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香港社會工作人員協會/明愛青少年及社區服務 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-3 22:42 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

(一) 應用行為分析:以科學來改進自閉症學生的教育
(由國際應用行為分析會長 賀有德博士主講)
(二) 應用行為分析師國際認証
(由國際行為分析師認証協會代表 尼爾馬丁博士主講)


截止日期 : 二零一一年三月十一日
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Rank: 1

發表於 11-3-9 18:06 |顯示全部帖子

Hong Kong 2011Conference on Applied Behavior Analysis Hong Kong SAR, China

HKABA and Caritas are sponsoring the first ABA conference in Hong Kong.  The theme of the conference is "The Development of Behaviour Analysis in Hong Kong & Chinese Society."  Speakers from Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, United States, and the United Kingdom will be discussing such such topics as using ABA to help children with autism; the certification process to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst; and how ABA is being implement in different countries.  Our keynote speakers are Dr. William Heward and Dr. Neil Martin.

Date: March17, 2011
Time: 9am-5pm
Address: Auditorium, 2/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessey Rd., Wanchai, HK

For additional info, please click http://ycs.caritas.org.hk/abahkconf
or http://hkaba.org

Dr. William Heward
Dr. William Heward has had an international impact on improving the education and treatment of people with disabilities by influencing the ways many teachers provide education to those children. He has accomplished this not only through his writing but also his university teaching and advising, consulting to schools and other educational programs, his extensive research programs in the field and numerous presentations at professional meetings for researchers and practitioners. Dr. Heward is perhaps best known for his publication (with Dr. John O. Cooper and Professor Timothy E. Heron) of the extremely widely-read Applied Behavior Analysis, an introduction to behavior analysis. Dr. Heward has written five other books, including Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, in its eighth edition and translated into multiple foreign languages. In addition, Dr. Heward has published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters, and has served on the editorial boards ofThe Behavior Analyst, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Teacher Education and Special Education, Education and Treatment of Children, and Behavior Modification.In addition, Dr. Heward’s peers recognized him for his contributions to education by awarding him the 2006 American Psychological Association's Division 25 Fred S. Keller Behavioral Education Award.

Dr. Neil Martin
Neil has been working as a behaviour analyst (as a clinician, academic, supervisor and researcher), since 1990.
He was among
the first handful of BCBAs in theUK and he was one of the 'ABA Lecturer's Co-operative' that developed the first BACB-approved course sequence in the UK. Although now working independently, Neil still teaches on a number of university programmes including at the University of Kent and the IESCUM programme in Italy. Neil supervises students, he consults to numerous organisations and families both in the UK and internationally, and he is involved in European funded research with other European partners. More recently Neil was one of the international subject matter experts that reviewed the BACB task list and was also involved in the subject matter expert panel for the generation of the BACB autism task list. Neil is the Applied Science representative of the European Association for Behaviour Analysis and the International Representative of the Behavior
Analyst Certification Board.

[ 本帖最後由 Conference 於 11-3-9 18:08 編輯 ]
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