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備課 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-2-27 17:50 |顯示全部帖子
Actually, the meaning of 備課 is that you need to prepare before the teacher teaches. For the six years I studied in SMCS, I was always prepare myself first before I absorb teachers' teaching.

Um....I don't know why you don't the teaching schedule, because for my years, the schedule were taught according to the texbooks. Also, the teachers would tell you which chapter she were going to teach after she finished one whole chapter.

Every subject has their own way to get prepare. 中文科備課的方法很簡單:閱讀每篇文章2次,第一次只需由頭看一次,第二次則要大概記住該篇文章所講的事情,以便上課時能跟上老師的速度. For English, I think it's better for the child to get prepare from her daily life. It will be god if she can talk more, listen more and read more English in daily. It's because English is different from other subjects, it requires the child to absorb not only from the texbooks. For Mathematics, obviously, you need to practice. In Mathematics, there is always a sentence, practice makes perfect.

Hope the above information can help you! Feel free to ask any questions concerning the study in St. Mary's. I am always available to answer.

S.L. Lau
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