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教育王國 討論區 九龍塘學校(小學部) 【KTS】 07年9月入讀小一ge家長入黎傾
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【KTS】 07年9月入讀小一ge家長入黎傾 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-16 17:35 |顯示全部帖子

My son will also be in P1 this Sept.  Nice to meet you all!
I will let him take the school bus for the preparatory class but will not follow.   Let him to be more independent la.  :

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-17 23:45 |顯示全部帖子
my son used to take school bus for the pass three years
so should be no problem.  Besides I am a working mom
so don't hv much time to follow him to school.  Don't
worry,  they are six years old now.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-18 11:58 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ivyko 於 07-6-28 08:28 發表
不如統計吓現有幾多個入KTS小一的bk mum/dad:
1) 春卷
2) Helen
3) Data  
4) ivyko
5) Kinma
I think there will more mum/dad join us after Jun 30 or Jul 30  

Unfortunately both my husband and I  can't attend the parent day on Sept 1 as we will not be in HK (an original planned trip that can't be changed).  Can anyone tell me that it's about.   I am afriad that I will miss anything that's important so am thinking if I can ask anybody  to sit in for me.  Thanks!

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-19 22:53 |顯示全部帖子
Tks!  Will ask my sister in law to attend the parent day for us.   

原文章由 cheungmp 於 07-7-18 20:56 發表
我個人覺得 Sept 1 個 parent day 係好重要, 如果同上年一樣, 首先你要睇禮堂門口個 notice board, 會知道小朋友係邊班(起碼你都要話比小朋友知佢係邊班, 如果唔係佢第一日返學都幾呢hei), 跟住去小朋友個班房, ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-23 23:16 |顯示全部帖子
can you also cc me.   Although I may not order lunch from school as my little boss want to bring his own lunch.  Thanks!
原文章由 cheungmp 於 07-7-23 21:10 發表

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-26 16:19 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-7-26 13:28 發表
2 in group 1 and 3 in group 2, only 2 groups????

1) 春卷 (第1組)
2) Helen
3) Data (第2組)
4) ivyko (第1組)
5) Kinma (第4 組)
6) chun媽
7) Sandra_100 (第2組)
8) Maysun(第2組)

Is the first week for Chinese so he only need to bring his
Chinese book?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-7-31 00:32 |顯示全部帖子
[quote]原文章由 BabyKin 於 07-7-30 23:12 發表
1) 春卷 (第1組)
2) Helen(第4 組) Anson 魏荻樺
3) Data (第2組)
4) ivyko (第1組)
5) Kinma (第4 組) Byron 歐文健
6) chun媽 (第5組)
7) Sandra_100 (第2組)
8) Maysun(第2組)
9) crystalss (第1組)
10) bebe1217(第4組)
11)babykin (第4組) Brian 何健弘

I were there also this morning.  All the mom and Dad seems in a very high spirit.  They were taking photos in the playground and in the classroom.  The kids learnt to write student handbook today and have done some classwork.  My son told me he went out for a walk during the rest and went to toilet by himself.   Seems not bad for his first day.

[ 本文章最後由 Kinma 於 07-7-31 00:34 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-3 14:58 |顯示全部帖子
Seems nobody here in 1A,  my son's best friend in Summer Camp also in 1C.   I am appreciated to those who volunteer to help during lunch.  As I am a working mum,  sorry I can't put much effort on this.  

原文章由 t421316 於 07-9-3 13:26 硐表

- Kinma : Byron Au (第4組)

- Sandra_100 (小一預備班第2組): 小朋友名係? (boy)
- Annie163: ? (boy)
- ivyko (第1組): Ares Lin (boy/girl?)
- JJBaBa: Jason Wong

- bebe1217(第4組)

1) 春卷 (第1組)
2) Helen(第4  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-12 11:52 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Helen 於 07-9-11 22:14 硐表

seems very littel 1A parent here.   so 入黎 chang吓場啦  Sorry I type Chinese very slow.   Thus need to use English Channel here.   But I read some of the mom's interesting Chinese message with smile.   Like the taking medicine logic in referring "writing" ^_^.   Helen your boy is smart as the piece of English poem for the contest is quite hard for P1 student and the first criteria for  朗誦 is 唔怕羞.  My boy is in 勒社.  How about your boy?   My boy is very absent minded and he left both the memo and homework pocket at school yesterday.  I admire all the full time mom here as you got more time for your children.  I feel very tired for the past week as like I am the one who is going to P1.   I hope the situation will be better when our children get used to their school life and learn to be more independent.   Helen, I will tell my boy try to finish all his homework at school,  but sometime he don't know what homework to do even he has written it down in his handbook.  However last week he got a " " in his handbook so i will comfort myself that he is not that bad.   I am a working mom and sometimes I feel the pressure when struggling to find time for my children,  but anyway we need to , right?  And it's our responsiblity.....

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-13 17:56 |顯示全部帖子
I think it's for 綜合音樂班.  Cause I hv applied and hv received same memo.  Byron is in yellow class also.

原文章由 Helen 於 07-9-12 23:40 硐表


Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-14 11:25 |顯示全部帖子
Helen do youknow what is the homework " ()"
I have asked my son but he does not know what to do so we did not do this homework.
The teacher told us to hand it back on Monday.

