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發表於 08-5-2 07:10 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 puikiufriend 於 08-4-30 16:14 發表
It is not a rumour. It is true. Dr.Law will joint our picnic and he always support PTA and work so nice with PTA.

Dr. Law was surrounded by over 10 parents all the time, wherever he walked in Nan Lian Garden. He had done so much sharing with us during lunch.

Everything is so smooth. PTA directors are so helpful, especially Mr. Chung.

Excellent work, PTA !  

Thank you Puikiufriend.

發表於 08-5-16 15:55 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 mummom 於 08-5-16 15:41 發表

So do I.

For helping those in need, we will do what we can asap.

I myself had the habit of walking into the bank and deposit in the designated account.

But when PTA and school are organizing similar fund raising activities, I would really like to see something educational to the kids on top of helping the unfortunate.

[ 本帖最後由 iamgiuliano 於 08-12-3 11:02 編輯 ]

發表於 08-5-18 12:07 |顯示全部帖子
I visited eClass and found a notice about PTA and school are now organizing some fund raising activities for the disaster in Sichuan.

發表於 08-5-27 16:18 |顯示全部帖子
A few weeks ago, there were some chat on the summer activities. Can anyone share any suggestions or options?

Those laid out in the booklet from the school's sports management is not really that appropriate for my kid.

發表於 08-6-5 00:44 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 puikiufriend 於 08-6-3 23:02 發表


Great job, PTA!

I guess over 300 parents were there. Quite a proportion to the number of students!

The four principals actually told us something we wanted to know and didn't know where and how to get the answers.

Only one thing needs improvement:  Too much have been said for the Secondary students, and not much touched on primary students issues.

發表於 08-6-5 23:54 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 YY(芝芝媽咪) 於 08-6-5 22:59 發表

Thank you  YY(芝芝媽咪).

I think you are probably right. This reminds me of the same experience at one of such farms in 平輋 many years ago. The English name of '香茅' is Lemon grass, which smells like lemon when you squeeze it. The farm keepers use them to make "香茅雞翼" for sale, and incidentally repel the mosquitoes.

The Lemon Grass is very easy to grow and survives all kinds of weather.  If you don't squeeze it, its smell is not even noticeable by human being.  For appearance, they just look like "草蘭" - some good looking grass.  

One more thing, I think it's worth a trial.  It's not expensive, so cost is not really an issue.  If it doesn't work that perfectly, it will not do anybody any harm by having a different type of plants in school during Summer.

Puikiufriend, could you please get this through PTA and the school to help our kids out?

One more thing, it can be started on a small scale by say planting the area surronding the swimming pool / canteen area.  

[ 本文章最後由 iamgiuliano 於 08-6-6 00:07 編輯 ]

發表於 08-6-12 19:27 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 mummom 於 08-6-12 17:44 發表

On the other hand, I agree that the formal uniform is a waste.


You are right. It is a waste.

One more thing, a circular is received today for 補課 on three Saturday mornings.  It is very disrupting.  We planned other learning activities every Saturday.  Why can it not be on weekdays?  Well, that may also be inconvenient to others.  

停課 in April is not right. 補課 is ...  Forget it!

發表於 08-6-23 17:07 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 yiu836 於 08-6-23 01:48 發表



As you are talking about smoking, I have something to say about moral education in PKC.

A few months ago, G1 kids in their SD lessons learned everything about the detrimental effects of smoking.

The child told me after school that smoking would affect the heart, the lung, the blood, the stomach and the brain...

I immediately told my son like this:

"Different people have different ways of teaching.  Though I have always told you smoking is bad and it is extremely hard to quit once you addicted, I would not say what your teachers said, which sounded like a bit exaggeration.  But they meant well, becasue they just tried to scare you kids off the cigarrettes."

Having said the above, you guys know my conclusion: If PKC students are smoking, it more a problem of the family education than the lack of moral education from school.  Every family like every individual is different. What can we say?

I sometimes do make complaint. But I make, I make it with sufficient grounds.

發表於 08-6-25 22:36 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 hjm 於 08-6-25 19:13 發表

I have to agree with the homework issue.  Less homework thus more time for reading and other activities and fun, was one of the reasons we chose and like PKC.  Moving into G2 I really have worries a ...

The issue seems not whether PKC is having less homework compared with other traditional schools.  It is the promise made by PKC to prospective parents about the minimal amount of homework before their enrolling their children.

If a restaurant attracts customers by deploying the gimmick that no artificial flavor is added to the food, thus attracting a lot of valuable customers, that restaurant should stick to its promise and not add artificial flavor to the food on the pretext of adding taste or the defence that other restaurants are using more artificial flavors in comparison.

May I give another example? If we want a marriage to sustain, we have to be at least on the whole honest to each other before the marriage ceremony; otherwise disappointments may ruin the very foundation upon which the wedlock is built.

