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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 Just back from CKY Interview
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Just back from CKY Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-5 11:15 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

My son also told me that the interview by CKY was rather interesting.  Wish he could get into 2nd interview la.

Hey, anybody know when we will receive the notification for 2nd in?  

原文章由 achow 於 07-11-5 10:37 硐表
My girl told me:
1) Write from A-Z
2) Write number from 1-50
3) Ask her to read a sentance from a book (My dog, My dog can run, my dog can dig)
4) Draw a picture-My family
5) Ask question in Manderine ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-5 18:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hi all,

I just called CKY to ask abt the 2nd interview arrangement, the staff told me that the list for 2nd interview will be posted on their website may be on 15 or 16 Nov (next Thur or Fri).  They may also notify parents by phone or even by letter.   The staff also told me that they will have another 1st interview which to be hold on coming Sat i.e. 10 Nov, so they need to wait for this batch wor~

So don't forget to check their website by next week ya~

Good luck to all of us


原文章由 kae 於 07-11-5 17:46 硐表
其實我個日都求求其見到有張notice都埋去睇清楚,只係朋友話我知2nd in period好似係向19號開始至聖誕,學校係會以電話通知家長,面試係以小組形式見校長


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-6 08:36 |顯示全部帖子
As I know, parent need accompany with the kid to attend the 2nd interview with the principal.   But I'm not sure if it is also apply for this year.

I'm now waiting for good news, hopefully.

原文章由 purplehouse 於 07-11-5 20:09 硐表
係咪有得2nd in先有機會呀?知唔知2nd in 會唔會見家長?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-11-15 13:07 |顯示全部帖子
Actually, dbspd also no structure / notification timeframe in relation to 2nd interview coz I phoned db yesterday once back from business trip, but the staff there just said she could not disclose at that moment.  I wonder why she could not disclose the deadline/time frame abt notifying parents of 2nd in .  

Up to now, most parents still have NO idea if they could get in 2nd in or not.  Just wait, wait, wait.....I think such famous schools have to review the whole arrangements.

原文章由 FFMaMa 於 07-11-14 22:29 硐表

I also made enquiry to school today.  The guy said the 2nd int. result would be posted on website within this week (but no exact date was told).

I am really confused, as the school seems having no  ...
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