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教育王國 討論區 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 LOGOS 08 P1 BBQ Gathering
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LOGOS 08 P1 BBQ Gathering [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-21 14:42 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

日期: thomas23初步提議2月17日或3月2日
地點: 未定, 石澳 or BBQ樂園
時間: 2:00 - 6:00pm (is it fine for everyone?)

各位準家長和現任真道家長, 歡迎報名. 報名時請提供以下資料:
your name
How many people will come
Date you prefer 17/Feb or 2/Mar
which location you prefer (please make a suggestion)
Will you drive or take public transportation

The above information can help us to finalize the location of our gathering. See you!

[ 本文章最後由 yiwa 於 07-12-21 15:32 編輯 ]
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-21 15:27 |只看該作者

2大1細 (小女叫Sammi)
I prefer 17/Feb.
I can go anywhere as I will drive. But parking in Shek O is a headache problem.

[ 本文章最後由 yiwa 於 07-12-21 15:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-21 15:39 |只看該作者
Yes, I have been to other BBQ樂園, not these 2 ..they provide all the food and equipments and start the fire for customers. Pay a price like 60-70, then you can have buffet ga la. Normally, little drink or no drink is included in the price, so you can buy the drinks or remember to bring some drinks la.

$68 /48 (kid) for BBQ Buffet (1 drink and admission fee included)); pay for whatever other activities you like, the price for picking strawberries depends on the weight of strawberries picked ($50 or $80 per pound

Admission: 20
Buffet BBQ: 70/50 (kid) (include 1 drink)
任摘食 有機士多啤梨: $60 (no take away, I guess)

There is also a "strawberry picking+BBQ + activities" ticket at Tai Tong:

◎ 野 火 樂 套 票

成人 $150 小童 (11 歲或以下 ) $135

套票包括: * 入場費 ( 荔枝園 )
* 任摘食 有機士多啤梨
* 燒烤包一份 (5人或以上 )
* 活動 : 牛車一圈或拉馬仔一圈、魚糧一包

The 錦田鄉村俱樂部 seems more flexible and economical (no need to pay admission fee). May be the Tai Tong site is better maintained that's why admission fee required. Both need to book in advanced. Read their webpage for more information la.

What do you think? I don't have too much time, as I can only join in the afternoon. If you all like the place you can go in the morning and have some more activities, so may be other parents please make a vote la.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-21 16:48 |只看該作者


石澳無問題,17/2或2/3都才可以. 不過如果去 大棠就未必來到,因為太遠了.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-22 00:44 |只看該作者

立即報名 - thomas23

原文章由 yiwa 於 07-12-21 14:42 發表

日期: thomas23初步提議2月17日或3月2日
地點: 未定, 石澳 or BBQ樂園
時間: 2:00 - 6:00pm (is it fine for everyone?)

各位準家長和現任真道家長, 歡迎報名. 報名時請提供以下資料:
you ...

2大1小, prefer 3月2日 (突然公司有project , 2月未必得), 時間無問題,BBQ樂園或石澳都喜歡,但喺"錦田鄉村俱樂部"近唔近西鐵站 ??


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-22 08:25 |只看該作者
原文章由 thomas23 於 07-12-22 00:44 發表

2大1小, prefer 3月2日 (突然公司有project , 2月未必得), 時間無問題,BBQ樂園或石澳都喜歡,但喺"錦田鄉村俱樂部"近唔近西鐵站 ? ...


錦田鄉村俱樂部應該唔近西鐵, 唔揸車都好麻煩. 揸車我都覺得遠. 睇吓大家意見點.

我今日出發去旅行, 5日後再傾過. See you!

Merry Christmas to everybody!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-22 09:17 |只看該作者
原文章由 yiwa 於 07-12-22 08:25 發表


錦田鄉村俱樂部應該唔近西鐵, 唔揸車都好麻煩. 揸車我都覺得遠. 睇吓大家意見點.

我今日出發去旅行, 5日後再傾過. See you!

