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軒尼詩官小 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 14:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官小


I heard that P1's test papers were relatviely easier than the past few years'.  Easier in the sense of no need for "fill in the blanks", just circle or copy from list.  Also, there is no sentence making with phrases/words which is usually a popular item in tests.

Wonder if it is a decision by the new Principal.



There are English activity classes with Learning Plus but the students would have to pay.

Also, I don't think AM syllabus is any different from the other schools except that AM has no English text books instead.  However, the contents do follow the general structure eg. colours, animals, occupations which are all covered in the normal English text books.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 15:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官小


Copying wrongly is a common trait amongst the kids.  Even my son has this problem and "donates" many marks in this manner during tests/exams.

Frankly I can't remember what's like in P1 for my son.  But a common complain from parents during my time is "easy syllabus but difficult test/exams papers".  So maybe the principal tries to address this complain now.

Comparing my son's test papers with other schools, they are not too different for Chinese, English and General Studies.  But I feel that their Maths is easier when compared to my girl's school.

Hope your girl likes the school life.  Do you come back for Volunteer Work?  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-18 15:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官小


oic - hope your son gets better with your love and care!  

The school will provide a quarterly handout and the
"top 50" list will be published on the handout.  But I am not sure if this will change.  It will be a tough fight for P1 this year - in 1H, I already hear of 6 kids with 100 for Chinese.  

For myself, volunteer work is indeed 1 way for me to get into the school and see how it functions.  It also allows me to meet other parents from different levels and share information.  So far, I really enjoy my time in the school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-19 11:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官小


Yes, this is the new principal who has started in August 2004.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-19 11:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官小


Wow!  Clever girl!     Keep up the good work!

I agree you about parents being so uptight about marks.  I know of some parents who will go through the kids' bags for their test papers to check on marks.  Seriously!  My son complained about this before.......  (not him though)

The clever ones are really very good - the top boy last year got full marks for 3 subjects at P6!  That's not an easy task to achieve in my opinion.  I am just happy if my son manages an A for his subject.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-19 15:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官小


I remember that she uses her married + madien surnames on official memos  -  Liu Ng Ka Yee (sorry no chinese input).

But yes, the kids will address her as Principal Ng.

Can check it out on the web
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