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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 如果入唔到ESF小學,可以入咩。
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如果入唔到ESF小學,可以入咩。 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-5-10 11:21 |顯示全部帖子
Hi hrvman,

I have heard that tsing yi esf does have k3 for kids who couldn't get back into esf primary to join the traditional stream allocation.  I think you can try other international school also but they are even more expensive then esf.

Actually, I quite agree with monkey05, the biggest problem going back to traditional stream is the chinese reading and writing, and the amount of homework. A course on the side will definitely help with the chinese problem. Also, while applying for the dss or private schools, you might want to try the active learning schools which has less demand on homework, and probably more time for your child to catch up on the chinese during the first few years of primary... eg. pui kui, wong kam fai, hkuga, cky...

Good luck to you!

原帖由 hrvman 於 10-5-10 11:01 發表
其實外面有冇D課程幫呢類國際學校學生學中文? 父母都要返工,跟本好少時間可以教到個細路. 而且晌屋企跟本冇可能坐定定聽我教, 寫兩隻字就走咗去.


[ 本帖最後由 hsbmama 於 10-5-10 11:22 編輯 ]
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