Merry Christmas to everybody! ...

hi yiwa,

去旅行玩得開心d呀 !!  我覺得交通是一個重要的考慮,如果地點適中大家可以輕鬆一d,小朋友可以有多d 時間玩。


我想問下大棠荔枝莊可以搭西鐵 ??? 如何有公共交通工具都可以方便住港島區家長及小朋友。

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year >>>>


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-22 09:29 |只看該作者
大棠荔枝莊地點係遠了少少, 但搭西鐵都ok, 車站有巴士到. 或在元朗大馬路坐的士去, 約$30都ok.
其實也不用join $150 package, 可以分開join, 俾$60 for strawberry picking任食任摘都食到飽,也有食堂, 賣熟食(炒粉麵飯)不bbq也可以.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-22 11:31 |只看該作者
原文章由 yiwa 於 07-12-21 14:42 發表
日期: thomas23初步提議2月17日或3月2日
地點: 未定, 石澳 or BBQ樂園
時間: 2:00 - 6:00pm (is it fine for everyone?)
各位準家長和現任真道家長, 歡迎報名. 報名時請提供以下資料:
you ...

1. mmcht
2. 2 persons
3. Okay for 17/Feb or 2/Mar
4. Anywhere. (HK/KLN/NT)
5. Take public transportation


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-22 12:25 |只看該作者
ai :cry:  ......Jed is sick....enteritis.....vomit whatever he's eaten!  We went to hospital this morning. If he can't drink for the day, he probably need to stay in hospital for the night to take the drip...otherwise he'll be dehydrated. :cry:

parents, you can read from the websites of both (1) 錦田鄉村俱樂部 and (2) 大棠荔枝莊, to understand the transportation routes and locations. As far as I understand, both are not too far away from the west rail stations, like Kam Sheung Road Station and Long Ping Station.

(1) http://yl.hk/ktcc/

(2) http://www.yl.hk/taitong/index.htm

So you can go by west rail and change to bus/minibus or taxi to get to both places.

Quote 小兒兒 "其實也不用join $150 package, 可以分開join, 俾$60 for strawberry picking任食任摘都食到飽,也有食堂, 賣熟食(炒粉麵飯)不bbq也可以."

For your consideration:

you know our kid la...they probably won't eat much of the strawberries. They just like to pick ga ja. And an adult need to accompany them while picking, so you'll need to pay at least $120 for strawberry picking at TaiTong. Besides, everybody need to pay $20 for admission in Taitong. Actually $20(admission) + 70(BBQ) + 60 (strawberries picking) = $150, is same as the package when you pay seperately. The package allows you to have some extra activities only.

Therefore, I said 錦田鄉村俱樂部 would be more economical and flexible, cos every body can pick, and the cost is just depends on weight of the strawberries.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-22 13:00 |只看該作者

Take Care

原文章由 peppergin 於 07-12-22 12:25 發表
ai :cry:  ......Jed is sick....enteritis.....vomit whatever he's eaten!  We went to hospital this morning. If he can't drink for the day, he probably need to stay in hospital for the night to ...

hi peppergin,

How is Jed ?? Leave everything to us and take good care of yourself.  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-22 17:00 |只看該作者
Thanks thomas23! Jed should be OK now.......miraculously he's able to drink a full cup of water + Ribena  and has eaten 2.5 pieces of crackers without vomiting just now!

ai...this morning he has vomited 6 times and "poolpool" 3 times!

原文章由 <i>thomas23</i> 於 07-12-22 13:00 發表

hi peppergin,<br />
<br />
How is Jed ?? Leave everything to us and take good care of yourself.  <br />
<br />
<br />

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-24 10:54 |只看該作者

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year

原文章由 peppergin 於 07-12-22 17:00 發表
Thanks thomas23! Jed should be OK now.......miraculously he's able to drink a full cup of water + Ribena  and has eaten 2.5 pieces of crackers without vomiting just now!

ai...this morning he has vomi ...

Dear peppergin and all LOGOS parents,

Hope all of you Merry X'mas and Happy New Year !!  Wish our lovely kids enjoy every mins. and sec. with our lovely parents !!!!!  

Let's have a BBQ Party in 2008 !!!!


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-26 16:36 |只看該作者
hi all....you won't believe it...After Jed's got sick on the 22nd,John started vomiting in the morning of 23rd! In the evening,even he has took some anti-vomiting drug from the doctor, he still vomited. I eventually brought him to A&E, and he was admitted hospital for the night to take the saline drip....ai...by the time he's settled in the hospital it's already 2:00am mid-night of 24/12! Thanks God he's had a speedy recovery and can leave the hospital in the late afternoon.

