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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 YMCA's swimming class
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YMCA's swimming class [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-3 00:22 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 euka 於 08-6-4 19:36 發表
Any one has joined the swimming class for 3-5 years old children at YMCA (TST)?
They charge $1030 for non-members.
Any comments?

The class size is about 8 children .
Assessment will be at the 8th or 9th lessons .
If the children fail, they need to repeat that level until they pass the assessment .
My daughter has joined that swimming class in last term .
Only 2 ( out of 8) children passed that level . If your child is afraid of water , I suggest you to try YMT YMCA swimming class 1st level or you can try private swimming coach .
However , TST YMCA swimming class has certificate if you pass the swimming class. Useful for primary school interview.
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