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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 Opinion on SPCC / DBSPD please
樓主: Parents

Opinion on SPCC / DBSPD please [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 05-12-23 12:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Opinion on SPCC / DBSPD please

Hi Parents

I have the same problem as you on how to select the best suitable school for my beloved daughter a few days ago. After that, I have designed a table and asked my husband and daughter to put their own marks. To my surprise, three of us have the same ranking on three schools. Then, without any more doubts or queries, we have the same final decision!

Please refer to the following link and hope that you will have the final happy decision too!  


Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-4 12:35 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Opinion on SPCC / DBSPD please

睇番自己的post, 原來已經係10個月前!現在再post 已經係以SPCC現時的家長作回應,都幾奇妙!

小小分享: - 小囡自己撰了在 SPCC 讀小一,入學前很多家長(但唔係SPCC既家長)都話入這間學校會大人小朋友都會讀得很辛苦,但事實是小囡每日已可在導修堂做完大部份的功課,沒有艱深的默書,每日既書包只有要做的功課和要溫的一/兩本書,其他書本作業就留在學校,每日的書包都很輕,絕不過重!

加上每星期都有視覺藝術,電腦,音樂,體育,Oral,普通話等有趣科目,更加上每星期有兩課小朋友自選的課外活動以及其他自選的樂器/體藝科在課堂時間內,小囡每日回校都像是回去上summer day camp般,非常快樂!反而病時都要大哭著要回校!



sudoku 寫道:
Any more comment of these two schools ?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-5 09:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Opinion on SPCC / DBSPD please

From the book lists of SPCC, no higher level of books are used except one book of 常識 in 2nd term. However, the school has its own worksheets... the kids need to speak English or  普通話 on every Mon, Tue and Thur... some other reading books etc...

So&So 寫道:
I heard (it's probably a heresay) that SPCC teaches 1 or 2 level higher than the normal curriculum like teaching p.2 or p.3 materials in p.1 class.  Can you tell me if it's true?  It kind of scares me off a little.  Of course, I am still not terribly worried about it yet as my daughter had only been interviewed and nothing else.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-25 22:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Opinion on SPCC / DBSPD please

Last year, the headmistress mainly asked questions to parents in the 2nd interview. The kid had to sit properly for over 30 minutes in the interview. Sometimes, the headmistress asked some simple questions to the kid to check if he/ she was listening.

The questions to parents were very board and causal... like the interests of your kid, what's your opinion on education, what's your expectation about the school, what's the daily life of your kid etc... The main purpose of the interview was to check if you were really care about your kid and matched with the school's mission...

Good luck to all of you!  

summersunkist 寫道:
Dear primary 2006,

Could you share how the interviews (1st & 2nd) were conducted last year?  Are you old boys /have relationship with the school?
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