According the to the doctor, many people are infected with the Novovirus these days...everybody please be vigilent to personal hygiene and stay away from the crowds!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-26 17:03 |只看該作者


Another thing to share...after much trouble with the enteritis,we went out today. Originally, we wanted to try the strawberry picking at Taimeituk...ha! turned out that the banner put on the roadside there was an 'fake" one. John was so determine to have strawberry picking that we eventually went to 錦田鄉村俱樂部. Wa..... this was the first time we go....the place is really not bad. It is clean, tidy, well maintained. The environment is very good with stunning view of the mountain and large piece of grassland to run around. The children can play their bikes and kites. Feed the bunnies, piggy, goats. We spend two hour or so there, spended 100 dollar on the organic strawberries we picked home. We have also met some old folks there selling their organic veggy. We've bought bean sprout and brocculi, too.<br /><br />The place is highly recommended. It is not far away from Kam Tin Town Centre. I saw many people went there by taxi. I would suggest those non-drivers, to get a green taxi from the Kam Sheung Road West Rail station, then you'll reach there in no time. For the drivers, the site has very good free parking right at entrance.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-27 10:58 |只看該作者

Get well soon !!!

原文章由 peppergin 於 07-12-26 17:03 發表
Another thing to share...after much trouble with the enteritis,we went out today. Originally, we wanted to try the strawberry picking at Taimeituk...ha! turned out that the banner put on the roadside  ...

hi peppergin,

It is great to hear J & J are fine and enjoy picking strawberry at 錦田鄉村俱樂部 . Actually I've called 錦田鄉村俱樂部, the staff said that we are better to count the no. of participants first and make a reservation asap.  Let's me work out the proposal again.  All LOGOS parents are invited to join and pls enrol on or before Jan 13, 2008.

Dear all LOGOS parents,

Date      : Feb 24 OR Mar 2, 2008 (Sunday)
Time      : 12:00am-4:00pm (BBQ Party OR Lunch)
Venue    : 錦田鄉村俱樂部 http://yl.com.hk/ktcc/
Transportation : Public  - West Rail 錦上路站 + taxi (around$15), Driver - fee parking

Content :
1/ BBQ Party (Adult-$68, child-$48, can bring our foods but no drinks allowed) or Lunch (not suggest, only Japan noodles, fish ball or simple foods)
2/Strawberries (no admission fee, $50/lb)
3/Other activities - archery ($20),fishing ($15),cycling ($15)...etc

Pls make the decision and let's have BBQ Party in 2008 !!


[ 本文章最後由 thomas23 於 07-12-27 16:44 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-27 22:11 |只看該作者

strawberry picking at 錦田鄉村俱樂部

a few pics to share:


[ 本文章最後由 peppergin 於 07-12-27 22:31 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-12-28 20:50 |只看該作者
Dear Peppergin and thomas23,

Your choice sounds excellent. The 錦田鄉村俱樂部 seems to be a suitable, prospective or potential venue for the next year X'mas Logos BBQ function tim wor. By then ... !!

Thanks very much for your invitation.  I love to join the function and will enroll before Jan 13, 2008 ( see if the BBQ day could be fixed as Feb 24 OR Mar 2, 2008 before the deadline ).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-12-29 00:04 |只看該作者
錦田鄉村俱樂部 - OK!
I prefer 24/Feb, with BBQ and strawberry picking.
Time is OK for me.
Please count me 3, 2 adults & 1 girl.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-12-29 13:58 |只看該作者

SuperBaBa in LOGOS

原文章由 KenBaBa 於 07-12-28 20:50 發表
Dear Peppergin and thomas23,

Your choice sounds excellent. The 錦田鄉村俱樂部 seems to be a suitable, prospective or potential venue for the next year X'mas Logos BBQ function tim wor. By then ... :- ...

Dear KenBaBa,

You are not only Ken's BaBa, but also SuperBaBa to us.  You care about everything about LOGOS. I really really feel your great enthusiasm.  Pls join BBQ Party and give us your ideas.

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