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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 決擇
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-28 13:04 |顯示全部帖子
荃灣香港浸信會聯會小學 Free of charge
Chinese school, Heavy workload
P1 to P6, No Secondary School
Have TSA result for Sec. school
famouse school in Tsuen wan

聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 $30K+ per year
English school, less or small workload.
P1 to F6, 12 year, with Sec. school
No TSA result.
General DSS in SSP, not top one.

Both is good school.
Close your eye to choice.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-29 13:29 |顯示全部帖子
So far, SMC is good Pri Sch.
English standard as P5/6 for  P1/2.
Most kid complete Flyer in P1/2, some complete PET/FCE in P3/4.
Many kid can watch English program without chinese sub-tittle bar.
Chinese is 100% PTH
Modern Language is other advange, 浸聯 no this subject.
You  can see many comment and topic in 小學一覽.
Manner is good, due to kid is selected not lucky draw. Quality is controlled.
Most family background of kid is middle class, not rich family.
Only 80 kids admitted as P1 in each year. Seat is very tight.
Less homework for kid, less workload for parent.
No exam for P1, happy school life.

If kid english standard is not good, it is painful road in SMC.

Remaind :-
P1/2 is 3 class, around 26/7 per class.
P3~6 is 2 class, around 40 per class.
P5~6 has Phy, Chem, Bio, History, Geo subject. <- it is secondary school subj.
No good public exam result in F5/6 in recently years.
It is second year, his own kids go to sec sch.
Some pri. kids are admitted other top DSS or good Engish sec. sch.

The quality of Primary is 99% good.
The quality of Secondary is waiting.....

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-29 17:06 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 13# deyond 的文章

So many parent lived in Tsuen Wan.

If not use school bus, by MTR & walk,time is 30~35 min

From Tsuen Wan to Cheung Sha Wan 16~18 Min.
From Cheung Sha Wan Station to School by walk is 14~16 min.

I think the time is acceptable.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-29 20:27 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 16# deyond 的文章

If LS, DBS, DPS, SPCC accepted your kids.
Are u consider the time of travel?
Before u apply the school, u must concern the travel time.
If school is good for kid, travelling is small problem.
Some parent move to location near  school or move to best travel location.
But if you more then ONE kid, I think 浸聯 is good for you.
It is becasue of SMC is not sure the next kid accepted.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-6-29 20:31 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 8# ShinTeresa 的文章

Admitted rate less than 8~10%.

TSL's rate is 4~6%, arround 3500 kids apply 150 seat in first round.
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