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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 不打算把女兒放洋, 應該讀國際學校嗎?
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不打算把女兒放洋, 應該讀國際學校嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-12-12 10:23 |顯示全部帖子

Three Programmes of IB

It's good to follow the same learning approach from early years.  Hence, I guess no one would refute the notion that a kid is likely to benefit the most from the IB methodology from MYP (or even PYP) up to DP.  But there are two factors worth-noting.

First, the DP is the first and most popular (read: recognised) of the three developed by IBO to help prepare students in an increasingly globalised world.  In essence, it has been trying with considerable success to do away with the local exam systems, eg, the US, UK, or the European ones, for students to apply for universities around the world.  One key consideration: The student needs not (in most cases) sit different exams even if s/he is eyeing on universities in different countries or continents.  Not surprisingly, it has proved a success with international schools early on.  

Second, there aren't many schools who offer another programme in addition to the DP.  There are 4065 programmes on offer: 2292 DP, 857 PYP and 916 MYP.  I guess the numbers tell something about the school decisions.  Far as I know, there are many grammar schools in the UK and private schools in the US and Australia who only offer DP.

As to the necessity of a student taking MYP or PYP before proceeding to the DP, take LPC as an example, one of the more successful IB schools in HK.  I doubt they would really require students (local or overseas) to take PYP or MYP for admission.

One can easily argue that it's no good for a school to provide ONLY the DP but not the other two.  Well, IB is not really the best for all but it suits those with that kind of learner profile and meets the needs of some who do not wish to confine themselves to the local system.  And the DP in essence is to prepare the student for further studies in the university.  Consider this statement re a student enrolling in a bachelor's programme in BA or engineering: He is not up to it as he is not IB-trained.  For or against?
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