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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Class Difference of International Schools
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Class Difference of International Schools [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-1-16 18:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: Class Difference of International Schools



There are all kinds of people around.
It is just unrealistic to believe that children would be happier if they are in a school that is made up of children from almost the same financial background. There is simply no such school!

My children and I are quite "open" when we talk about money and luxurious goods. They know that I like nice handbags and diamonds. I know they would really like to have all Lego Bionicles. My husband has always wanted a Ferrari.

Everyone would have something he desires, even the richest. It is nothing to be ashamed of and in fact it is this desires that are the "energy" behind everyone - If you want a Ferrari, work hard. It is just not practical to try to avoid seeing a Ferrari or being friend with a Ferrari owner.

The best way is to teach children to think positively of their own desires; and befriend with all people, whether they are more fortunate or less fortunate. I have some friends that are much richer than I am, and also some that are less. We can all be good friends, so I do not understand why my children cannot do the same.
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