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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 想問大埔道崇真國際班與主流班??
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想問大埔道崇真國際班與主流班?? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-10-27 13:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 想問大埔道崇真國際班與主流班??

you can have a look:


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發表於 05-10-28 14:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: URGENT想問大埔道崇真國際班與主流班??

hello, 如果想了解about interview, go to "剛收到祟真面試信,好緊張,要點預備?" 嘅topic.  
另外我個仔上次in 嗰時我做咗啲小動作: 佢哋圍住張大檯坐, 上面擺咗一籃籃嘅玩具, 有colorful 積木, 穿珠仔, 不同種類的, 因為我知我個仔玩穿珠仔好差, 我就盡量將嗰籃放遠啲, 當老師行過o黎就隨手攞起最就手嗰籃積木考佢顏色, 就係咁佢就bingo!

同埋in 我哋嗰個係國語老師, 佢用eng 考完我個仔就用eng & mandarin問我嘢, 我當然即刻nicam回應返佢, 佢問我屋企有無人識講國語, 我話我識啲, 佢爸爸好流利, 因為我老爺奶奶都係國語人, 佢話咁樣好好, 可以家校同時練習.  我相信咁樣可能係advantage吧.

至於有關上小一的問題, 我都想了解吓, 真要請"風琴"分享吓.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-31 00:59 |顯示全部帖子

Re: URGENT想問大埔道崇真國際班與主流班??

kling1120 寫道:
Hi hokittyho

佢用eng 考完我個仔, How about your son's answer,is he only answer " yellow, red" just word & not the simple sentence?

my son is already accept to collect the 主流班,but I want to change to 國際班,so need to re -interview, I want to know that your son in 國際班 now what is his Englisht & mandarine standard right now, which level(k1 or k2) of your son now?

Yes, my son just answered "red", "blue",... he's still only 2yrs old now.  We're interview for the next year IK1.  Now, he can only speak one word everytime, can't speak in full sentence yet.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-6 01:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: URGENT想問大埔道崇真國際班/Delia English primary school & kingdergaten ??

Hi Kling:

Sorry I don't have much idea about Delia.  But I just have a feeling that Delia may not easy to go back to mainstream schools.  If you want to know more about Delia, I suggest you to have a look in the "國際學校" discussion area and send an enquiry.  they may able to help you.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-7 23:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: URGENT想問大埔道崇真國際班/Delia English primary school & kingdergaten ??

Hi Kling:  

In fact I've already applied for St Catherine and will go to the interview this Friday.  Frankly I don't know much about St Catherine at this moment, but only know that they're famous.

Actually, my strategy is 漁翁散網式 (i.e. applied to many kinders).  Although it makes me and my son very busy to go to the interviews recently, at least I (actually, my son) can get more experience and more chances. After confirmed the acceptance by the school like 崇真, I will make a further study on it and consider their pros and cons and then make final decision later (before enrollment).  So, I still don't have a final decision yet.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-8 14:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: URGENT想問大埔道崇真國際班/Delia English primary school & kingdergaten ??

Yes, I agree with 風琴.  崇真 'One dragon school' is really attractive.
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