是不是那本黃色的 "詞語保險庫".   第一頁 "金幣收集庫" 是要作什麼的.

What we need to do inside.
Does any
parent know also. ................thanks

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-14 16:13 |顯示全部帖子
It's the homework the day before (on 9/12) not yesterday.   My son has written this on his handbook on Wednesday and it's written the same on the school web.   I checked and thought it over & over again and still couldn't get what it is so we did not submit anything.   But the teacher written on his handbookyesterday that  "欠詞 (1), 請星期一交回" .   Did Anson do this homework on Thursday?   Anyway,  I hv also sent an email to Ms. Chiu to clarify.

原文章由 Helen 於 07-9-14 11:54 硐表

國語  作(P.7 - 9) || 工一 no 詞 (一)喎...?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-17 16:58 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks!  Actually I have sent email to ask the teacher on Friday but no reply uptill now.  Not sure if the teacher read their e-mail everyday.  I raised the question in the P2 KTS parent's forum and a P2 mama has replied very soon.  It's lucky that we have these forums so that KTS parent can share their comment and solve problem by ourselves.   I am also a working mom and I spent almost all my after office hours on my child.   One thing we should bear in mind, we can't push our children too hard.   And need to show our appreication when we observe even a little bit progress from them.   This will give them a drive to do better.     

原文章由 春卷 於 07-9-17 15:18 硐表
本"詞語保險庫"用來收集學到的新詞語,有分課文同課外書  (eg. story book),咁識到d新詞語咪寫落去law,第時作文可以運用返,收集得多,老師獎勵d紙上金幣在金幣收集果頁。 大概是這樣。
不過我女都未寫:mrgre ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-20 16:49 |顯示全部帖子
your son is "運動家"身材 la.  Not really fat actually.   I hope my son can finish 1 lunch box.  1.5 time of it will be a 車望.  He always told me that the teacher told the children that o finish half will be OK.  So he always stick to the minimum level.  

原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-9-20 13:32 硐表
Hi Crystalss,

My son is not really a 大仔, he also 講嘢講一半 and 做嘢做一半 but 食嘢食1.5 times of other kids..... He can finish the whole lunch box and said it is quit good.  He is quit tall and a  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-27 22:54 |顯示全部帖子
my son also brought back all his stuffs including the color pencils, story books, wet tissue...etc on Tuesday.  I asked him why he said they have moved their seats.  Then I told him you can put back the stuffs in the drawer of your new seat ,  why you brought it home and bring it back the next day.   So stupid!   

原文章由 春卷 於 07-9-27 21:53 硐表

阿女無講ge ?都無攞嘢返黎呀。

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-28 17:34 |顯示全部帖子
The funny thing is he always bring home something that does not belong to him.  One day he wrongly bring home the handbook of his classmate sitting next to him, the other day he got another's water bottle.  And the amazing thing is he don't know why the bottle is in his school bag and the owner is sitting far away from him.   

I tried the 每日一篇 with my son, but I think he can't do it on his own as the question is quite difficult.  I need to explain to him the meaning of the words like "無微不至", otherwise he don't know how to choose the answer.   I think this become our 每日一篇 from now on until they can read it on their own....  

原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-9-28 08:41 硐表
He's not stupid, just cute! Remember they are only 6yrs old only.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-1 12:01 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 春卷 於 07-10-1 11:08 硐表
請問各位知唔知係默vocab : eg . a shirt, a skirt
定係sentence : eg, Here is Mary. Her shorts are purple.
I have asked my son about the formatof the dictation but he said he don't know.   My wild guess is the teacher will use the works to make a sentence for the dictation.   eg.  Here is Jack, his trousers are brown.   Here is Mary.  Her dress is green...etc  So better to spell all the words including "fashion show".....

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-4 23:05 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-10-4 17:17 硐表

Don't be so angry, it's just the 1st time, give him chances to improve!!!!!
my son also got 69 marks and he dare not to enter our bedroom because he was afraid his father will scold him for that.   I came home very late tonight and my husband told me about that with a laugh although a little bit disappointed.  But after I read the paper, I thought it's not easy for a P1 student who has studied Putonghua for just a few weeks.  So I won't feel unhappy la.  And there's more room for improvement next time .....

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-15 16:19 |顯示全部帖子
Actually we have been in the same place for Byron K3 picnic.   Their canteen is serving 公仔麫 & sandwiches.  So we may just buy something to eat there when we are hungry.   We will just bring some snacks like chips, candy and biscuit and small cake......

原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-10-15 08:54 硐表
What will your kids bring for tomorrow's lunch during school picnic??

Rank: 4

發表於 07-10-23 21:12 |顯示全部帖子
I asked Byron he said no one in his class was being rejected for the drawing submitted.  Or he did not pay attention whether there is any.     

原文章由 Sandra_100 於 07-10-23 13:34 硐表
Started to ask him 溫書 at home everyday and will also start to 溫書 at weekend.  But remember kids can't focus for too long, maybe 溫 for half hour and take a rest for 15 mins.   Don't push  ...
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