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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC stationery fee gone up 90%
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RC stationery fee gone up 90% [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-1 12:47 |顯示全部帖子 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Dear all, do you know this year RC's stationery has gone up from $200 the last two years to $380 this year that's an increase of 90% . I would like to hear RC parents comments on this issue. The business manager has not given a breakdown of  the $1430 levy although there's a lot of parents requesing the infromation. Do you think it is fair?
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Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-6 19:04 |顯示全部帖子

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Dear Seed

Thank you for your comment. The school still didn’t release the breakdown of the Levy, most the parents didn’t know that the stationery has gone up so much this year. The stationary is almost a third of the levy I don’t see $1430 it will last long. I think they will ask us for another cheque during the year. In the letter from the business manger he writes very clearly” the list goes on.”

Some mums told me this year the swimming lesson might have gone up from $500 to $1000. Two years ago when the school just started they didn’t charge us and it was included in the school fee. Same to the CAS no charge in the first year and last year some of the CAS lessons had a charge and this year they will run it in the lunch time instead of after school. I don’t think I will book my child in because he is a slow eater. It is not fair to ask me to pay.

I think they should give parents a choice, one bill or pay separate. Like my friend she has got three kids in RC. It is a very big bill for her and the school year just started there are more extra bills for the kids things. I don’t want to affect my child and I paid the levy but it does not mean I don’t want to know the breakdown. If they come up with the figure of $1430 for all primary school years then they must have the detail of it. Donation should be a personal choice not pre- arrange by the school. I wonder why they are so worried about letting us know the breakdown. I hope we will have the figures soon.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-9 10:03 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 # 的文章

Parents have been e-mailing the business manger since before the new school years started and he won't reply and face the request for a breakdown. If your figures are not official from the school, please keep it yourself and don't miss lead the public. If the school made things transparent then this issue would not be discussed on baby kingdom.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-9 16:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 wisekid2007 於 08-9-9 10:36 發表
****If anyone has further inquiries, why not just ask the school for a breakdown? Instead of developing negative feelings over something really quite trivial, I think it's best to find out directly fr ...

Dear Wisekid

Thank you for your wise and fair comments; it is good to have someone’s point of view from outside RC. You have viewed things with an open mind and have provided good information about how other schools run things fairly and successfully. That's what RC should learn; they are new and should listen to all parents concerns. I think team work is respect for other people’s point of view by listening and considering all the options. I hope the school will learn from their mistakes and things won’t be so stressful in the future.


Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-12 11:03 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 almom 於 08-9-11 23:27 發表

The school DID listen to parents.
I was one of the parents who suggested that they charge us a lump sum of fees for one year.
I am perfectly happy with the arrangement now.
In fact, I would even mo ...

Yes!!! The school did select to listen to what they wanted and reply to what they feel to reply. I am the same as you I paid my full school fee and all the other bills RC request. Why are they only happy to listen to you but not me or the other parent’s different opinions. I don't think RC treat all the parents equally. We just ask to be listened to and treated fairly. All we ask is a " CHOICE" for different parents needs. Did we ask too much???????

No matter how the bill is paid we still have a right to know the breakdown. It is my consumer right to have this information. If they give us a lump sum why can’t they let us know the breakdown. It should not be confidential. Is it “WRONG” to asked???????


Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-28 17:33 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Cara2006 於 08-9-27 10:29 發表
有 D 學校甚至雜費同簿費係分兩筆錢收。
先唔講 "尊貴" 的國際學校,就算係本地學校都有收雜費簿費的,部份都會收高至兩三千一年。
千幾或二千幾的 miscellaneous levy,又文具又 field trip ...

身為非牟利的教育大機構,點可以數目咁唔清唔楚架! 依家唔係多少錢的問題, 而係消費者的權益問題.我唔信你去 shopping 售貨員叫你比$1430, 冇breakdown 你問都唔問就照比! 既然行得正企得正, 問心冇愧又怕嘜比條數人體喎.

You are absolutely right, 我個心肝寶貝仔都交得比佢地 look after一整日, 我梗係 TRUST 學校啦! 你唔好抹黑我喎! 要我比錢都要比我知比D 嘜野? 係幾多啞. 你咁馨!!!! 唔通英基出糧比你?????????

你唔好咁stupid 啦! 講真千幾蚊都唔夠比我一家大細去Peninsula Hotel 食個Buffet 啦!! 都話唔係錢的問題囉.你明唔明嘜野係消費者的權益 " Consumer Right" 呀?????????? 你唔明我唔怪你, 因為連我地的Principal都misundersand 啦!!! 如果你見到佢悟該話比佢知 "it is nothing to do with trust, it is about open attitudes and consumer rights".  OKKKKKKKKKKKK..............

Anyway 學校終於在幾日前巳作出交代. 我想任何爭論巳無意思!!!!!!!!!


[ 本帖最後由 babyriver 於 08-9-28 19:55 編輯 ]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-29 14:21 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Cara2006 於 08-9-29 11:39 發表
你真係好搞笑,唔同你講落去,真係對各 bk 友唔住。

你要學校交代,你有冇直接約見校長?既然有 guts 公開在 bk 嘈,點解冇 guts 去學校搵 peter kenny 講數?

間間學校都有各大小問題,個個家長都會先係自己處理,真係搞唔掂,大不 ...

朋友你係唔係新移民呀?? 你唔知香港係言論自由的地方嗎??? 既然babykingdom 比個平台大家討論, 誰都有權發表意見, 你唔同意人地係你的問題, 冇必要潑婦罵街!! 你真係令我相信出糧比你果個係英基!!

邊個話你知我冇同 Peter Kenny 溝通過, 邊個話比你知我冇同教育局聯絡過!! 唔知D野唔好亂噤嘈!!! 凈係起度吠係解決唔到問題架!! 大家唔同 level 係好難要你明, 我唔再同一D冇教養,冇文化, 冇原則的人爭論, 你要做癲婆罵街, 我唔阻你, 誰是誰非公正無私的網友最清楚!!

If you enjoy barking, I won't try to stop you!!!

Rank: 2

發表於 08-9-30 09:48 |顯示全部帖子
kylima2006, jui, yellowbird, moca and 壞女孩


原來教育綱仲有好多有內涵, 有教養, 高水平的網友. 能客觀地分析, 公平公正地評論! 日後我可以安心發表文章, 和大家討論討論, 交流交流!!

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