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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 屎波打人 - 名校 wor!
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屎波打人 - 名校 wor!   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-14 11:57 |顯示全部帖子
blueblueclub 發表於 12-3-14 09:08
其實小朋友打架唔係而家既事, 亦唔關係唔係國際學校同埋鬼仔, 我地細個都成日打波大打出手流哂血

但件事發 ...

Well said.  The whole incident was not the matter the kid kick the others but how the coach and the school to handle this incident.  Kids could lost their mind when they are fighting.  Yet, this time the kids were not fighting but having competition.  If the kids and the team cannot bear the consequence of lost, they shouldn't participate this competition.  They should educate the kids all over again.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-15 17:11 |顯示全部帖子
宏媽 發表於 12-3-15 10:51
To   :      Parents with children in -ESF schools;
Discovery College;

Thanks for sharing this letter to us.  This is such an important letter to let the parents know the position of the school.  In fact, when reading what Director Cheung's article, he has not just blame the kid.  Rather, he fully understood the kid had lost his mind when he kicked the innocent.  I agree with what the school said that this incident must be handled seriously but not in front of the media.  The boy or the coach are lack of sportsmanship. I believe ESF will do what they should in an appropriate manner.

Yet, being a parent and having seen different sides of stories, please do give the kid a chance.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 12-3-16 10:48 |顯示全部帖子
edea 發表於 12-3-15 23:51
現在說的是一間學校,我相信作為校長絕對有能力可以寫一封清晰的信件表達自己意思,現今社會普遍人士英文能 ...

I agree with you that the way the school handle the incident is not good.  Maybe its quite common to ask a lawyer to write for the school in such kind of situation if the school is not in HK.  

In any case, I think the point now is not weather the school should ask the lawyer to write and deliver the letter.  Rather, how can this issue be ended?  Should ESF ask the student out?  Is this an educator should do?  I believe in between there are missing links that we don't know.  Give the kid a chance.  Maybe one day our kid will commit certain kind of wrong doings, as the parents, we will hope for a chance, right?  
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