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教育王國 討論區 初中教育 數學要練習多d?又或者係做多d提高思考能力題? ...
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數學要練習多d?又或者係做多d提高思考能力題? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 06-12-26 00:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 數學要練習多d?又或者係做多d提高思考能力題?

I absolutely agree that problem solving skills is important in any aspects, not only Maths.  It is nice that ANChan59's kid is so talented.  Perhaps it also related to the education environment that you can offer him. And how a child is nurtured would be very important right. Seems not all parents would be able to afford their kids attending infokids program.

However, I really dun think most foreign Univeristy students can do better maths then our Asian kids. And particularly HK kids. We Chinese are far far more better in Maths thinking and concepts.  My Chinese classmates in US Top U out bidding 95% local US/Hispanic students in Master & Ph D programmes.  And I saw a great percentages overseas university students, can not even calculate simple maths without calculator.

Apart from all these, those Kumon etc maths practices to some extends help students to build up the practice and lets kids to get familiar with number.  As long as the parents' dun over-relying on such kind of practices, there is nothing wrong with it. If the kids like Maths, they like Maths.  If not help them to build it up gradually.
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