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通利3歲音樂班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-9-29 09:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 通利3歲音樂班

My daughter attend the class for only 1 month, we stopped. she did not like the class and she cried when tell her to go to the music class. I went with her, I think the class is choas and not orangize and no classroom management. I heard from my firend said, the qualification of teacher is only F.5 requirement. They will be trained by Yamaha for just few weeks then start teaching the class.
I would go look for other better structure and better training with good qualification though the fee may be a bit higher.
Now my daughter is going to music kingdom in causeway bay, she loves it a lot and I can see how much she learns in the class
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