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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 小朋友唔讀k3會唔會好可惜呢﹖
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小朋友唔讀k3會唔會好可惜呢﹖ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-6-23 13:33 |顯示全部帖子
I agree with babyhowie. My son is a small boy, Nov. I'm wondering if he should repeat K2 as being one of the youngest ones in class would more or less make you feel less confident.

I had the same thought when I applied for kindergartens for him last school year: if the kindergartens accept him, that must mean he should be able to fit in. But the reality is, they start writing a few months ago, and his motor skills are obviously not ready. I can see that he tried very hard and felt defeated in the beginning. He starts to get a hang of it now but I can still see him losing his patience after a few trys.

You may think that your son is ready for primary school because he's a big boy in his current class. But try to look at it at another angle: he will be the youngest in his next class. Are you sure he can cope with it? But then if he is a really smart one, and able to adapt new environment easily, I guess you may give it a try.
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