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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 邊間中學鐘意收資優兒童做學生呢?
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邊間中學鐘意收資優兒童做學生呢? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-6 14:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 邊間中學鐘意收資優兒童做學生呢?

I don't think GT willing to accept those gifted child as they only selected those "乖乖地、坐定定 and potentially gifted child".  As mentioned in 親子便利, Mr Chan mentioned tht will expect "有創意但聽教的"。 如果你個小朋友唔係聽教、乖乖嗰種 (有幾多此類gifted child, 尤真是男仔?), the chance seems not very high.....

My kid is gifted and applied for GT P1 (sent all the info/report to GT), but still not accepted.....其實,我個小朋友冇特別行

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-7 13:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 邊間中學鐘意收資優兒童做學生呢?

我看很多書,乖乖資優生不多,是要投放很多心機和資源.......所以,我覺得GT對"資優生"肯invest resources之"志願"很創新.......(but Principal Chan wants those "有創意但聽教的)???

hjm 寫道:
Actually for proved gifted kids applying for P1 maybe they are too active and not the easy type to teach....but for boys in particular if they are not very stable emotionally, like mine, their handbook and reports are very messy already after a few years of not handling homework well.  I understand and recognize that "資優的定義可以很廣,並不單單只看智力評估結果" but all of the above do make it very hard to have a kid like mine to get into a school most suitable and willing to accept and help him, which I'm sure there are quite a number of the same in the gifted pool....   
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