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讀國際學校有什麼出路? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 09-4-25 13:37 |顯示全部帖子
Can't agree more.  Actually, I've been discussing with my hubby the same recently.  My son is just one year old and there is still some time for us to consider.  The four scenarios are exactly what we have threshed out earlier.  It's becoming far too obvious that Hong Kong people's edge of better English is diminishing, with thousands of Mainland students going overseas to study now.  To us, I would say, Hong Kong students can NEVER achieve the same Chinese standards as Chinese students.  So, the only choice is to strengthen our English standards and make sure that we're as good as gwailo.   

Picking an international school of our choice is not easy though, with our idea of keeping a min. acceptable standard of chinese at the back of our mind. I like GSIS, but their Chinese teaching is extremely weak and starts very late (at the age of 8).  FIS is the same.  ESF has been ruled out as I'll be on HK island side and I'm not in favour of putting my son into HKIS or South Island School (both always known to produce secondary students with discipline problems) when he goes up to the secondary level.  So, I'm considering ISF Academy - a "quasi-international" as I would describe it.  Philosophy-wise, it stresses both English and Chinese (using Putonghua) teaching.  Students can either speak english or PTH in school (i.e. no Cantonese, not even with classmates); small class (with 10+ students in each class only).  However, as the school is still quite new, it lacks the track record for us, as parents, to evaluate how it really puts its philosophy into practice and the effectiveness in terms of student learning outcome.   

So, we're still scratching our head now... Anyone can shed light or share their further views here?

原帖由 JJsMama 於 09-4-18 23:33 發表
What a succinct way of putting this into perspective.   

With growing number of overseas-educated PRC people graduating from top tier schools, having MBAs if not PhDs popping up in our society, I wou ...
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