Frankly, I don’t think the principal is breaking his promise. I however have a strong suspicion that teachers are not consistent in implementation of the school’s missions and visions, especially after immense pressure from some misconceived parents to add in more homework. But what can we do?

I agree with hjm that less homework will avail more time for the children to do more reading and other meaning activities and to just have fun. Some parents seem to forget that our beloved children are not machines for stuffing in all information. The kids do need some real childhood before entering the more problematic adult world.

發表於 08-7-6 00:54 |顯示全部帖子
I notice that some people repeatedly post some unfounded moral allegations against PKC secondary students. Moral education always originates from home. These people however are trying to make the stuff a lot bigger than it should be. I couldn't help thinking of some hidden or ulterior motives.

發表於 08-7-11 22:55 |顯示全部帖子
It's great to see the assessment before seeing the teacher.  The assessment is generally accurate, except one aspect was misunderstood by one teacher.  That's fine, since I really know what my kid can do and cannot do.

發表於 08-7-16 15:38 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 honglish 於 08-7-15 20:29 發表

校服十分複雜, 男女、冬夏、月會、運動和平日均有別, 很容易錯, 先看看夏委校服.


I don't see school changing the guidelines, but I know that people are chatting about allowing children wearing long sports trousers in Summer, for prevention of mosquito bites of course.

發表於 08-7-24 17:07 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Heidibaba 於 08-7-24 14:21 發表


想問你一句, 在中文或數學堂, 二三年級的老師會不會部分地使用廣東話教學?

發表於 08-7-24 20:19 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Heidibaba 於 08-7-24 18:56 發表



我有此一問是因為有個三年級家長說部分老師仍有部分夾雜廣東話, 但他也說不是很普遍

聽你這麼說, 應該可能是部分老師怕某些同學對重要訊息不了解而採取的個別做法, 只要不是普遍情況, 我就放心.

發表於 08-7-24 22:33 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 bjdadishe 於 08-7-25 23:46 發表

想再問一下, 數學課本全是中文, 教學語言又是普通話, 那麼學生會不會: 只知公斤/千克而不知只Kg/Kilogram,只知公里/公尺/公分  而不知只Kilometre/Metre/Centimetre(Km/M/cm)

學校會不會在某些公認常用的度量衡 ...

全用中文教數學確有不足, 只知公升不知L/Litre也不太好.

但夾雜英文又有些困難, 例如, 本來已很混亂的一角, 一仙, 一毫, 一毛, 一元, 一塊, 一蚊, 一元, 加上 10 cents=一角=一仙=一毫=一毛


總的來說, 在適當時加入些英文名詞對學生將來升中以英語授課會有適應上的好處.

[ 本文章最後由 iamgiuliano 於 08-7-25 23:56 編輯 ]

發表於 08-7-25 23:57 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 bodadami 於 08-7-24 21:00 發表

Please check PM.

發表於 08-7-25 23:59 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 honglish 於 08-7-24 23:32 發表
培僑書院2008: 趁暑假投票讚揚一下老師

I have got something to suggest in PM.  Could you please check it.

發表於 08-7-26 00:00 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 lfcdhsbc 於 08-7-25 11:21 發表

Hi, Please check the message.  Thanks.

發表於 08-7-28 00:19 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 lfcdhsbc 於 08-7-26 00:33 發表

發表就可以, 不會發動, 一切隨緣, 但如學生程度可以的話, 小學以英語教授數學也是一個好提議.

I know that the English standards of PKC teachers are very high and they are very professional.

I also know that the Putonghua standards of PKC students are generally better than other most students from traditional school.

What I don't know is whether most parents like the school to put in more emphasis in English and whether the school is planning to put in more English for students.

I would however guess that if PKC were to announce more English emphasis in their curriculum, more students with stronger English background will enter PKC, which will eventually lead to more English emphasis, which will then attract more academically good students ....  This is another version of the theory of reflexivity by a famous contemporary philanthropist.

When the reputation of PKC is pushed up even higher, the benefits will be shared by present students and their parents.  Interested parties should at least give this suggestion some thought.

[ 本文章最後由 iamgiuliano 於 08-7-28 00:22 編輯 ]

發表於 08-7-30 00:15 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 hjm 於 08-7-29 22:50 發表

Probably we can submit this suggestion for next year!  Hopefully the day camp can be organized and I do not need to send the kids to various different things at different times and locations!  I originally planned to send all 3 kids to these camps for 2 weeks arh!  actually I think it was $1000 per week per person so for 5 days with sports and other things to play and learn, it's not too expensive!  Just one swimming lesson is $100 right! ...

I made a note of the fees they charged for the following period:

7 28日至88 (星期一至五

When you are sending 3 children for 2 weeks, it is $14,400, unless my interpretation or notes are inaccurate.

But anyway, it’s over.
I wish they made the presentation clearer and course fee cheaper next year.
That being said, worries about the non-sports teachers’ credentials are still there.

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