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有無返學之園n1的mami [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 09:15 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 suee 於 09-8-27 11:45 發表
今個星期慢慢加長時間由2小時到2個半小時, 今日正式返3個鐘了, 你地既小朋友適應未呀?
我個囡上星期無喊, 反而呢兩日放學就喊, 可能加長了時間未適應, 今日返左學一陣就喊住叫mami,
有點擔心添       mouth:" /> ...

no need to worry :). the teachers there are v. caring and v. professional. i believe that your girl will adapt v. fast.

we attended the curriculum briefing last night ans were v. impressed.

my boy adapted quite well in the school. he's in PNA(TY).

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-28 15:14 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 teletubby 於 09-8-28 12:26 發表
Hi all,

I found the briefing yesterday night was very useful and knew more about LH.
We got some daily tips on teaching or taking care of our children, such as don't let her choose her clothes, inste ...

Hi teletubby,

yep. the parental tips sharing is v. interesting. i m part. impressed by the curriculum design and their resources deployed in this.

n also the teachers. they r so caring and observant to all the kids in the class. Mindful that some kids (like my boy) just start the class this wk. It's not so easy to be so clear about every kids' details. the teachers r w/ heart.

the Cantonese teacher (class teacher) is v. experienced.  i m also v. surprised that the English teacher who needs to teach two PN classes (1 am and 1 pm) could still remember the kids' details.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-30 09:12 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 loyinhung 於 09-8-29 16:54 發表
May I ask the 2 Confirmed H1N1 is in which school?

Hi loyinhung,

I guess should be HL campus becoz train has mentioned in this thread that her/his girl is in HL.

TY's admin is v. effective. You guys should receive the notice regarding the previous H1N1 case. The issue date of the notice was the date I called the school reporting the case. (Yes, my whole family was infected and my boy has stayed home for 14 days and got the doctor's letter certifying that he can go to school before he started his school last Mon).  

So, no need to worry. I am sure Ms Chan will inform us if there is any new case.

The whole community is full of the virus now. it's v. difficult to avoid now.

Take care and hope kids in HL campus will recover v. soon.

[ 本帖最後由 bakusensei 於 09-8-30 09:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-9-9 12:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 loyinhung 於 09-8-28 16:22 發表
各位你好! 我囡囡讀ty pnc班, 佢好鍾意返學, 一開始已經無喊! 但返左幾日學後, 就開始唔舒服,成晚咳,今個星期淨係返左星期一咋!唔知幾時先至好返!!!!!!好煩惱! ...

teachers in LH are really good. My boy said during  the first week,"I like the school." and during the second week,"I like the school very much.". He even asked me to teach him how to say "I like Ms Lee" in Cantonese and kept practising at home in order to tell Ms Lee that he likes her.
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