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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 有冇人許紹雄老婆間lrarning track中心學? ...
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有冇人許紹雄老婆間lrarning track中心學? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-29 16:47 |顯示全部帖子
Hello friends,
I have been away for a long time because my husband was posted overseas for 1 over year,when I returned to the forum,I see you guys talking about The Learning track again.
Yes,you are right. Mrs Hui is such a nice lady who really cares for the students. I think her learning centre is the only centre that do not care making money or not. Whatever she does,it's all for the benefit of the students.
My both kids are with the centre again now that we are back in Hk.
They hired only school teachers with degrees. I'm so relax now. I told my husband better not going away again,so tired.
To remind those who may be interested to find out about the centre,they are a registered school with
the Education bureau.
[email protected]
Bye now,
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