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British Council's 英文班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 10-7-17 22:11 |顯示全部帖子
My two daughters attended the class for K.3 and P.1 for 2nd semester (Feb to July 2010) at YMT centre.  As I see, all teacher are foreigner!  There are total 16 students in one class.  They need to buy a book and an activity book but I found 95% of the activity book (workbook) are blank,i.e. the school asked us to buy it but never/seldom ask them to do.  It wastes my money.   Honestly, it is not my cup of tea.  I just think it is good for children when they are in kingergarten.  It is like a playgroup.  My children like to study there.  But I think the traditional centre which teaches grammer is more suitable for my kids when they are in primary school.  Therefore, my children will not further study at there.
原帖由 mark2006 於 10-7-14 18:42 發表
Who has joined British Council's 英文班 (K1/2/3)before? I wanna know more about the topics for each semester/ session? :) Any story reading or writing tasks during the class? Thanks a lot!!!
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