帖最後由 CSW 於 08-11-26 16:24 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 16:20 |只看該作者

回覆 # 的文章

Hi FM,
Thanks for you kind suggestion again.
I've already applied for these two kinders once I know that my elder son got a chance of 2nd interview at SPCCPS.
However, the interview of the two kinders were over and we were rejected. Do you know if there is any chance for those in the waiting list to admitted finally. In fact, we already submitted a letter to the principals to ask for reconsideration. Hope that this can help.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-26 17:09 |只看該作者
I think a lot of parents prefer a.m. class so the chance of waiting list in the p.m.line may be higher.
If unfortunately you fail K1, keep trying in K2 and K3. Some kids do withdraw due to change school.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-26 17:13 |只看該作者
唔洗太擔心既, 我囝而家小二, 小一時第一個學期係無測驗及考試, 連默書都無, 中文課本用現代, 英文無課本, 主要用工作紙, 數學(唔係好記得), 但會教深一個學期既野

中、英、數都真係幾深下, 同埋佢地係跳黎教, 有時會教小量高form既野, 例如分數, 質數, 合成數(我囡六年級都無學過質數同合成數)

但係佢地評估係根據所學既內容, 只要你溫曬範圍內野, 你一定識, 我個囝無靠我, 都係自己溫書, 佢都o.k., 係科英文失手

小一較為輕鬆, 但小二開始就會幾多野, 每個星期都會有中、英默, 每隔一個月度就會有評估(即係測驗, 每學期兩次), 大考就每學期一次, 另外數學會有數學比賽(即係連埋兩次, 數學係每一個學期都會有三次測驗)

即係差唔多隔個月就有測驗or考試, 每個星期中、英默(內容有時都幾深下)

父母都真係要幫好多架, 唔係就.......

但係, 好彩佢真係考番教既野, 你都叫做有得溫下, 唔似我囡間學校, 教得淺, 考得深, 小學時隨時大半班唔合格都夠膽死

原帖由 CSW 於 08-11-26 16:16 發表
我先生也是今早去register的, 一齊順利.
佢問過有關校車info, 但校務處職員說可能要到出年5月才能有較多info.不過已知從西九龍去學校要每月$1650.

唉, 其實我也想考慮kennedy road, 不過, 一來我大兒子返 ...

[ 本帖最後由 beaclem 於 08-11-26 17:16 編輯 ]
上主是我的牧者, 我實在是一無所缺。
祂使我臥在青綠的草場, 又領我走近幽靜的水旁,
祂為了自己名號的原由, 領我踏上了正義的坦途.....
祢的牧杖和短棒, 是我的安慰舒暢.......
在我一生的歲月裡, 幸福與慈愛常隨不離,
我將住在上主的殿裡, 直至悠遠的時日。

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-26 17:25 |只看該作者

如妳所講, 咁其實spcc既測考情況同我大仔間津校差唔多。所以, 我先要quit左份工來幫佢, 因大仔性格較心散; 不過, 我細仔就好自律, 所以, 希望佢讀得ok.

我也曾聽過有些學校(e.g. x心), 佢地就係教得少, 但測得多, 學生若能力稍有不遞, 便追得很辛苦...

原帖由 beaclem 於 08-11-26 17:13 發表
唔洗太擔心既, 我囝而家小二, 小一時第一個學期係無測驗及考試, 連默書都無, 中文課本用現代, 英文無課本, 主要用工作紙, 數學(唔係好記得), 但會教深一個學期既野

中、英、數都真係幾深下, 同埋佢地係跳黎教, 有時 ...

[ 本帖最後由 CSW 於 08-11-27 11:25 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-27 13:50 |只看該作者
我囡咪就係聖心小學既學生囉, 今年升中學啦.....

中學同小學一樣, 都係教得淺, 考得深架, 咪唯有自己出去搵補習囉, 唉.....

我同你一樣, 大囡較心散, 小學時真係要比好多時間教佢, 細仔真係好自律, 自己讀書, 完全唔洗我地理, 但係因為重係細個, 所以要幫一幫佢, 見到佢有邊D弱既, 就要買少少練習幫下, 谷少少, 佢上次數學成績一般, 但係今次我比佢做少少練習, 即刻進步咗好多, 所以, 有時我覺得小朋友一次測考唔得, 最緊要係睇下佢邊度有問題, 對症下藥, 比番D信心佢, 下次佢就會做得好好架啦。

原帖由 CSW 於 08-11-26 17:25 發表

如妳所講, 咁其實spcc既測考情況同我大仔間津校差唔多。所以, 我先要quit左份工來幫佢, 因大仔性格較心散; 不過, 我細仔就好自律, 所以, 希望佢讀得ok.

我也曾聽過有些學校(e.g. x心),  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-11-28 09:47 |只看該作者
好多謝BK既editor幫 spcc改番名同轉番去正確既屬區。

想問問子女讀緊的家長會否覺得小朋友在校內會compare家境, 又或是家長會否感到任何因家庭背景不同而產生的壓力?

我自己暫時對於學校的印象是校風很好, 學生們一般都很humble. 我很希望孩子不會因家庭背景的差異而感到壓力。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-11-28 16:02 |只看該作者
Don't worry about 家庭背景.
Most parents are humble & keep a low profile, regardless of how well off they are.
In school, the headmistress time & time again actively discourages brand-named shoes, jewellery, mobile phone etc.
On the whole, showing off wealth is not a common occurence in this school.

原帖由 CSW 於 08-11-28 09:47 發表
好多謝BK既editor幫 spcc改番名同轉番去正確既屬區。

想問問子女讀緊的家長會否覺得小朋友在校內會compare家境, 又或是家長會否感到任何因家庭背景不同而產生的壓力?

我自己暫時對於學校的印象是校風很好, 學生們 ...

[ 本帖最後由 mow-mow 於 08-11-28 16:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-11-28 22:19 |只看該作者

Where should we live?

Daddy just returned the slip to SPCCPS.

Chatting with school bus aunties revealed that following pick up time:
0630 - Kowloon Tong (now we live)
0645 - Hung Hom
0700 - Happy Valley
0730 - Aberdeen
0800 - School bell rings

1445 - normal
1545 - after school activities

Aunties tell us to call "Uncle Tong" at 90511386 for details of pick up arrangements.   

I work in NT, where should we move?
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