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教育王國 討論區 英華小學 The quailty of school
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The quailty of school [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-10-18 22:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: The quailty of school

If not somebody told me just now, I don't know that there are other forums regarding YW except "YW channel 1" and "YWPS parents".  In old days, anyone who want to ask somethings regarding YW will ask in "YWPS parents" forum. I am not aware of the change of creating a sub-mainpage for YW.
I am a very busy parent, taking care of 2 kids without a maid, so I bookmarked the above 2 forums and go directly there without going through any main page or sub-mainpage, I know many other P1 parents also do like that, they don't even have time to browse the "YWPS parents", so we don't know what happened outside these 2 forums.  If anyone who go into these 2 forums, they usually get answered.  If you pay attention to these 2 forums, you will find 010, KLLP, qq123.... these YW admirers raise their questions there from time to time.
Everybody is specially made by God with purpose.  ;-) Never FROWN, even when U R SAD. 'Cos U never know who is falling In Love with your SMILE. :)
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